You have TEN SECONDS to explain why you aren't playing a real game like EU4...

You have TEN SECONDS to explain why you aren't playing a real game like EU4. You think pressing 'A' over and over in your "RPG's" makes you some kind of k-rad elite gamer?

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Pathetic, why conquer Europe when you can literally conquer the whole entire galaxy.

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I have over half the achievements already
space Jew

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at least it's grand strategy, I bought pic related because the visuals looked great, holy fuck, what a mistake

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You have TEN SECONDS to explain why you aren't playing a real game like CK2. You think "coring provinces" over and over in you "Pax Europa" makes you some kind of k-rad elite gamer?

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Fucking incest gamer right here. Fun multiplayer at least. Until a player cucks you and fucks your wife. Which is fucking every. damn. time.

You have TEN SECONDS to explain why you're not playing a real game like hoi4. You think "marching armies" to fend off one hostile siege to the next makes you some kind of k-rad elite gamer? Can you even defensive line?

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Made a killer robot (think Necrons) empire that consumed everything in its path, including fallen and endgame crisis factions. Stellaris is much more newbie friendly than the other games from Paradox. Tried my hand at EU4 and CK2, even Victoria 2, but I'm too dumb to learn the mechanics behind those

I don't have all the dlc that makes the game playable

>develop provinces
>wait, strategists say don't do that
>put all mana into tech instead
>lose money like a mofo
>deathstack from Laos
>impossible to set up any meaningful defense
>AI sends insulting peace offers every 5 minutes
Yep, back to Stellaris for me.

How the fuck can you even say that
Holy shit just get gud

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Bitch, look at how much money it is. Besides, The game's not that fun without mods when does have all the dlc anyway.

Because I like Dominions 5 more despite it not being objectively better

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its ez mode

You act like EU4 is hard

>Könhelm prepares to cast Magma Bolts

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I'm I just realized the fucking pic. Top kek.

so uh, is pic related any good? thinking of buying it while it's on sale

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It can be. The UI is confusing at first is kinda bad, but the overall gameplay is really fun

How the fuck did you manage to get there as China? Also I'm 1000 hours into the game and still don't know how naval mechanics work

Kuomintang China snowballs pretty easily if you can survive the Japanese invasion thanks to its high manpower. Asked the USSR for military access, joined the allies, got so much war score against Germany that it became Chinese Germany.

after man the guns the naval mechanics changed a lot. it's pretty complex so it's easier if you just ask what exactly is your doubt about them?

>pretty complex
That's an understatement. Hundreds of hours into the game and I still don't understand how to protect my fucking capital ships properly.

HOI 4 is better

My computer has an i3 and internal graphics

EU4 was literally designed to run on that hardware perfectly.



Because I can't smoke catnip and eat more fast food than Amy Schumer could dream of while gunning down Gary Coleman a thousand times in that game.

What are the best drugs to take for playing eu4 or ck2