Waifu bread v2 :3 mount up waifus, anyone's welcome however!!

waifu bread v2 :3 mount up waifus, anyone's welcome however!!

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Other urls found in this thread:


also discord waifus can add me to talk moar, my username is linainv3rse#5306 so feel free to get in touch, i like speaking to new frens you know :3

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a great choice of waifu, hot as fuck :3!

how are we all tonight?!

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Fine, just got back from an optometrist appointment. Nothing really interesting going on.

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awh shit, mondays are always terrible user-san :c! did you have a nice weekend anyways? post moar of your waifu plz :3

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Sure, weekend was fun, played some games with friends, and watched some football.

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awesome!! what games were you playing? and do you mean american football or soccer (or whatever those in the US call it)? I watch the NFL when it's aired on TV over here even though i understand 0% of the rules, it's just kinda exciting, plus the half-time celebration-things are entertaining as fuck

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It was mostly Call of Duty. Yeah,, I watched American football.
Nothing planned for Christmas right now. What about you?

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Titan fall 2 ain't bad

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You're all beneath me

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Vodka or beer tonight help me decide

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oh no no no

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I only played the first one.
ok then
I would choose vodka.
Hilter dubs, should listen

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who are you talking about?

Did you like American Football?

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Gotta go with Deedlit (Record of Lodoss War) on this one.

No hate on Lina though, she's a great one as well.

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I will end up throwing up tho I can't mix alcohol in my stomach very well.

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I skipped the first one its free on PSN so fuck it might as well beat the campaign tonight.
>I would choose vodka
Yeah I'm thinking this might mix it with monster

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You start off with some vodka. Then you continue with beer and you finish off with vodka.

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Yeah I do. Maybe I should call it Gridiron Football to avoid confusion.
Enjoy. I'm thinking I'll play some Medieval 2 soon.

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Checked! The furher has spoken. I drink and shitpost until I pass out.

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why not vodka and beer in the same drink adolf-san?! currently drowning my sorrows with some gin, nice gin and not that Gordon's shit, you know!! classy as fuck c:! how are you, adolf-san? can i get that hitler heart picture posted in here plz?

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i'm with you on that, user-san! except i'm mixing it up with a lil' weed to make things extra-wavey :3 getting to the state where you type with 1 eye closed, lovely!

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The weed is already here :) hope you're enjoying your gin. I got a few hours until I'm paid before I can start :(

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we just call it freedomball here

which team did you like?

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Hey how are you?

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ooh nice!! do you know what strain you're going to be toking? :3 you can make it through the next hours, i believe in you user-san!! c:

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Cool. Do you know your limit though?
Someone has to be.
Beer is bitter and vodka has no taste, not a nice combo. I'm fine, nothing happening. You?
Okay bud, here.

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god knows from The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya remixed into something AWESOME, got this on loads cus why the fuck not, it's gin & xmas time after all :3

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Man that girls garchomp on diamond made me almost want to break my DS but I couldn't be loud as I was excluded from school.
>Should of been doing schoolwork
>beat the elite instead
I was a based 9 year old tbh

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Season 3 when?

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hot as FUCK, but may i ask why you're posting lina inverse-based hentai, user-san? not that i'm complaining... :x

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Her fucking Spirit Tomb
Cannot be one shotted!

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I think is just star dog or some silly name like that
Yeah I'll be alright I think

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because her fire crotch is to die for

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What's she from?

last one

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oh adolf, you do make me smile

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here's a version with more jizz that i overlooked.

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OP af

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i didn't expect this thread to give me a raging semi but it's happened, fuckkkk~ :x your appreciation of lina has made my weary heart smile so thank you

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no prob. lina is one of the all time greatest redheads.

The Eagles, don't judge me. Dad is 49er fan though, played a good game against the Rams.

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Don't drink more than 6 litres.
Well I look nothing like Hitler so I'm safe I suppose. I haven't stole anything.

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have you seen all the slayers series? slayers NEXT was amazing and has the best theme tune ever

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awh you shouldn't be so hostile, adolf-san :c i can't help but love your charm, is that such a bad thing?!

i'm still in progress on the original series. i know a good waifu when i see one. pre-digital anime looked so much better.

the original series is fantastic, but wait until you hit NEXT, that's when the story-line becomes even more exciting :3! i fully agree, the fact that the slayers still holds up 20 years after its release says something about how epic the series is imo~

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I haven't been hostile on these threads, except once and that was ages ago. There is quite literally nothing charming about me.

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That game was so much fun... i love the music
I like the anime adaption too

>them ealges
Do you and dad normally watch football together?

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i've been working on my gundam rule 34 folder and that is one hell of a rabbit hole.

I have arrived

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cool pic

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you did it again... so mean. seriously :|
you're easy to read.
i told you this before, i already know it. im just asking to be polite... =_=

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I watched them a lot as a kid mainly, because of their colour. But I still support them.
My dad and I watch games occasionally, not always.

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Sachiko claimed

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I know

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i mean it IS a cool pic

what's wrong with Hitler?

wait where do you live?
don't be afraid to tell me :(

Supreme-kun dislikes Hitler :(

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Hello there

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listen here you pink squishball!
you know what im getting at, the act you put on display yesterday.

your disc ends in 60 btw.

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what the heck... move outta there...
nice 404 get

words hurt...
add me then!

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do you guys ever wish to touch an actual woman?

And how is that my problem?

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God no

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Supreme is German and hates his own kind
I want you to educate him :

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you're telling me!?
after how you been treating me... unheard of. savage. pink winter squash.

nah, you do it. i know you already have it

and the lord said, it was good.

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Nope fuck real women been there done that.

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Maybe one day, can't right now though.

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Can you post my Discord?

do you like it in Cali?
Have you met up with Louise?

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no you do it. lazy.

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I can't

Because he is part of history

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but you already have mine.... what the heck fam.

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