I had a dream that Trump bathed himself in cheetos. Then I ate the cheetos. What is the meaning of the dream?

I had a dream that Trump bathed himself in cheetos. Then I ate the cheetos. What is the meaning of the dream?

Attached: cheetos.jpg (2048x1026, 227K)

You, like most conservatives, are secretly homosexual.

socialism means you get to eat cheetos but they have someones ball sweat on them also you need to pay a bill you forgot.

Sup Forums is majority conservative right leaning just like your fellow klansmen you aren't among friends

Well said godless leftward abomination

/b is
>b is a bunch of turds drying under the sun u fucking homo

is b the swedish version of Sup Forums? Instead of lol do you guys say "Hjernfjerklepljerkle!"


Trump wears makeup just like Bruce Jenner....lol

Attached: main-qimg-1e3712aabb08cdc9b98b0a572ae1dee9.jpg (194x260, 13K)

jesus christ socialist nations have such ugly fucking languages

>that's the sound of the train, run on your mom
>ooo ooh yeah ahhhh ah yeah yeah yeah

bill clinton raped several women

Trump did too plus didn't even please them :O

Bruce Jenner is a Republican just like trump. lol

it means too much internet

Trump hasn't been officially impeached yet and likely won't be

Trump raped a 13yo

Attached: 1565565077581.jpg (564x560, 49K)

Trump is impeached......dumbass. Will the senate jail the gutless prick?

Attached: donald-trump-sad-speech-healthcare.jpg (1200x800, 101K)

>b-but the house didn't tell the senate yet so Trump is still emperor for life r-right?

The impeachment process is a last ditch effort by the ivory tower libdems to push biden into the presidency by sacrificing sanders.

nah it hasn't been brought before the senate. Otherwise only one side of the house could impeach the president for whatever they wanted with impunity. Constitutionally trump hasn't been impeached yet and likely won't


Fuck off, I made this thread and it's about cheetos!

biden and his son are likely both complicit in illegal activities relating to barisma

This. Its only being done to make sure the old money regains power. Even socialists are starting to catch wise to the dems shenanigans but its pretty much too late for them to do anything about it because they wasted their time on ornj man bad

lol, ok boomer.

I have always been a non-affiliated voter though honestly republicans are liars and total scum so I never voted for em
Trump is interfering in our domestic elections for his own benefit
I don't care about Trump or what happens to him or his lil flunkies like you
I would slit all your necks to preserve my civil liberties and the foundation of Amrica
do u understand what I am saying trumpturd?!?


>I have always been a non-affiliated voter though honestly republicans are liars and total scum so I never voted for em

nice try but you guys burned out the "i was xxx until yyy so i went zzzz" a while back.

>biden is same as trump/clinton
>it's all the same
slit ur neck you foolish imbecile
who needs your weak intellect and soft back
u are but a burden to the human race

glad you can't legally own a firearm in whatever european fishing village you hail from bjorn

>calling dems "ivory tower"
>supports a man that literally lives in an ivory tower
c o g n i t i v e d i s s o n a n c e

>b-b-but your rich white people are worse than my rich white people!!

>you guys
shut the fuck up shitbird
I walk alone
Trump is a cunt and I'd crush his soft skull if this weren't a society of your woman-kind republicans
Lindsey Graham and Mitch Full-throat McConnell are your champions
Republicans in America are headed to the past

lol nobody believes you bjorn

they're both terrible. why do you support one brand of terrible?

Look at yourself, do you have anything to do but scroll through these threads?
Join us instead.

Invite: /yPrZErf/


Attached: 267 - OKily1M.png (570x750, 236K)

because the enemy of my enemy is my friend

I thought it was past eurosnoot bed time? don't you guys have a hard day of enforcing shariah law and planning against brexit ahead?

>hUrR dURr I dOn'T aCtUaLLy HaVe a REaSon MEEMS LOL

hey way to be a sore loser

>it doesn't matter if the country goes to shit as long as my team won
fully retarded

the country is doing great right now minus the dem screeching

Trump and Caitlyn both wear makeup. LoL

Attached: caitlyn-jenner-donald-trump-x750_0.jpg (750x563, 90K)

joe biden is an admitted child molester

>the country is doing great
>t. whitehouse.gov

guess i'm just an ignorant nigger who refuses to go back to the plantation

Attached: colion500.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

Obviously the answer is to vote Trump 2020!!!!!

>being so far left you hate transgenders and men that wear makeup

stack overflow error achieved

may as well... the dems can't put anyone sensible forward and seem to be too busy scheming to do anything for the country

Was it a good dream, bad dream, or neutral?

Good dream
Unhealthy attraction to Trump
Bad dream
Mild subconscious expression of TDS
Neutral dream
All normal, you're a white male who can safely enjoy watching him be a little wacky but ultimately harmless :)

everyone was screaming at me because i had a plastic straw in my car.

no wait. nvm that was a real life nightmare

I actually pissed off my friend user's mom to the point of her blocking me on Facebook during a Facebook argument. To this day, we refer to it as the argument about the straw that broke user's mom's back.


on a deployment we got a civilian contractor who kept begging for info about the "local recycling program". it was fucking qatar so they didn't recycle shit. eventually we got tired of him bitching about the lack of a recycling program so we started dumping empty bottles in his room in the dorms. He got so butt hurt about us "not caring about the environment" that he requested to resign his position.

some niggas just can't see the forest for the trees
