What is the cheapest, most painless way to end it all? My life and mind are beyond repair

What is the cheapest, most painless way to end it all? My life and mind are beyond repair

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buy a gas powered generator on credit at home depot. or fucking just buy charcoal and light it in the garage lmfao. or nitrogen or helium.

I dont have a garage and i need it to be discreet so that no one stops it

Jump off a bridge or a mountain or if ur in America just punch a cop

Just grab a kitchen knife and go stab yourself in the neck. If you are going to kill yourself go somewhere else to do it, Don't be a piece of shit and kill yourself at home.

Definitely not painless

Yeah I was planning on doing it on a walk. I actually want information on how to overdose on overthecounter prescriptions or something. I should've just asked about that instead

It's easy to overdose on over the counter medicine by just taking a massive amount of anything, but it's really shitty because you slowly die from liver failure. If you want to go the overdose route you need to get some actual drugs like oxy.

May sound a big gay but it will work and should be painless:

Butt Chugging

Alcohol enema, colloquially known as "butt chugging," involves ingesting alcohol through the rectum. The abundance of capillaries and blood vessels in the rectum increases the speed that alcohol enters the bloodstream as it bypasses the liver. In 2004, a Texas man died after his wife administered a Sherry enema, causing his blood alcohol level to soar to 0.47.

Eight years later, butt chugging became a trend at the University of Tennessee, where one student was taken to the hospital with a blood alcohol level of 0.40 — five times the legal limit. The student died shortly after.


Buy strongest Moonshine and a Funnel, go to the other Side drunk as a Skunk, failsafe and should be painless too.

Don't do it, user. The last thing you need is to An Hero.

>cheapest way to kill myself

where do you intend to spend the money you saved after you kill yourself user?

trying to use it to take one last trip, not on the actual death itself

maybe ill go to a mental hospital instead

Carbon monoxide.
But I'd advise against suicide. Permanent solution for temporary problem etc.

Just stop breathing

user one day you will cringe when you remember thinking of killing yourself.
probably after some punk kid tells you that you should kill yourself online.
then you'll go back to fucking your sex android and laugh.
just look forward to that ok?

Why does the cost matter... Not like you will need the cash.

jumping from highway overpass in front of a semi

though I'm probably just gonna walk in front of a bus later. check the seattle news next few days to find out if I do it or not

Take a plane to anywhere, jump out escape hatch.

I don't want to die because of being a social outcast, or not having a girlfriend or some shit like that. My problem is not rooted in simple distortions of logic


go on

I want to hear what makes a sane man browsing Sup Forums thinks he should kill himself.
I might agree