

Attached: utaha (183).jpg (2000x1414, 459K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I can post this again thanks OP.

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Sachiko claimed

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you're welcome.
why is it not a great game?

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I still don't understand why people post whores and prostitutes in waifu threads.

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So how's everyone doing on this lovely night?

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It's got amazing tracks and the driving is hard so it's a good sim. But the progression is fucked. You could race all day and earn almost no EXP.

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i see.. do you have a wheel setup?
oh that sucks, i hope they fix that

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Fricken lewds.

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Aegis claimed.

Put him in that casting couch meme.

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Fricken Shizuzuzuzuzuzuzus.

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Hey honk honk. How's it going?

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the c stands for cute

Attached: Jill (016).png (540x600, 99K)

and that's why it's lowercase...

Attached: Kao27.jpg (848x480, 42K)

Is going good. Tomorrow I am going to get so wasted on nearly... 2 gallons of mead!
How're you?

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That's a little bit of mead.
A little sick. I hate travel seasons.

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It's also a half day, and I did some electrical work at my aunts house today. I've totaled up some things, and I can replace the whole sub-panel for like, $100! Which is quite cheap for that since I won't charge labor, since I'll be moving back there soon. Kinda helps me out in the process, so why would I charge, y'know?

I get it. So many out of state plates driving around here right now, and NONE of them can drive worth a damn.

Attached: EC1GGgpUcAALRhs.jpg (945x1200, 92K)

That's funny. Any Cali plates that make their way up here are god awful drivers. They're slow as shit and roll through stops all the time.

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I got my Christmas harem

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Rolling through stops is practically Californias god given right. As for slow drivers, that's what we get here with out of staters, and grandmas. It's why we're such aggressive drivers, because fucknuggets camp the left lane going fucking 60 when there,s more than enough people going that slow all the way to the right.

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I did a vroom and now I’m having a sleepy

Attached: GirigiriRemalicious.jpg (2776x1104, 489K)

I got more stickers. That is all. Night fam!

Attached: EDEUJzeVUAAIknO.jpg (1028x1152, 160K)

Tell that to the cops. They hound that shit lol.
Yeah, you'd think someone who's driven that far would understand the virtues of going fast. Oh well.

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He needs to make money when way or another.
How are you?

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It's okay, just be white and the cops will leave you alone... mostly.
You'd think so, but nah, can't go 55, that's too fast. Who even needs to go over 50? It's crazy how you kids these days fly around at 45 and then speed up to 30.

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I'd think being a knight would be enough.
I'm okay, I just woke up. How are you?

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Never said I’m sleeping. Just tired from driving.
Show sticks

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There's like, a dozen blacks in my entire town.
They can't ignore white people, that'd like, 70%+ of the people.

The worst thing ever is Cali drivers in snow. My god, you'd think they'd never interacted with ice before. They practically just put their car in drive, then never touch the gas pedal.

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I'm doing good, took a little nap a little while ago. Went for a walk and saw some cats huddled together since it's cold out.

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Every other answer is invalid

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Did you adopt them?

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Oh. Long drive from somewhere?

Well that's not the worst I guess. Just don't act like a fuckwit then?

Now, I ain't saying nothing, but I have never driven on ice before. Not even snow for that matter.

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wrong hair color bothers the shit out of me.

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Hanako best girl
I already have some. They did look adorable though.

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Went up to this place, about a 40 minute drive or so. Looked to be just 15 miles of curvy goodness.
Came up and saw it was a private neighborhood. Drive back was a little longer, since it was on some freeway or whatever you call it.

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Kinda. There's a few cops that are just out to give tickets, most of them are pretty cool though.
It's real simple. The only person more absurd than the person going 5 because there's a few snowflakes is the person going 70 in a blizzard. They usually don't last long though, or at least their car doesn't.

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that's a lewd

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Cats are pretty cute. I'd get one, but it's a lot of work letting a cat take care of itself.

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hell yeah man
Lilly and Emi are also valid, Rin as well, if you ignore how bad her route was
but Hanako always best girl

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Good morning and merry Christmas bro

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morikubo is very cute

>40 minutes one way
That's about the average Sunrise highway trip for me. So didn't end up hitting the toegay?

See, I only know that I need a different set of tires for snow and ice. And that's expensive since i can hardly afford tires for the summer right now.

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I live in Texas. If I wanted mountains, it’s at least a five hour drive, other than that, it’s wangan mode

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Yeah, snow tires are a must, unless you just want your car to behave like a slip n slide.
That said, i'm just using fairly new all season tires and it's fine. Lol

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It's been 3 years still not fixed

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Who wants commitment anyway? Plus they like 12 hours a day.
Bringing back the feels.

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Do you at least have a 300z?

