Maybe the Chines colonization of Africa isnt such a bad thing

maybe the Chines colonization of Africa isnt such a bad thing

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Yeah, they need it. Good for them. Maybe we all could use some good old Chinese discipline.

Based, they will miss white people

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uncucked chinks, not limited by the leftist cancer are the only one who could rule the herd of niggers and can make africa a prosperous place if only soyboi whites will not feel any compassion for le san niggur face

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The Chinese are the number one enemy of all the western world. We should not be squabbling with the Africans or Arabs but should unite against a common enemy. As long as the blacks and browns maintain their own lands and the whites keep theirs we can all get along. Just not with a commie chink dictatorship

It goes without saying that the kike is the puppeteer of all this and not just an enemy, but the bane of existence.

You do know China is ruled by the communist party, right?

The difference is that they don't give a shit. We're just numbers to them, not individuals.

If the chinese cannot make them decent people, nobody can.

theyre communists u sperg

if someone deserves to win - it's the hard working chink, not nigger or sandnigger parasite living and abusing on the whites cuck-instinct

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depends how funny you want it to get

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>implying China produces decent people
No force labour or slavery makes decent people. Why haven't we learned this by now.

Unfortunately they don't care about the other wildlife either. Don't care about the nogs but it would be a shame to loose the rhinos and elephants

This is probably a good thing. If Africa needs anything, it's fucking discipline. And China is the one society worldwide that can actually deliver, I believe.

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Communist lol...
By definition, the existence of a wealthy ruling class means China isnt communist and the ruling party isnt communist.
Next ur gonna tell me the US is a democracy cause that's the word they use on the news lol...

Nigger ninja has a nice ring to it.

Lol a wealthy ruling class??? Communists? Do you know what ur talking about?
You think the US is a democracy too? Ha

and you are ruled by fascists (antifa) and brainless niggers

China at a high government level is pure cancer and needs to be nuked out of existence.

but China at the most rural levels is so fucking based it isn't even funny.

Not really. Social issues dont mean a whole lot in the US.
Everyone is being sucked dry at the same rate by the same people. They aren't antifa and they aren't brainless.

Hey I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.
Whites controlled parasites before the jews took over behind the scenes during and after ww2.
Australia was one of the ash to be cucked and had "white Australia policy" only decades ago. No violence just nationalism and peaceful deportation of Chinese who became a problem taking over land and businesses. Which is what is happening now days because nationalism is scawy and a no no topic. Unless they're black or Asian countries

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Is rural Chinas amazingness the reason that the vast majority of chinese "citizens" have been relocated to cities on the coast?
Must be.

Democracy never existed. Nor is here any democratic counties since early Rome or Greece.

You're ruled by cuck hivemind yunopoors

And chinese workers own the means of production, right? That's why they work for nothing and commit suicide at such high rates?

>capitalists are soyboys
>only leftwing socialists that aren't white have the ability to get blacks and uder control
>I'm white right soyboy who can't fucking think, only buzzwords and emotion

Democracy has existed and does exist on a micro scale.
Thank god it doesnt exist on a macro one. What a nightmare that would be.

>if only people could stay in their designated countries without further need of expansion or racemixing... Only competing who can make the best progress with what they have and trading

Arabs attacked everyone so yeah they're getting fucked now. Britbongs too. Chinese are enemies because they're going to overpopulate themselves into food/water wars against everyone else. S
Maybe if they had OSHA and were taught what condoms were they wouldn't have to replace dead employees all the fucking time

This is some hot stuff

Goddammit. Those chinese know how to live.

To be sure, I'd cream both of these thots immediately.

>says 14trillion$ debt
At least my country wasn't #BLACKED

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China is right about muslims(and niggers).

uh huh

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congratulations on disagreeing with me with an inserted strawman, you're uber super epic bro!

yeah but its all so depressing

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nigger does needs a master, left alone he can't progress and goes backwards instead

Africa could be a really fine place, yet it's shithole
and it's shithole because of shitskins

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The ruling party is the Communist Party and the communist party of China is unironically pro-capitalist. The US truly won the cold war at the expense of their citizens/small businesses
Fuck them, reading Lenin while selling blackmarket items from a government building

Perfect discipline.
Slowed down to do cause more damage from the back tyre, then he didn't even get out and just stuck to his plan and carried on going.

Best post

This. The fact saying this upsets people is proof of how mindless we're becoming

well they are good at math maybe its because their thought processes are a little binary ?

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worst part is the chinese are not only colonizing Africa for it's resources and cheap labor, but they're doing it to get majority UN votes.
Eventually it'll get to a point where the UN'll vote on shit and China (plus 100 african countries) will be able to sway shit how they want.
Vote to embargo the US blocking it from all trade with the rest of the world? China and Africa have the majority so it passes.

It's like the cunts are trying to play Civ5 in real life.

china man is really disgusting as default
why asians produce fine women and ugly men...
well at least their skull is not like gorilla's

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I saw that documentary and I was in tears. Germans, English- and Frenchmen built amazing infrastructure in Africa. Then we went to war with each other and - more or less - all lost our colonies thereafter.

And our maximally pigmented friends have let everything go to shit - without exception. And the only semi-white country in Africa (Rhodesia) has gone up the shitter in less than two generations as well after the blacks took over. Sheer coincidence, I'm sure.

yeah but fine looking Asian women have a definite time limit

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they will eat literally everything, human fetuses, placenta, bird beak and nails, frogs, worms and insects
Nothing that exists on this planet is safe

I don't think the Chinese are even capable of it, just watch the Empire of Dust.

