Femanons, what is your ideal dick size?

Femanons, what is your ideal dick size?
And do you prefer uncut or cut?

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All the women I've spoken to said the best range is between 6 and 8 inches

A true 8 incher is a monster dick


my bfs 6 inches is more than enough

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At least 5". Not more than 8". Girth is more important. Only cut dicks. Uncut dicks are disgusting.

Source OP?

Dick size doesn't matter to a degree, neither does girth or curvature. 4-6 or 7 inches feel good. It's more how we work together.

I can't speak for cut as I haven't experienced it but dildos obviously have cut heads and I find it uncomfortable. They're usually quite firm as well though which plays a part.

You're not a woman.
You're not cute.

Girth > length. Length doesn't matter unless you're extremely short.
I prefer uncut dicks~

Dildos mostly look to me like uncut dicks with the foreskin pulled back
Though the cheaper ones are probably made of rougher plastic and I can see that being uncomfortable

I wish I knew


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Nice! I can't wait to jerk off when I go home

For me and my big deep pussy 9x6.5 is ideal. I’m not being rude it’s just what I like.
Pic related compared with “average”
However, anyone who’s ever had good sex in their life (man or woman) knows it’s all about rhythm, chemistry, and other such buzzwords
>motion of the ocean
is not a meme.

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My dick is the best size both soft and hard.

8 inches is the GOAT dick.

As you can tell I'm very modest.

My kik is 6jak9 and I take all sorts of requests if you interest me enough.

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Me hard...

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Really nice cock. Where are you?


How many British girls have you pounded so far? Can they handle it?

God I wish that was me.


Some struggle but they nearly always love it in the end.

so i'm happily married but im also bi, and the wife and I have discussed finding me a boy to go to town on.

the problem is: i have cysts on my scrotum, have done for a lot of my adult life. despite these, i think im pretty cute and would like to get cuter/more in shape and have someone use my holes.

my question is, has anyone else had this problem/found a solution? and would this affect my ability to pull a slender boy? i have a great butt and a prince albert piercing as well :)


8, uncut. i dont accept anything smaller anymore tbh. anything bigger than 8 is too big and useless

For any femanons out there watching this, please dont tug it downward hard like that. I had a stripper that did that shit to me and it fucked up my dick for the next few days

were you born with a baggy pussy or did you stretched it with fisting?

I'm sure there are plenty of guys out there that would let you suck and jerk their cocks.

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fake bitches need to STFU

Agreed but he's stretchy so it works for him


8 inches please

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Nothing under 7 inches is enough to generate pleasure.

1 bite!

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4", uncut

All women prefer cut. Those who don't are fags or trannies.
No woman wants an anteater.

ok renegade, go home fgt

Circumcised for sure. 6-8" is ideal.

Why are you all so obsessed with dick size?

Fuckoff, eurofag.

Insecurity user that's all it is and too much BBC / Whyte boi posting on /b

Everyone on Sup Forums (you included) is a tranny

Honestly, like 5 inch thin Asian cock.

I'm an absolute addict for sucking cock and my favorite thing is to take a nice limp cock completely in my mouth and feeling it fill my throat. I'm petite so I can't do normal cock.

When it comes to getting fucked, a little bigger is good but not too much bigger. I need to get hilted and big cocks really hurt if they go too deep.

Oh and cut or uncut doesn't matter. But Asians are rarely cut.

Do you have a picture of an ideal one?


Yeah, he's circumcised so most likely has no frenulum left, anyone uncut with a remotely tight frenulum would most probably end up sore or with a busted banjo string

I'm 8 inches

Ok that's it...

Trans woman of color here. Before I say what I'm about to say I'd just like to make it clear that I never post here, mainly due to the fact that interacting with so called "Sup Forums culture" is quite disheartening. So I'm going to say this as clearly and efficiently as possible.

Fuck. All. Of. You.

