Has Sup Forums ever been beneficial to you in anyway? How has this website helped you...

Has Sup Forums ever been beneficial to you in anyway? How has this website helped you? This can be from anything to coping to actually getting good advice

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I've always found that it's a good place to vent and quite frankly goof around. Also I get cool images like OP'S SO that's always a plus.

Yes, I first stumbled across 4chinz when doing further research on Ww2 and hortler.
I really liked Sup Forums back then until I just got tired of the hortler did nothing wrong threads. I already knew, and although I joined in the discussion, at that time it seemed like we all knew and we were just regurgitating info.
So I left and didnt return until the fappening.
Then I went back and found there were now plenty of people that needed redpilling. In my off time I visited /diy/ and /k/ all of which had a random good thread a couple times a week with real info from people that really k new their shit.
Why do you ask, OP?

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>Why do you ask, OP?
Because Sup Forums is a very very different website from all the other social medias. It's a very unique place that takes me back to the old days of the internet and has little censorship. I'm a newfag so i ask because find this place very interesting

I was on Sup Forums the day that Michael Jackson died and I found out from a post of him making a goofy face and that post just said “I’M DIED”

That always makes me laugh when I think about it

my whole life is a charade nowadays. When I first came here (Sup Forums) when I found out about this place in a guild I was in playing WoW it was hilarious and I was young and life still had possibilities. Sup Forums was a magical place to me. I had used forums before but I usually got tired of them after a year or so. I could say what I wanted here and be as outlandish as I wanted. Finally when I turned 29 I got married and moved in with my wife. I got 2 kids now and all I do is feed them and play maybe an hour of video games a night. maybe. Anytime I vent to my dad or any other friend I know who is married they just say "Yeah that's marriage." but I am so miserable. I thought because my whole extended family all had like 3, 4, or even 5+ kids that when I had kids I would change. I didn't change. I'm 34 now and my hair is half white. I'm 30 pounds heavier and my wife have sex maybe 2 or 3 times a month. It's not even good sex I have to do everything and I havent gotten a full blow job in 2 years. I wish I could donate my kids to science and divorce my wife. She can literally have it all I just want out. So I come here after she goes to bed and I get hammered drunk and watch one of the 5 streaming services I subscribe to. I drink every night. When she's gone for the day with the kids I drink when they aren't here.

I love you guys more than my family.

i think this place is depressing and not good for you, but its also addictive since it’s obviously a place for anonymous free speech where anything goes. But it definitely doesn’t solve anything, it just makes you feel more isolated, since all the interactions here are meaningless.

Your living a stereotype user

Literally none of us want you here.

Your pic stirred back a memory. Cant remember how many years back, but Sup Forums used to have Coupon Threads. Cant tell you how many free meals I got during college.

I knew this place existed when I was young but I was just a lad, middle school is when this place peeked my interest-dead people, porn and the funnies how could anyone resist I came here for the freedom and left with degeneracy and knowledge that won't let me sleep at night but I love it I know the world is hell and this is the only heaven I got

not even once. best I've gotten is being called a pretty cool black guy

Helped being entertaining one time when I was extremely sick with tonsillitis and glandular fever years ago when I has just finished school. I lost 10 kilos 63-53kg. Never will forget the epic threads back then, hours of entertainment on different boards to keep my mind off the constant yuck feeling.

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I went on Reddit before it became gay but I lurked through both, Sup Forums was the one who lasted more but it's not like the old days (call me a fag but it's true) we're like the boogie man you to scared to learn about or encounter

>we're so cool n edgy

im now a fag, simple as that. still want to fucking off myself though lmao

I guess it gives me a place to go to where I can chill
No drama, entertainment, and the main goal of chaos until fems come around attention whoring erasing the anonymity

Also the advice threads are chill

No for the love of god I've been here a little over a decade, I wish I could trade every hour I spent on this shithole doing literally anything else.

/k/ helped me find with advice on a gas mask
Sup Forums helped me develop a coherent worldview, book recommendations and helped me get half decent @ debating politics.

