Post a picture of the car you drive and try to guess the owner's personality/what they do

Post a picture of the car you drive and try to guess the owner's personality/what they do

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Why don't you try to guess the kind of car I drive by looking at a picture of myself? Pic related

Dodge neon

Professional cock sucker?

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Close, Honda Civic.

any hatchback vehicle
any what people call "K cars"

basically right on the money

lets not show off how many correlations can be pulled out of this

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Neon is the Honda of Dodge

do not buy weed from this spoiled rich white boy urbanite who has so few friends his popped collar fossil wearing ass still sells weed

Honey Bucket cleaner


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is this a jetta or a bora

30 something male social worker.
Probably didn't go to the holiday party because your boss is a cunt

"Yes I'm actually running my own business, how long since you've had someone take a good look at your roof?"

Blizzard blender at the Lake City Dairy Queen

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Bora is just a jetta that was made to meet euro standards

It's my only means of conveyance.

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>works at a coffee shop
>Doesn't go to target bc of bathroom policies

Fucking sovereign citizen, aka road pirate.

"its my only $4000 means of conveyance which I must ride on the highway IN A HUMONGOUS loophole where I'm not required to have insurance and if I get hit it's automatically not my fault.

If I ever DO hit one of you fuckers, and you're still moving, I'm gonna accidentally back up.


A person who wants to have something nice in his life but cant afford it, so he bought new rims for his car.

Has to stand out from traffic

Likes to do things by himself

Somebody who tries to be hip, because everybody else also has a fatbike

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kinda ture but jetta is the us name for a bora.

> Wears suits to work
> Mid-late twenties
> Suburban home

Boomer dad who's summer car is a Corvette and "just wants to grill damnit"

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the R32

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> Wears suits to work
> Mid-late twenties
early 40s
> Suburban home

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20-something that recently graduated college, just got their first real job and wanted to celebrate by financing the cheapest but least cheapest looking car a 600 credit score could get.

Its not daddys money because the tires are flat as a 7 year old which means its a freshly on their own USUALLY daddy's money who beats the piss out of their shit in that I listen to redneck wrap skinniest fucking whiteboi you know holy shit how does he even wear jeans.

Very low effort job. Constantly complains but wont hold anything better because he cant plan parties.

This is the kind of super pretty truck you see up on a jack for half a year because the newly adult youngsters cant afford SHIT but gas snd smokes.

16-24 year old blonde girl who drinks a lot.

Travels across country going to car shows

Snorts at rep wheels

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early 30s
not mexican
food service industry
believed the dealer when he said "sporty"

Grew up in the 90's has a shrine to the fast and the furious in his garage. Only dates Asian chicks. Works in technology field making 120,000 + a year.

stereotypical Subaru driver that couldn't afford to actually buy a subaru

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Goes "off-roading" and camps inside of cabins with electricity

early thirties

works in sales/customer service

mom's car
'nuff said

22/pizza delivery boy/slings over priced shitty weed in clear plastic boxes at the same time

Only kind of likes driving, but pretends they do.

adventure drives but yes

door-to-door ladder salesman
owns a lab or retriever

"adventurous" millennial who wanted something "sporty and offroad" for the once-in-a-while trip to the local hiking trails...just to park it in the asphalt parking lot and not actually take it offroad.

Hipster, wears flannel ironically unironically.

Tokyo drift was the only fast and furious that was not latently homosexual.

Just saying.

Soccer mom fucks Tyrone while Dad and kids are at work. Swerves to miss mud puddles and doesn't know what 4X4 stands for.

Road pirate refers 2 police dumbass

Buys 90k offroad vehicle, dodges every pothole in the road. Boomer with money, pretends to be outdoorsy.