There, I said it. If you'd like an explanation, all you have to do is look at your own behavior, and understand how it effects the world around you. As a trans woman I feel the deep rooted forces of oppression you sick fucks emanate every day of my life. The shit I have to go through to please disgusting individuals such as yourselves. It doesnt help that I'm a woman of color. So on top of that, I have to deal with the fucking systemic racism YOU and YOUR people started and continue to promote. My life is a living hell because of you people. But that's not why I hate you. Oh not even close sweetie.

The problem lies with YOU. Your behavior is so sickening. I know most of you are white men and so bigotry comes naturally, but you make no attempt to hide it. No attempt to better yourselves or the world around you. And no attempt to soothe the scars caused by you sick fucks. Your treatment of others is ugly.

"Durr ni**er. Durrr tra**y. Durr f*g. Durr cu*t. Durr durr durr durrrrr look at me I'm a nazi haha doesnt this make me so quirky and a free thinker durrr"

Sorry, not sorry. You're just getting what you put out. You constantly berate the disenfranchised and the unfortunate. Using your privilege as some sort of pedestal. You think you're better than me and my community when you're not. You're the scum of the earth. I hope you all rot in hell...

That was entertaining. Keep dancing for us.


finally something to spice this thread

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>>YOU and YOUR people started and continue to promote
idk user that sounds kinda rascist

I've never really understood this.

Does "trans woman" mean you have a cock and are cross-dressing, or have a pussy and are cross-dressing?

cock or gtfo


Photo proof

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Yeah but woman dressing as a man or man dressing as a woman?

>Uncut dicks are disgusting
American male detected.

I'm cut and her doing that at the end gave me visions of scars ripping open.

Take your smegma elsewhere, you uncut peasant.

mentally defective “people” like you will eventually be eliminated from the gene pool and cured before birth. You can’t help what you are and you have my pity but the world you live in need not rearrange reality to accommodate you and your delusions. You’re not a “trans-woman”. You’re a damaged man.

Are you a pussy? Do you not touch your pp?

You dont have to feel mad user. We are all fags here.

So why dont you show some tits?

Ohh so it's a man who cross dresses?


Another. Hopefully it is 8 inches if not it's at least 7

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He is uncut. He probably just has a long frenulum.

yeah it's someone born as a male who plays dress up and tries to give some unlucky bloke some surprise cock

8 the b8

Obvious bait, kys faggot

nah, imma stay here and laugh at your gay tears.
lol who

I'm not the one who's insecure about having a penis sheath

Circumcision is better.

Americans are batshit insane

>thread has devolved into males arguing about their dicks

no, you're the one who thinks about another man's cock, my cock. My cock is on your mind.

Anyone who argues strongly for circumcision or against it is just someone justifying the state of their body.

In reality it's not all that important, unless you believe in the right of determination for a fuckin' newborn.

As far as hygiene goes there is no reason (barring very rare medical conditions) to circumcise in a country with running water for bathing.

In the US (which is where this argument is always centered) circumcision is common but not universal.

I'm not cut, but most of my buddies are, I've seen them at the gym. Doesn't seem to bother anyone, and my (admittedly few) girlfriends have never cared.

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welcome to Sup Forums, you should leave.

Your dick looksl ike a dog.

>In reality it's not all that importan
true, and that is actually the strongest argument against circumcision of them all.

Fuck it. Rate

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nope, it looks like a dick.

You've seen your buddies dicks at the gym?

>I now imagine your penis
user you might be gay

A dog's dick.

6 or 7" cut but very girthy for me. too long it hurts in a bad way but girthy feels great

A dog's dick isn't making me gay. Smeghead.

you really are a cross-species cock expert, you absolute queer.

I never argue with other guys about their dicks however I am totally against children being cut.

Who hasn't?

>A dog's dick isn't making me gay
this an actual, non-fiction sentence.. someone wrote this sentence, being serious.


You're obsessed with calling straight monstres like myself gay, you must have an issue with your sexuality.