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I found picrelated here.
I also saved a lengthy post about growing old that really resonated with me, whether it was an elaborate larp or not

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Stupid nigger.

>Reddit before it became gay

Love you too user.

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Sup Forums turned me into a pretentious piece of shit who can't relate to normal people because their music is fucking trash

> I wish I could donate my kids to science and divorce my wife
fuckin kek

>anthony fantano here

Yes, it makes me feel a little better about myself knowing their people on here with issues worse than mine so I start feeling better. Mainly when I remember I am not a faggot.

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love you too

its a great place to unwind and to have goofs and gafs. also makes me feel better that there are even more rarded people than i am.

One thing that I like about Sup Forums, is that hypothetically noone here receives preferential treatment due to appearances, wealth, or status in life. Good ideas here prosper because they are interesting thought experiments.

Your life sounds like shit. It sounded like it was going to be happy, but it seems like your wife is very irresponsible, just not wanting to have sex with you. Maybe it's your wife's fault, since a lot of Western women are spoiled like that, or maybe it's your fault. Why don't you start hitting the gym for an hour a day instead of playing video games? Get good looking, set an example for your children, become full of energy, get really good at sex, so that she'll want to put more effort into it, and that should drastically improve your situation.

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I'm black

I actually found out we killed Osama about an hour before Obama announced it because everyone on here was whispering that it happened. I made $100 bucks on a bet due to that info. Thanks Sup Forums

So you're a fucking nigger faggot.

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Wow. I didn’t read your comment or anything (too wordy) but that pic is amazing

It’s an outlet for my autism. Sometimes I’m in the mood for a certain kind of humor that I can’t seem to find anywhere else.

Ever been in a thread where someone says they're a woman? Derails it everytime.

>I didn’t read your comment or anything (too wordy)
It takes about twenty to thirty seconds to read. This is your problem. You are too damn lazy. This is why your life is out of order.

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Wow, I didn't read your comment or anything (too wordy) but that pic is amazing

don't know if this counts, but about this time last year I managed to get $40 worth of games off a steambegging thread


started offering my hentai collection in exchange for a few games on my wishlist

literally what I was afraid of becoming

I remember when I was 11 and 12 going online to try and get Steam gift cards for free, since I was from a piss-poor lower-class family, and spending hours trying to find out if it's possible and taking online surveys that lead to nothing, since I would've had to fill out those surveys for several hours just to get a single card, and then you'd have to prove that your an adult afterwards and give them all your information, and you have no idea whether they're going to give you the card or just give your information to about a hundred spammers. My childhood largely sucked. The biggest benefit I had growing up was not having to experience any bullying, since I got to go to a decent private Catholic school almost for free.

I love you, user.


Practice disciplining yourself. Work hard, get everything in your life in order. Constantly look for ways to improve things. Keep your priorities in order. Don't try to do something big before you fix all of the foundational things. Start hitting the gym to get become attractive, since all people primarily judge you based on how you look, any psychologist will tell you that.

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thanks for the advice user, but I WAS afraid of becoming that guy. I said fuck no to that, my life is still full of potential.

Sup Forums is the only board I learned anything useful from, unless what I learned from /lit/ counts, which is that literature is dead, and politics has taken its place. At any given time, almost everyone on that board has a megaphone, a character disorder, and despot's sense of fun. Fortunately these would-be engineers of dystopian nightmares have too little charisma to make their brands of magic real. A further irony is that if any of them could write with the raw eloquence sometimes found on Sup Forums it wouldn't be so depressing a spectacle.

It taught me the truth about niggers and kikes, so that was beneficial, also made me laugh, so that's a solid benefit too.

all in all in spite of all the faggotry over the last 12 years, 5/5 bretty good

I'm sure that 'truth' got you far in life.

Entertaining, fun, i find what other people honestly think. Find some interesting things.

It inspired me to put on a skull balaclava and physically assault political opponents

let me borrow $30 then

/soc/ is good for getting laid as long as you're not a fat autistic fuck. They even have traps in case you wanna smash a boipussy.

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>as long as you're not a fat autistic fuck
Great, so you need to be a gym-fag with a hollywood alike face to get laid even on this fucking shit of a website?

