How does sexual consent work? Say i only consent to girls born in New York...

How does sexual consent work? Say i only consent to girls born in New York, Can i have a girl sign a paper where she stated that she is born in New York for example and charge her for rape if it turns out that she wasn't born in NY? Don't start about the born in, it is just a practical example.

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yummy picture, got any more?

that example is moronic. what are you actually trying to accomplish and why are you an incel?

not op but lying about proffesion/income before sex has been considered rape in precedent. I think I get what he's trying to ask, but it, like most litigation when it comes to sex is largely irrelevant from a male perspective, these laws are for women.

Actually maybe. Rape by deception is something that feminists have tried to introduce before, but in a case of something like where you're at a bar and you tell a chick "hey baby I'm a lawyer" and in the morning she finds out you aren't a lawyer.

>and why are you an incel?
I think we all know the answer to that.

haha that is funny, saying something thats not true to get into someone pants is illegal. ahaha

technically, probably. but good luck getting anyone to bother hearing that case

My intention is to force chicks to be honest in the most general way. The birthplace is just an example. It could be her income range, education level, recent std checks,number of passed sexual partners, history of fucking black or arab people etc. I don't want to have sex if specific things are not as how i prefer them. Can i charge women afterwards if they turn out to be not true?

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but to OPs point, its only illegal for males.

none of this is true. It is not, and has never been, illegal/rape to lie about these minor and stupid stuff to get laid

fucking read the penal code and caselaw

by deciding to have sex with a woman you always give consent to female insanity.
if you aren't ready to give that consent you probably need to get to know her more.
consent is different for men than it is for women.

>My intention is to force chicks

Look up rape under false pretenses lmao

>uk user here
24yo fucking a 16yo
Right or wrong?

>by deciding to have sex with a woman you always give consent to female insanity.
based and chadpilled

just dont be a fucking idiot and don't propose or get her pregnant

I don't think sex is for you buddy.

it's pretty easy:
1) no means no
2) she must be conscious, aware, and willing

wow that triggered some folk.

I think you jews know what to do

unless she changes her mind tomorrow, that it was a bad idea, and now she says you raped her.
lets not pretend that doesn't happen.
people who think consent is easy are stupid or lying.

U need to get it notarized OP. Ur a pos for not knowing the process

record her giving consent and fuck her on camera

lol if she lets you, this works

consent only applies for women, you, as a male, don't get any say in anything, that's the way it works, duh


You say,
>Do you consent to intercourse with me?
Then she says
And you give it to her anyways.

Consent is simple, if your a male and she wants to permanently ruin your life your fucked.(even if no fucked happens)

If your a female, you can do whatever you want.

16 is old enough to throw your life away.
blame her parents.
the dude doesn't sound like hes doing evil

Both u and the female need to have ur lawyers present, and ur taxes from 2018 before entering into the whole consent thing


Hot as fuck, that's prime pussy. Nothing immoral about it regardless of what this retarded society says. Literally the most attractive age group and sex is just a fun thing, just don't knock her up or have STDs and it's cool.

No, you can't weild the power of the state against a sexual partner because she wasn't open about her past, nor should you be able to. You will have to find someone you trust, or get over your hang ups.

Just birth records should do in OP's case.

asking for consent makes the bitches wet as fuck brah

>Okay honey, now that you're 7, you can make a life changing decision of picking which school you want to attend.
>10 years later
>Noooo you cannot possibly know which person you actually like or trust!
Consent is a joke

She's fully into it, instigated it even.
Can't wait tbh

so if a girl is lying about how attractive her face actually is with make up, wearing padded bras, etc, thats rape according to this logic that lying about yourself to have sex with someone is rape.

no ones having sex with you