Has anyone here ever been diagnosed with genital herpes? If so how did you contract it, what were your symptoms...

Has anyone here ever been diagnosed with genital herpes? If so how did you contract it, what were your symptoms, how did finding out go, and how is life now?

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bump for interest.


...that's herpes?

that doesn't look so bad... did you try taking herpes meds? would you pretty much forget it existed if you did?

Not genital herpes but ig similar? It is technically and STD/STI of sorts so I'll share ig.

When I was maybe err.. 12 or 13 (I was on Methotrexate for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis treatment) i developed quite a few extremely large (up to 1 inch diameter) boils in various places on my legs. They oozed pus when squeezed like acne and we're very irritable and itchy. They were actually so big and irritated I legitimately thought they were spider bites all over my legs I'd gotten in the night. The worst of them were the ones that were on the backside of my thighs.

Within 2 years though, even on consistent immunosuppressants, they went away. Still scarred though.

Turns out I'd gotten it from one of my friends who had it to a much lesser degree on his arms. Now my thighs just have very soft and malleable spots in various areas.

that actually sounds terrifying. still soft and squishy?

The spots are really small but the scar tissue is super soft and delicate, yeah. I usually don't remember unless I see a thread like this though

I’m immune to genital herpes. I used to have sex with a girl who had even touching his bruises. 3 years later no signal of herpes. I got a exam and nothing. My actual gf is clean just like me. Weird....

Was bad in the beginning, havent had an outbreak in like 5 years. Fingers crossed.

You're a carrier.

how much are meds?

Shouldn't have had sex with your gay friend.

you might have it, just havent had a break out yet.

are you white? You might actually just be immune. Something to do with how the black plague killed a bunch of white people and some of 'em are just immune to HIV 'n' shit.

No idea - do you have insurance? I figure that shit would be covered. US or EU?

Herpes can hide in the spine. Get really sick or unlucky, and you get your first break out 20 years down the road.

Why would insurance cover a disease that 90% of the population has?

What makes you say that 90% of the population has genital herpes? It's much lower than that. As for why insurance covers it, I don't know. It does though.

Hey virgin those are ingrown hairs. Pop the boil then pluck them out. And learn to shave properly

Well I didn't get genital herpes, but give it to a grill. I recon, I give it to her while I ate her pussy. She got it at the same time at her face and said that she got a bad fever along with the initial infection.

Btw you are right user

90% have oral herpes not genital herpes...

considering all the bumps have a hair in it I would assume those are ingrown hairs...but get checked out by a doctor all the same.

I’m not sure if my girlfriend has it?

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I think some deity is playing that game Plague .inc and made the ultimate below the radar killer, it starts and spreads all over the world slowly and when they infect 100% of the population, it'll mutate into something world ending.

Attached: plague.jpg (1136x640, 126K)

Thats... Not herpes. Those are just ingrown hairs. If you've ever seen a cold sore on a person's lip, imagine that but on a penis. Thats genital herpes. Or you can just look it up. From what I've heard, unless its a really bad case, the sores only pop up once in a while and it sucks temporarily but that's about it. Would still rather not have it.

Could that have been chicken pocs?

that fucking looks like someone cat off her vagina and sewed it back on fuck I want to throw up

Welcome to Sup Forums

But it’s not herpes right?

Sorry man, my previous gf has a better looking snatch

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