No, you just need to be average. I mean, you can be fat if you're a girl - plenty of guys are into that.

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I found that in a cafe.

>even have traps
>only have traps

Porn, so much Porn. and self discovery.
How else would I have learned I like girls with vaginas for mouths and clits for a nose?

There's plenty of chubbies and even a few cock-starved MILFs.

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Sup Forums convinced me to leave my abusive partner that I relied heavily on financially. happiest I've been in years now i have freedoms again. maybe not rich anymore but being able to work for myself is the most rewarding feeling.

Lol. Having all of that knowledge makes you a target, so you have to be careful how to hand out all of those redpills.

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It helped redpill me on the Jews, also a self improvement general inspired me get /fit/ and I have a six pack now

exposed me to a lot of shit at a young age and allowed me time to get the edginess out of my system, also provided a community of like minded individuals when I didn't have many friends irl (not as much now but very much so for a few years when I was 13 in 2006 to about 2011)
Sup Forums was very important in my development in pre and pubescent years

I've found most of my fetishes here

You're so full of shit it's leaking from your ears.

>you can be fat if you're a girl - plenty of guys are into that.
Exactly. Men are of a polygamous sexual nature, and women are of a hypergamous sexual nature. Most men, including most Chads, are fine with having sex with at least slightly below average looking women, as in 4s and 3s, but most women will only be fine with having sex with an 8 or above, even the below average looking fours and 3s, this is especially apparent on dating apps like Tinder where most people are just looking for a one night stand or friends with benefits. Women will only settle for men below 8s when they are desperate to get into a relationship.

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Like traps?

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What about redpilling you on niggers and spics, and pretty much everything related to race-realism?

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I wanna suck that cock so bad.

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It literally all originates from the wealthy Jews. From the first slave ships that brought blacks over to America to the constant shilling taking place on Twitter.

diaper girls, most notably

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Sup Forums is like my friends and family on the internet.

You can post what you want as long as it's basically nothing to do with children.

I came here when was 15, 12 years ago. Came on frequently at least 4 times a week because posting quality varied throughout the year.

But anyway, being an aspie fuckwad it helped integrate me into society a bit more. All the stuff you know you take for granted like why you should shower or socialise or eat better or how to understand communicating or simple concepts go through your head and years later its like you interpreted it differently.

It helped me be a lot tougher, thanks to Sup Forums I honestly have learned to grow some balls and stop being offended by people online and offline because people in general are selfish yes, including myself but we are all human and have faults but it's just words and alot of the time its just for social and personal gain and realised i have done the same.

Oh yeah, and i realised that life is tough. You don't look good you get penalised in all aspects of love and work. So stop being a pussy, try to look after yourself and earn your way up there.

It actually originated from the Irish, have you ever heard of the Hibernian Question?

The slave trade couldn't have happened in the first place, because virtually all of the merchants behind the trans-Atlantic slave trade were Jewish, and most of the slave dealers in America were Jewish as well, and now all of us white people are constantly shamed for it while Jews get protected victimhood status while they have more influence in this country than any other group and make an average of $125,000 per year per household, which is a little more than double that of the average annual white household income of $60,000.

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A nice user bought me a copy of Doom 2016

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there are times, not often but neither infrequent, that Sup Forums has presented me pornography that made my dick feel like it was splooging for the first time ever.

Thus I continue lurking as I have since 2007.

[all of the citations needed]

I doubt you would ever pay it back, but what do you need it for?

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About the slaves, I don't have the citation yet, you can simply look up Jews and the slave trade, also, at that time in history, it seemed like half of the merchants in the Western world were Jewish. I don't have the exact statistics, but they were extremely common. People in the West at that time were even making statements like "Every king has his Jew" and such. As for whites being demonized and Jews being given highly unwarranted victimhood status, just look at all of the normie mainstream media or what you'll hear in pretty much any public school or college in the US. As for the average annual household income, I got that from a Pew Research study on income by religious affiliation, it's a little flawed, since a lot of Jews selected atheist instead of Jewish, and secular Jews tend to be a bit wealthier on average.

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