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>The real R32
>Bagged with BBS LM's
>Office Job

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Hard worker and meth addict

is a wizard, has a beard that drags behind them like a dress, doesn't talk to people, can fucking fly but uses a horse as a symbol of superiority over everyone.

that was me before the GTR but now I sell weed legally so pretty fucken close


owner of this car most likely is a fruity tooty gay lord

You can go ahead and guess, but I don't really do anything. Car has 40k on it, barely broken in, bought it new. Handles decent, kinda zippy, rides nice on the highway, great on gas, and runs like a goat in the snow. I'd get another.

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> Literal impersonation of Amish Mafia

probably has a pair of argyle socks you bet your ass

> Races honda civics with 200k on them and thinks the subie is fast

Overworked male that does a lot of driving, had a lot of cars, and lived north the majority of life.

owner of this car is most likely a NPC

Boring soccer dad, most exciting thing in life is craft beer.

You gotta watch out for Amos he's all ways down for a buggy by flogging.

Works in sales

Wants to talk to a manager because the server didn't get your water with lemon fast enough

Mid thirties

Gets laid once a month

One of two things
>Soccer mom who OnLy bUyZ AmErIcAn!!!!11!!
>Fake cop wannabe who bought a regular explorer over the interceptor because he didn't want to give up heated seats

If you know, you know.

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I don't think its fast. I grew up driving junk, so it's pretty good. Long wheelbase on the highway makes it smooth.

I used to be overworked and drive a lot. Now I only put about 2000 miles a year on it. I did have a lot of cars. Lived in the North every day of my life, which is why I swear by the Soob. Unless the snow is physically too deep to push through, nothing stops it.

>late millennial or gen X
>"Redneck" but not white trash
>Currently has one with 200k+ and plans on driving it into the ground
>treats it like a squarebody

balding to completely bald

Hint: I do trannies.

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> Wanna-be drug dealer who drives around town blasting rap with their 12 inch sub from the pawn shop

> Suburban, government paying job

17 year old who thinks he's hot shit rolling up to the car meet because he owns a "sleeper"

Probably installed an HKS Super squeaky

Stealth, my man.

My kids are out of college. Craft beer can go fuck itself, but I like well-brewed known brands. I'm drinking a Franzenkeiner right now, thinking about hitting some XJ-13. Merry Xmas.

Early to mid twenties

Car is constantly a mess

Gets paid just above minimum wage

"$5 isn't gas money"

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Suburus WOULD be great, its just you never get one up here without it being beat straight to half fermented piss because everyone wants a "snow car" but the only people who manage to spend enough time sucking cock on craigslist are all hipster college faggots who cant see out their backwindows for the bumper stickers and crowd the co op market parking lot.

But I watched my brother drive one through a field with realtime 4WD 50% limited slip and the little fucker actually swam through snow too soft too drive in. Watching it spit jets of snow in the air transferring power was neato.

No one buys new cars. Too much rust, too many electronics. Lucky you settling down.

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Revvs on you at every light. Construction.

"Yeah, I'm gunna build the engine and turbo it"

Goes to car meets and revs obnoxiously

Never cuts his fucking fingernails. Like why would a guy let his fingernails get that long.

Parents own a business, keep two sets of books, and are never home.

You think he's revving on you at every light but he has to do that to keep it running. was going to adjust his throttle but smoked dope and forgot. His gf is 300 pounds. And he never goes more than 2 days without saying when the V-TEC kicked in.

If there isn't a dangly school colors/womens garment hanging from the review mirror I will suck my own cock.

late millenial
380k miles on her

fuck rap
fuck the suburbs

If I had to drive it day-in-day-out, I'd probably get a truck. These are great for coming out of work and theres three inches on the highway, or at 6am when you didn't expect it. If you can get one from an old granny with low miles, it's worth it. I'll let this rot in the garage before I sold it on trade-in. I can run this another 20 years before it turns to junk. My next vehicle is probably gonna be a low mile Tacoma, mostly because you can't put firewood or a washing machine into the trunk of the Soob.

Puerto Rican who works at a fast food restaurant.

When did all the burgers start liking turbo'd rice burners lol.

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>City slicker millennial who prefers cycling most of the time
>Boomer who hauls it in/or behind their RV