What do you think about white supremacists?

What do you think about white supremacists?

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Identity politics is retarded no matter what race you are

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A lot of the guys in this movement are probably pretty low on the totem pole: disenfranchised, poorly educated, maybe a criminal record or bad family life, and generally lacking prospects.

As a result, they are looking for something to believe in and are drawn to the whole thing mostly for self-esteem and belonging.

Unfortunately, it just gets them further down the rabbit hole and makes their lives even harder.

should be shot lol

Just as bad as black supremacists/ultra sjw

Your skin color is not something you achieve. You just happen to been born with it. It is nothing to be proud of.

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Similar stereotype posing as "thoughtful" could be applied to leftists as well. Middle class kid with no real ambition still living with parents and blames "the man" for his dead end job at Starbucks because he found out a degree in "African Literature" is not a career path for white males (but refuses to admit that's why his life is shit)

I think the pendulum has swung a bit too far, it's neither something to be extremely proud of (to be white) nor are you a bad person for being white, you just are a person. Your decisions and actions make you who you are, not your skin tone.

However things like affirmative action, people who are racist or violent against whites, and people who want gibs are just as bad. If we're evaluating on behavior and not skin color and it just so happens that that puts brown people as being dangerous or violent, I don't think that should be ignored or brushed under. The same in the academic professions, you make legitimate scientific observations about behavior or IQ and race and suddenly you're canceled-that's not good either.

White supremacists are half right but they're also likely poor, ignorant rednecks and the worst examples of supremacy of anything. I don't associate with them and I'm fine with their free speech but don't ask me to have a beer with them

Yes it always has to be because their morons rather than people who want better control and more say about who enters their country, see globalism has something that only benefits the elite and are against involvement in foreign entanglements . Its pretty fucking sad that the most socialist candidate offered (actual socialism rather than nu-"give me free shit"-socialist) was a cheesy celebrity running for the republicans.

The "lily-handed college kid" is definitely another stereotype, but it's half in jest and not of critical importance for one reason. They aren't really violent.

The driving factor to know what brings forth a white supremacist is because of the violence they bring.

backwards ignorant scum

racism is insane and white supremacy is mind-bogglingly out of touch with history


the same I think about all kinds of extremist scum.

they need to be investigated, their arguments need to be publicly debunked, and their organizations need to be disrupted by the full force of the legal system.

the same applies to religious extremists, antifa, Peta, NGO's who cooperate with human traffickers under the guise of distress rescue, marxists, fascists, ideological and financial lobbyist groups, illegal weapon / drug smuggling cartels, criminal gangs and SJW's.

excusing one kind of extremism with fighting against another kind of extremism is retarded.

The same could be said about “diversity and inclusion” too, user

>Yes it always has to be because their morons

Sounds like you're an extreme radical when it comes to eliminating extreme radicals.


>They aren't really violent.
they might not be " as" violent as most other groups on the extremist scale, but they certainly are.
antifa has a track record of violent crime across europe, and since the last decade, increasing numbers of incidents in the US, too, and they havily draw their ranks from exactly these kind of failed middle class do-good'ers .

Even tho their impact on media has decreased, black lives matter is known for extreme acts of violence against whites and law enforcement officers, too.

Both groups are heavily inspired by neo-marxist identity politics and claim victim-hood whenever exposed, but as a matter of fact, they produce large quantities of perpetrators, too.

>White people have Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Hegel, Descartes, and Nietzsche.
>White people invented a variety of architectural styles from the Greek and Roman classical, to the Baroque, to Art Nouveau, to Streamline Moderne.
>Africa has no architects, philosophers, or classical composers.
>All black people with a claim to fame had Eurocentric educations.
>white supremacy is mind-bogglingly out of touch with history

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I don't think about them at all.

White supremacists is a pretty cool guy
eh fights the niggers and doesn't afraid of anything

>their arguments need to be publicly debunked
The problem is they can't be, because they're actually correct. Lol.

racism against any race including white/European is something im strongly against. that being said i dont have a problem with the white supremacists on Sup Forums because its Sup Forums

if adhering to the laws that govern us, sanctioned and put in place by the democratic process, is considered extremism in your book, I'm fine with you calling me that.

Don't mind me thinking that you're a retard.
I'm sure it doesn't matter to you.


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I think they are nowhere near as prevalent in society as some liars would have you believe.

A true supremacist is willing to back up his claims though he may be outnumbered by groids or those he deems below him. - Sun Tzu or something

all of them?
only some?
if yes to any, humor me and try to defend them.
I have time for a short argument.

Either I learn something, or you will.