Nigs are just generally incapable of realizing what they're doing wrong, and even when they can, they won't admit to it.

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That's one fucking awesome picture. Have pussy for it.

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yeah but at least the Indians preserved the railways (still 90% built during colonial times) so the British empire wasn't a total loss (plus cricket)

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No China are the enemy because they are cornering the economic world and are using the wests cuckness against them by exporting millions of business/property owners, students and workers while we have no real restrictions based in nationality or ethnicity.
Although USA has "birthright" which should tell you how bad shape they're in

everything have a time limit, imagine being born and die disgusting - sad but yeah blame the parents

dont forget boiled alive dogs to improve the flavour

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While I agree on the general deficiency of the negroid race, I posit that only the Chinese possess the tenacity, unbridled by western cuckery, to mold those shithole-dwellers into anything resembling a semi-human slave labor force.

Clearly, anything more would be utopian wishful thinking.

nice someone you know ?

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...literally everyone is using the west cuckness, even the dumbest niggers do
can't really blame them when the enemy is displaying such a fatal flaw - blame the cuck, not the bull

true but Asian women do turn the corner pretty hard

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But those are INDIANS. They kind of embraced the good things the English brought (disregard toilets, streets are fine for shitting) and still managed to retain a national identity without overthrowing every remnant of colonial occupation.

We're talking niggers here, not jolly old brownies.

No one is gonna bring up the OP image is fake news?

> Nothing is as bad as the white devils.
> A lesson for the white devils calling the whites devils.

Fortunately not, for I'd be buried in that cooch 24/7 and not be able to lead a productive life with only the occasional insemination.

errrrrr lots of ex colonies still have a parliament and laws based on our system ?

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I think the number of functioning ex-colonies is somewhere under 9000. Possibly under 9.

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It's time to feminize yourself.

Leave your old self behind and take the pink pill. You know you want it.

> get to dress cute
> liked by everyone
> life on easy mode

Invite: /yPrZErf/


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The one on the left is fucking hot. Would love to go to Africa and fuck women all day if there wasn't that HIV problem ...

well yeah but it would be a good way to go and people at your funeral could say it was what he really wanted and actually mean it

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And now for something completely different. Name something niggers are useful for.

I'll start:

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Yeah but it's not even the niggers who are using it tactically first. The pupateers do things like remove gadaffi and open the filter from Africa to Europe. Then the niggers use the system.
Don't be mistaken, Jews are some of the smartest people on the planet and they know what whites are capable of now. That's why they need to work in stealth

yeah its a sad situation

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These 60 iq illiterate werent going to maintain this stuff. They arent smarter than a 5th grader

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amazing cuisine ?

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based and boobpilled

That's a good point, actually. "He went the way he lived: buried in that poon-tang".

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Getting dicked

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they make black thugs in america look pathetic.

Love that pic. And I guess the US is among the fewer than 9 functioning ex-colonies.

loathesomely negroid

still it's whites fault for listening to "people kicked out from their host nation over 100times for innocence"
It's too late for anything, now it's only a matter of time

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The men make great tree ornaments

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Jews love this. That's why they're pushing so much for Uighur rights. Asians are the only people the jew can't easily mimic and infiltrate. The more mixed and contaminated they can make the Asian the better they can pose as Asian and self-select without drawing attention.

What's worse, they obviously cannot seem to comprehend the concept of "tomorrow". If you want to have reap tomorrow, you have to sow today.

Africans as a group want da gibs nao. No waet antil tamarow! GIBS!

Yes we're our own worst enemy and almost deserve it

they are

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nah but i am a bit worried about the kraft cheese in the trade deal

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Getting or giving dick, fertility is definitely a factor to consider.

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careful now

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Yoo is that a human leg?

This. Chinese are another group that is able to play the long game

Yeah a famine that kills 50 million people will do that to a culture. Baffles me when people insist Chinese have 105IQ- it's so tremendously and obviously false if you've been there and they'd heartily agree. Pic related.

During the famines my mother in law- an apple farmer's daughter- ate only the rotten apples so she could sell the fresh ones. There's a forest near her village they call the silent forest. They ate everything. Every bird. Every rat. Every cicada. Every worm. Sometimes today the birds come but there aren't enough insects. They eat what's there and leave.

Of note- the dogs subsisted on a diet entirely of human shit. I didn't know that was possible, but apparently it is. What's more interesting is that the dogs were the very last thing to go. They ate vermin before they turned on their own shit eating dogs.

Some of the worst of them framed their own parents for treason against the Red Army just to get the reward rice.

This is what the country consists of now. Only the most cruel and ruthless people survived. Natural selection has definitively killed off anyone with a conscience. And the survivors must live with what they have done even now.

You are comfy baizuo. You do not know deprivation. You do not know what it means to survive. And you probably never will. You will judge them, from your comfort, as they judge themselves. How easy it is, to be an American.

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not the word i would have chosen but each to their own

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Ghaddafi was against the mass migrations in Europe. He even partnered with Italy to bring them back and his death was called the uncorking of africa.

yeah, I love the chinese, the give a fuck about SJW shit. Ther is a documentary about chinese investments in africa, and the head construction worke of the chinese is actually saying them, "you niggers ar lazy as shit who are always drunk and cant do shit. Chine dindt get those fancy trains and factorys from the westeners, we build everything by ouer self meanwhile u destroy everything the westeners gave u."

yup in Papua new guinea you eat your opponent to gain his power

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>yeah, I love the chinese, the give a fuck about SJW shit.
They are culturally 50 years behind the west. They are still trying to figure out how cars work

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