Your 18 year old daughter wants to have incestous sex with you

>Your 18 year old daughter wants to have incestous sex with you
How do you react?

Attached: Katie Pladl.jpg (491x553, 50K)

what race is that?

Fuck her

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looks somewhat asian mixed in there

Tell her no
>should've come to me 4 years ago

Half asian half white. Her dad is white (later killed her and himself after arrested for incest)

It's a wired question to ask in a cesspool of degenerates when you know the answer

What size are her tits?

wtf you talking about? The dude got arrested after the wife tattled on him.

Honest answer? I would sit her down and say, "Are you absolutely sure this is what you want or is this some Gen Z fad going around now?"

If she convinces me that she's sincere, and I get some legal waiver of liability out of her, yeah. I'd fuck her. I mean, Mackenzie Phillips did it and she turned out COMPLETELY NORMAL, so why not?

I start doing my daughters when they toddlers. 18 way too old.

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qt race

What does she look like? If it's pic related then I obliterate this bitches liver.

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Start to fuck her

"Fuck Honey, you could have told me 15 Years ago"

After the dad and Katie pladl got arrested for incest, katie and a guardian moved out. The dad got a gun and killed her and then himself.

>Tell her no
>>should've come to me 4 years ago

Kek, wouldnt expect anything else from Sup Forumstards

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>"But I also want to have something good come out of this. if it's to get truth out there, to open people's eyes to incest."

Incest has nothing to do with any of this story.

I'd bei mad at her for not coming out with that 10 to 1 year earlier.

>Incest has nothing to do with any of this story.
Wtf are you smoking nigger?

imagine NOT dicking down your hapa daughter

Not Bullshitting, 3 is a good age to get them started (only Butt)

Get a load of this guy.

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You are disgusting. You should never have kids

Ran into this issue a while ago, except she was 15.

We've been fucking for the last year and my daughter is the most passionate lover I've ever had.

Probably talk to her about it then fill her pussy absolutely to the brim with cum if she is.

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