Of course not. Which is why people who aren't ashamed to be white and don't want to be killed off or shamed for it are now the new "white supremacists", according to the people trying to kill them.

I think supremacy of any kind based on race alone is a logical fallacy. Things like level of education, personal wealth, and willingness to pursue goals are bigger factors.

They should stop saying mean things about great movies like The Last Jedi and Ghostbusters: Answer the Call. Buncha meanies.

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I see antifa at least as simply a response to the white supremacist threat. Focusing on one will reduce the other.

I am what most people would consider a "white supreeemist". Although I don't believe white people are best at everything. Look at who wins the long jump and 100 meter sprint in the olympics. Not whites.

Ironically, being a white separatist, has made me much more empathetic towards blacks in particular, and other races in general when they truly are getting fucked over, usually by the small hats.

They're all functionally retarded.

that's what they chant, but if you dig into it, they have their own agenda, focused on overthrowing society as we know it and introduce a weirdly warped, and inherently dysfunctional amalgamation of marxism and anarchy.

Regards, an ex antifa member.

The world didn't begin when you were born. Communists started "antifa" in 1920s Germany to brutalize random civilians who didn't vote Marxist. They've always been bad. They're terrorists who pretend to be the good guys and dupe a lot of idiots who can't tell the difference.

20 Years ago i probally would have bashed in anyones Face who dared to call me a Racist..
Did grow up with mixed Kids, had the hots for a ebony chick in my class, best buddy in the military was a adopted african who grew up with german values , had a half-indian GF for a while...

now thanks to merkel and soros i got to see plenty raw, uncultivadted examples of africans and arabs and with very few exeptions ( maybe 2-3%) all of them are a waste of oxygen.

I still got a high opinion about People from East-Asia but i wouldnt wait 1 Second to push a Button that causes all African Negros and Arabs to die instantly.

Mostly pretty stupid. Lots of spergs. Don't have many accomplishments to be proud of that they weren't born with. Susceptible to conspiracy theories. Poorly educated and proud of it. Probably a lot just grew up around a bunch of lowdown gutter niggers and don't have any experience with normal ones. The ones that hate Jews probably don't even know any Jews, or do but don't know it. A lot of them have Jewish and Black DNA not too far back. They don't make a lot of sense.

I don't know how many actual white "supremacists" there were throughout history. No really believe that word was made up.
Even Hitler was just a white nationalist and just wanted Germans and nords seperate from the rest.
Funny how history gets altered.

what you describe were the beginnings of the nsdap, but shortly before and after taking over the german reichstag, they shifted towards expansion, subjugation, ideological cleansing, eugenics and warmongering.

I truly believe humans go to the extreme beliefs because of low education and fear of the unknown (most likely due to low education). So i think fixing the problem is fixing the education system

Granted, I have not looked into the movement at all. I just saw an organized group fighting "facists" and basically said "looks fine, carry on"

I think some of that came from Hitler's generals though, what do you think?
From what I've read of mein Kampf it didn't seem like genocide was a part of the original plan

never met one, the only true racists i’ve ever encountered were extremely confused “persons of color” i fuckin hate that term just shut up and be patriotic u dickholes

that is one factor, yes.
but looking at antifa and SJW's, even a good education does not protect from falling victim to predatory ideologies.

while fixing the educational system, and by proxy the median household income, will go great lengths to reduce ranks for all kinds of extremist groups, a profound societal dialogue and debate is needed to repair the damage caused by identity politics.

An embarrassment to humanity

It wasn't.
their original plan was national economical isolation, rebuilding the damaged caused by WWI and restructuring society after their socialist economical model and christian-conservative values, to limit the influence of big financiers on politics (by proxy - jews).

but power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Not saying I'm a fan of their original plans, but they appear at least sane compared to what came after.

Which is why he invaded so many non-Kraut, non Nord countries.

Here it is again. My violence against others is justified because my believes are right and their beliefs are wrong

Do not play well with other children.

Well Hitler was super pissed about ww1. Even when he was in it at the end and injured and wanting to return to the fight and seeing guys throw themselves in barbed wire to injure themselves enough to leave the front. From What I understand he wanted to bring back national pride and not so much racial pride. Although that was a part of it

I'm with you, Borat.

They really got neutered in the 90s and in today's society, are just passive aggressive as fuck.

Their IQ level shows.

That is very true, good point to bring up. A combination of social awareness and better education and social standards will be the way to reduce the amount of extremist societies

great body...but that face....yikes

yea, that's precisely the trap I fell into, too.
And me being young and stupid, I thought their ideas about how society should be were more fair than what I grew up with.

