This is a beautiful woman's vagina, if you don't agree, you are a nazi

This is a beautiful woman's vagina, if you don't agree, you are a nazi.

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There is no god.

I'm more confused about his balls, where did everything go?

looks like someone cut their penis off nad now has regrets.

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You leave me no choice then.

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Relax, user. This was merely a test. Mankind is an unspeakably disgusting creature, but you shouldn’t give up over something like this. Stay strong.

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nah this is just a castration, neo-vaginas look either much better or much worse
that's a neo-vagina, but clearly it's recently after surgery and there are complications

The fuck is a neovagina

a mans vagina

oh look, this image again

OP, you're just as weird as the andy sixx guy, find something else to post about

More, please
Fapping now

I am so happy that I already am

Please rewrite that sentence to disambiguate whether the vagina, or the woman, is beautiful

Im a bi top and there’s no fucking way I’m sticking my cock in whatever the fuck that is.

transphobe bigot

Nice udder

Heil fürwr

Both are you bigot. What are you some kind of transphobe?

Guess I better start goose stepping.

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>This is a beautiful country's vagina, if you don't agree, you are a nazi.

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In what universe would this ever be considered beautiful, sexy, or something someone would put their dick in? I'd rather use a lamprey as a flesh light.

Tongue my anus faggot
t. 'phobe

Oh no, someone on the internet thinks i'm a nazi

Zig Heil in that case...

Your gif is pure gold

t. Trump supporter, National Socialist sympathyser

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Based 'phobe

I respect your feelings as a woman and a human being.

Better this than an inferior white cock, anyway.

Oy vey.

You're not a woman, you're a man. Every Y chromosome in every cell of your body says so. Science, not politics. I'm gonna save you a lot of misery here, some people might say that's beautiful to flatter you or make you feel good about yourself, but they'd be lying to you. Dishonest feedback is useless, you can't improve your life with it. I would accept the fact that it looks very different from the real thing, and I won't be the only one to say that. Learn now, while it's easy, or learn the hard way when someone tells you the same thing irl.

Not my type. Would not fuck. Unless, you're suggesting that men would be forced to fuck this that is. But isn't that rape?

Penises are gay anyway.

Some "woke" progressive people would find it "beautiful", I go to art school and there are several people who "appreciate it".
>yeah, no, I won't fuck that, that's disgusting, I'll stick to real vaginas. Thank you


I really need the aftermath of this thing

I remember the first time I made a straw-man argument.

M>F trans fail

I remember the first time I made anons fall for a bait thread


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>god why do you do this, haven't we suffered enough?

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Give the 41 bit to work its magic.

> Sell the people everything they want, no matter if it is idiotic, harmful or nasty

And thats why capitalism is falling down and China will rule the world the next two centuries

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