Any other bipolar fags here

Any other bipolar fags here

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Bipolar is a modern euphemism for being stagnantly sitting in a hyper or hypo mood. Everyone is fucking bipolar try reading about this guy named Icarus sometime ya dumb fuckin tweenager

Who sent you?

hypomanic reporting in

just stopped taking lexapro and abilify. kind of regret it because I felt better on them but they didn't help at all with suicidal thoughts or hating my life.

Not sure if I'm bipolar or I just had a paranoid/manic/grandiose/irrational psychotic episode brought on by some weird concentrated marijuana use. I do have a family history of mental illness, and I'm at that MAGIC mid 20s, where latent psychosis rears it's head.

I might be fucked, like you. Scary shit niggas.

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Lexapro can actually fuck off forever. That shit kills people, Karl, I hate it. Had a terrible time getting off it, but I'm glad to be free.

my shitty psych told me to take half a dose for a week then stop. after taking lexapro for a year... naturally I believed him and had the worst brainzaps of my life so I still take a half dose every 4 or 5 days to stop the zaps.

type 2. shit is really and truly awful but I could never run out of stories to tell about the insane shit I've done and been a party to. on mobile so not greentexting or going to in depth, but I was arrested by US Marshals (in the cafeteria) when I was 16. good times.

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Everybody's brain is different, therefore tolerance for the side effects are too. You better fuckin find the liquid shit, and work your way down at your own pace, slowly less and less. That way you can avoid crushing/cutting pills (less human error).

hm interesting I will see if I can get some. I agree everyone is different but a one week ween off of max dose lexapro for a year is insane.

What's the BEST actual GOOD thing that's ever come from being out of control? Like that unexpected shit that actually worked in your favor.

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I did it cold turkey and I was fine. But I didn't have any stress in my life at that time...

I was on 5mg for like 6 months tho.

crashed a car going like 50+ mph (in the rain) into a parked truck while blackout drunk in the middle of the night several years ago. I was about a mile from my house. hit my head on the steering wheel but luckily I was all but unscathed. I ran with everything I had to the crib, called my buddies mom at their house I left from, she picked me up from my house and I was manic enough to stay awake for the next 3 days, hiding out in their shed while the heat died down. thought I was toast for sure but luckily my maniacal brain that told me to run was looking out for me. that and the fact that I had just renewed the insurance and the papers were in the glove box. one thing I don't know is I had a bookbag with like a half ounce of shitty weed, xanax and a half fifth 5th of aristocrat in it. I didn't run with it and the police didn't have it. I always assumed that the guy whose truck I ran into and his wife found the bag and recognized my car and hid it. no idea why they did that but God damn did I appreciate it. that's like one of a hundred of crazy things just like that that I've gotten myself into. I'm a bit older now and don't drink anymore but fuckin A man.

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Wow holy shit that's some lucky nonsense.
I mean, there's people out in the world that have lived more in 30 years than most people do in 90. By that I mean there's people who have seen some shit, you never know what worlds people have crossed through to be who they are.

So maybe this nigga found your mess, and was like, "I get it, stay strong yung nig."

Too bad you didnt crash and kill yourself instantly, useless retards like you should be institutionalized and forbidden from driving

You're so edgy you've stopped me from cummies.


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Bipolar is a curse and a blessing. Mania can drive you to do some really awful things, makes you very reactionary, and for me I become a sexual fiend (although I have enough control to not effect people in real life), but where mania comes in handy is with creativity. I can write my best attempts at novels when I'm manic, I play the piano best when I'm manic, I'm able to rip through a book within a day when I'm manic. My lows are never really super low, but when they are, I can get pretty suicidal, but some of the darkest thoughts come from there, and they become really helpful in my creativity as well.

Sounds like you're riding a racehorse that might bite your face off, but also could win you big money from all the gambling you've placed on it. I'd tell you to be careful, but is that even the right advice?

yes and it sucks ass once you find out you have it.
Feels like I have myself under the microscope everyday

It's absolutely a gamble. It's always a question of how far I'll go the next time I get manic. As of now, I'm capable of recognizing when I become manic, which is why I'm able to stop myself from binge spending, and acting on my sexual urges, but I can't help but ask myself, when will the time come where I won't be able to tell that I'm manic? Because in my mind, that would be when I've totally lost control.
This reminds me of a story that my psychiatrist told me. She once had a patient who, like me, was taking medical sciences at the same exact university, and was bipolar lenient to the manic side. Unlike me, though, he was absolutely brilliant, and had almost perfect marks, but at some point, he completely abandoned his education because he kept inviting homeless people to live inside his house during the winter, and taking care of them took up all his time. It got so bad that his wife had to step in and talk to his doctor, who recommended him to my psychiatrist. He was on medication for a little bit, but then gave up. My psychiatrist told me she hadn't heard from him since.