I mean, sliding does sound like fun....
Can I blast eurobeat while I do it?

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Happy Holidays, my friend.

Well, to be fair, I also enjoy 12 hours a day.

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Right up until you slide off the road end up stuck in a ditch. Then you have to turn off the eurobeat.

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Times are a changin’
I’d still love an S30, but you know that

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Or do I?
At that point, I get to put this on.

Man, I'll get my dorito up and running eventually. I wanna slide and shit again, it's been so long.

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Got to get some sleep. I'll see you later, have a nice day.

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Nah, after you slide your car off the road, you're legally obligated to stand outside your car and stare at it like you're thinking really hard, while in reality your internal monologue is really just "ah fuck."

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Can't I do what i did when I slid into a guardrail? It's a similar situation, right?

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Speaking of sleep, I should try to go to sleep earlier. Sleep schedule is messed up.

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I want an old FR again. This civic is poopi.
The FF train just sends the power too quickly, plus a different transmission and what not than what I learned with.

Attached: 155Remalicious.jpg (785x1360, 229K)

I didn't realize we were talking about sleep. Oh well, goodnight Friend.

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Lol, nah. Your car doesn't get totalled or something. Just stuck. You get a shovel and some kind of traction-adding medium and dig your happy ass out.

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Same, I've kinda gotten used to using FF in a way that works, and especially with the MS3s insane torque steer. It's a bit of a curve, but once you learn not to go full ham on the gas in a corner, it's just as fast as any of the FR cars I've had.... well, as fast as I'm willing to push it, anyways. Feels more like a rollercoaster though, like it's on rails.

So... slap tank treads on it and go full AHHH NUUUU?

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Why was he so damn right? Yet I grew up hating him. Fuck Jewish lies.

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Not gonna pass out just yet.

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Spoiler’s what’s making me fear less about the corners. There’s a large curve near me I like ripping up to 80, it’s always fun.
Miata is the true car on rails.
Also, remember that game Drift Spirits I told you about? If there’s any reason you should play it... Initial D redux (god knows how many times at this point)
- White Wings 86
- Project.D FC3S
- Bunta GC8 with incorrectly colored aura
- Sakai’s Integra DC8
- Tomoyuki’s EK9
- Omiya’s NB
And more.

Attached: 396241F5-18CA-4579-ADE8-609E0027159E.jpg (2048x1536, 352K)

DC2, I mean.

Spoilers and a hella set of tires. You'll be hard pressed to lose grip.
I actually tried the game out a bit not long ago. I didn't realize it was a gacha game with cars fam.

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Who are these cute little lesbians and how tight are their pussies




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And turbo power.
So, you’re telling me you downloaded a mobile phone game that was made by Bandai, and you didn’t expect it to be a gacha?
Either way, this game is extremely friendly to F2P, but still somehow lets whales get the upper hand. If anything, just reroll.

Attached: CuddleRemalicious.jpg (1200x898, 848K)

Don't have any more that I drew (even though I just traced that one), but I've been meaning to draw more. Here's some straight from the game though

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I've been steering clear of any and all gacha games since Tera started doing loot boxes, because that's what every single one felt like. Just a lot of "pay us now or the games gunna feel more like a second job after long."

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Oh ok. So what are you doing?

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get a jeep wrangler

Yo ninpochi!

Attached: Kof-card-valentine_mai.png (311x418, 305K)

Right on, it's bringing back memories.
Not much. Played some Medieval 2 earlier, now I'm watching random youtube videos.

Attached: __astolfo_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_citron_82__sample-4080e12b7f06dfbd32b9a2ae86b52f66.jpg (850x738, 161K)

Put this together a while ago for 9gag... I used to have a higher res version but it would take a while to find it

Attached: sdvsdvbb.png (700x392, 462K)

I hope it's only the highest quality content.

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*in an antogoistic melody*
astolfos a boomer
astolfos a boomer

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Why is she so perfect?

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Good stuff.
It's meh. Some audiobooks sounds nice right now.
How much have you had to drink tonight?
Shouldn't you be pestering Rory?

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Attached: __aegis_persona_and_1_more_drawn_by_byoru__sample-39a26502509e67f73c8d9bae95443751.jpg (850x1132, 164K)

well you play almost as old of games as them

Attached: 1562473329284.jpg (345x615, 58K)

Very rude, dweeb.
Fair enough, my brother called the original Star Wars Battlefront old, made me feel old.

Attached: __astolfo_and_fujimaru_ritsuka_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_piro_iiiiiiiiii__sample-23512bdd4a3 (850x1200, 163K)

how do these threads work?

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Drift Spirits is pretty loose. Pay or not, it still is fun.

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A tiny

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Astowolfo the boowoomer

They don't

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did you get to the boxing match in midievil?