Any preppers on Sup Forums?

Any preppers on Sup Forums?

Attached: 61558E25-570A-44AD-A5B6-45516B3EA29E.jpg (810x539, 120K)

prepared to laugh at you

Prepared to take a massive dump.

Prepare your anus

You'll cringe on your deathbed when you realize how much money you've wasted being an idiot.

Do you larp on Saturdays with that knife? Is prepping what disgruntled boyscouts do when they grow up?

fuck these kids. Yea I fuck with prepping, carry pretty much my bug out bag on my person everyday as my EDC

Not for "doomsday" or some stupid zombie apocalypse crap like a big manchild. Just a reasonable stockpile of food/water and extra necessities in case of severe weather or natural disasters like tornadoes or snowstorms like a rational adult.

Or civil war

Is that Bilbo's sword lmfao

I know a guy that's a doomsday prepper that's about 45-50. He's an ex Marine (2 whole years) that can't let it go, works as a low level high school janitor, is basically the town loser, and his very very butch wife left him for another woman. My aunt was his neighbor and said he would get his mail in his underwear, a cowboy hat, sandals, and his glock in a leather holster over the top of his tighty whities. That's what you have to look forward to. Best of luck, OP.

Great anecdote. I'm sure you know lots of guys.

Ultimate Chad

right wingers are all very good at prepping if you catch my drift

I wouldnt call myself a prepper per say. But i do have a large rustic cabin a days hike into the hills/forest where i live. Its 10 minutes from a secluded lake.
I have more survival/camping stuff than i know what to do with. I have 2 .22 rifles, one is at the cabin, a 30-30 repeater, 2 30-06 rifles and a cooey shotgun. I also have a compound bow. I have plenty of amo for everything, especially .22.
Im no prepper im just really into hunting and fishing. I spend more and more time up there. Hoping to winterize it this summer so i can go year around whenever i feel like it.
Learn the forest

>a days hike into the hills/forest where i live
Yeah. You can "prepare" to have your asshole raped and prolapsed within the first 2 days of the collapse. You might as well retreat to the middle of downtown of your city because you'll be just as safe there.

>t. retard who has no idea what he's talking about

Thats just where i spend time hunting and i get good trout from that lake. Im not a prepper. If i were, id go In much further. You would just need to be able to survive the cold winters. Have a place ready. I live up north

>only 2 bottles of water
You're gonna dehydrate before you shoot one round lol

He's prepping for possible orcs and goblins. Also he could capture one and use it as a light source then.

I can't believe you guys don't realize that's a stock photo

That dude is living the dream

Oh, and you do?

is this the power of the alt-right?

I can't believe you don't realize what shitposting for the sake of shitposting is

its for paranoid nolife losers but maybe in usa there is a real danger your goverment or some wild niggers gonna kill you
no one said hes posting own pics

oh wait maybe some ppl took it like his own pic but he didnt say it just asked if any mental fuck ups around