But with age comes wisdom (and an increasing number of books done reading), so I found myself openly disagreeing with them on demos and gatherings more and more frequently.
eventually I were "forgotten" to be invited to local group meetings, and a few months later took stoped caring, too.

took 2 more years for me to finally realize what a cult-structure I were actually in, and started to openly speak against them ever since.

They rewarded me with slashed tires 2 times, a brick through my window, and several threatening calls to me, my family and my gf.

Took the bitch that was orchestrating this terror against me to court and got her locked up for 3 years, after some of my former "friends" did raid my home 6 years ago.
Dumb as they were, they thought I'd shut up, but instead I went with the names and addresses of those I recognized towards the police. One did caved in and admitted everything.

Since then I've been left alone.

Here is the problem right there. Identity politics is built in. You can't "brainwash" this out. Problem has been exasperated in recent years because single identity categorizations has been monetized and politicized. You don't get rid of identity politics by trying to get rid of identity. You lessen its influence by identifying people in multiple ways.

Thinking you're better than someone because your skin is white is more retarded than my cousin

or you put a more heavy emphasis on why collectivism is stupid in classrooms, and teach teenagers how to spot it, too.
give them the tools to make their own decisions.

>it just so happens that that puts brown people as being dangerous or violent
But it doesn't. Because a minority of blacks are dangerous/violent. It's intentionally misleading use of statistics that leads to the conclusion that they should be treated, as a group, as if they were all dangerous.

>you make legitimate scientific observations about behavior or IQ and race and suddenly you're canceled
Hasn't happened. Watson did not make any legitimate scientific observations about behaviour or IQ and race. He stated his opinion on the matter as of it were a scientific fact. He never once studied race and intelligence/behaviour academically. Just because he and his buddy noticed something on some x-ray photography they weren't even supposed to have does not make his opinion 'legitimate scientific observations'.

They are in the same class of people as Antifa.

Kek no.

White supremacists have killed hundreds of people in America.

Antifa have killed 0.

One is objectively more evil than the other.

Racist kek

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White supremacists are a rough bunch, but they have an ample supply of white-trash skanks to fuck!

Extremists and fundamentalists in general are fucking retarded, regardless of which team they're on.

their only redeeming quality

I think we should have never introduced African slaves into the USA. Then we’d not have to worry about their dumb shit today

As a white American, I think they should be eradicated from planet earth.

White Supremacists:
>whites are superior and cannot co-exist harmoniously with people of different skin colors; therefore, we must organize to seize political power and subsequently organize a massive, violent campaign of deportation and ethnic cleansing in order to establish a white ethno-state whose membership can only be arbitrarily defined by whichever small minority of whites happens to emerge from the conflict with the most coercive force behind them even though the most likely sequence of events involves a nation in almost permanent civil war amongst groups splintering even further along ethnic lines

>yeah hey y'all really shouldn't do that, might have to deter your ideology with a few punches or public humiliation. full stop.

But no, for sure dude, definitely the same thing.

they're retarded. Listening to them is utterly cringy.


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Too bad those skanks are all their sisters.

I'm sure the gonorrhea isn't enjoyable, but having all the country pussy you can fuck sounds fun.

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Just because you have the same skin color as some of the great people in history doesn't mean you have any claim on their accomplishments. You're still a loser who's done nothing with his life.

I lose hard to these. The ones with pidgin Spanish terms like El Ogro De La Cucaracha and so forth are a scream.

Says you. I'll have you know that I made it all the way to the 9th grade before dropping out to work for my Dad's pool cleaning company. I get to drive around in a big pickup truck wearing Oakley sunglasses and baseball caps with flame graphics on them and sometimes I bust out my dress socks to wear with my sandals when I go to visit my 15-year-old cousin that I like to hug a little too long. In a few years I'll slip on some peepee at the Mega-Lo Mart and be set for life with my $50,000 settlement. Truly I am the culmination of Western Civilization and a modern day Socrates. Now if you'll excuse me I have some gourmet shit from Panera bread waiting for me.

I dunno pretty supreme I guess.

Where is all that anger really coming from?

they may be assholes, but that doesnt make them wrong

You'll not all of their symbols, the Confederate Flag, the Swastika etc, are all originating with the losing side.
Birds of a feather flock together.
It's not so much a philosophy as group therapy for chronic losers.


>Where is all that anger really coming from?
Frustration, usually. Thwarted ego. They have really severe morality issues.
They usually band together under some charismatic leader because they have no idea what to do and have no patience to try to understand things. Better to let someone else do the thinking and perhaps he'll love me.
Simple slogans, simple ideas, simple solutions for simple people.