Should i see a doctor

Should i see a doctor

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If it hurts, YES!

Wtf am i looking at?


Yeah. Even if it doesn't hurt now, it will only get worse. Eventually it will start hurting and swelling will get to the point where it becomes more expensive to remedy than it would have been if taken care of earlier.

Coming from someone who has had to have 3 root canals and lost a toe because I didn't go to doctors out of laziness.

It's either herniated or infected, Both of which you can't fix by yourself. Go to a doctor

If my bellybutton looked like that I'd go to the ER right away. Jesus fucking christ thats gross.

cut it off and then you can be normal when you have an innie

WTF are you serious? GO!

brother you most definitely have a hernia

Oh shit....yeah that should probably be checked by an actual doctor

bro how'd you lose a toe? My toes been hurting off and on using a numbing pain. I'm alcoholic

you have gout probably


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with some adequate silicone implants and a bit of tattooed makeup, you can have a very nice third boob in the middle of your abdomen
such a feature might make you rich and famous with the internet's pervs and amateurs of curiosities
think about it OP, the return on investment would be spectacular

Push pic

Your intestine can twist shut and then you'll be screaming for a doctor. Go now, your turkey button has popped and you're done.

That looks like a huge clit or a tiny cock

Kys op

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> 2019
> Not having Obamacare