I'm proud to be white

I'm proud to be white.

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Yes, be proud of the something you were born with and had zero say in. Did you choose to be white at the character screen before you were born?

Typical American retard.

>im so triggered to be a mutt

being proud of your race is some gay shit reminds me of when you're at somebody's house and they start talking about astrology and you're just like nodding your head politely trying your hardest not to call them a faggot for being into some autistic shit

lurk more

that's not how you use that

so this whole board is just a kike psyop now, huh?

being white is my biggest accomplishment in life
I walk with my white head held high

summer already?

no but you are gay that is a constant

that's not how you use that either
damn dude

Funny, and what do you say about niggers that proud to be niggers, or asians, or whatever, huh libcuck?

why would we be wrong?

back to 9geddit you go

Certainly a lot of niggers in this thread.

have sex

That's kind of sad tbh. There's a lot of pride to find in the world, and skin color didn't take any effort, time, sweat, trial, w/e

I'm proud that I taught myself how to produce music with online videos and 7 years of practice and now I work for a studio and am releasing my first album

Pride is typically earned, not given at birth

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I really never met a someone who professed pride in their race.

I have witnessed a huge amount of gay pride though. That has evolved into the LGBT pride, or just PRIDE.

of all the namecalling that the foreign governments developed since 2016, libcuck rolls off the tongue the least. Just say cuck. Libcuck sounds so bad. It's like when liberals say Drumpf or whatever. You sound so fucking gay and dumb saying that. Stop it please.

>a lot of niggers i
do you feel threatened by people who are a different race than you?

you white people better fucking APOLOGIZE


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Yes, be proud of the something you were born with and had zero say in. Did you choose to be nigger at the character screen before you were born?
Typical American nigger

based lmao

took the words out of my head

i'm so sorry niggers ever left africa

say the funny n word again :)

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Hey my..I forgot about that little retard. Didn't he get his ass kicked by a 92 year old Indian dude?

I'm also proud to be white and thankful I'm not a mong like that little shit in op's pic

>using reductionism as an argument from futility

if your argument is logically sound this also means you can't be proud of your country or any accomplishments associated with your identity.
do your country a favor and kill yourself, individualist. you watch way too much jordan peterson.

I smell nigger

>American nigger
American negros are, on average, stronger than caucasians. They also have better muscle coordination, eyesight, and virility.


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Eat shit. Every other race or even sexual preference has a parade or holiday.

You should be, Whites are a Minority on this planet

The only people that draw attention to race at all are overly political, both far left and far right. Most of us don't care about that. I see a person, not a skin color.


>I'm proud to be white.
But, that's racist, user


Fascists despise black people because most socialist and communist states contain blacks.
The real threat to fascism is communism

Keep on jammin', nigga

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That's because they're animals, not human beings. White men use brains not muscles like an ape.

Cool, I don't really care, and you shouldn't either.

Take control over your life, otherwise you'll spend the rest of it getting mad at things you have no control over, like people celebrating

It doesn't matter that they're celebrating. It matters that it bothers you so much.

There are organized White Pride parades, too, and the last one had 2 registered attendees

You're not being excluded, youre just fighting a really pointless "battle" and wasting your one and only life on anger and hate

I know y'all are pedos on the Sup Forums so i made up a special kiddy cunt pic for y'all! MERRY CHRISTMAS MY FRIENDS!!

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Thanks user


Fuck yeah.


>now I work for a studio
There is nothing more pathetic than a studio fags. I bet you even know all the notes and shit and I also bet you don't enjoy music anymore, it's like a regular job to you now. The point of music is to have as much fun as possible and not being a fucking studio nerd. That's why rock music is so great because you don't need to know shit about notes and stuff and how to play in general, just a lot of gain, a lot of fuzz, a lot of heavy drums, some simple lyrics and that's it.
So fuck you and fuck your momma you fucking nerd

FBI? You seeing this shit?

You are a jerk. Leave pedos alone.

Being a cock sucking genital mutilating child diddling faggot didn’t take any effort either yet these PRIDE faggots want a whole month and parade dedicated to them LOL

Sounds like you’re one of those self mutilating retards BROTHERRRR

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I am really happy that I've made it this far, and get to continue creating music and now even earn royalties with my music

Your idea of how a studio works is really odd. I do have fun in music. I'm not forced to create anything, I don't have deadlines. I create a song because I want to, my engineer makes it sound shiny and awesome, then we sell the song and both earn royalties

it's perfect for me, and I wish that you could be happy for others


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White people have greater control of their baser urges

Really mods? Just letting this happen?

You have to admit, that kid's vagina looks damn tasty!


>white pride thread
The absolute STATE of keyboard warriors


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Whatever helps you sleep at night user

I am all those things, and I am whatever else you need me to be so that you feel like you've won and are correct in this moment. I just want you to be happy again

Tropical parrots have more diverse vocabulary than 4channers

No, they don't. If you wanna quote base desires you should familiarize yourself with Mazlowes Hierarchy and understand that, until basic needs are met, one cannot thrive.

If you look at poor folk (of any skin color) you can see common behaviors; stealing, hurting to survive

if you look at wealthy folk, they do not require these behaviors to survive in the world.

Your skin color does not dictate "control" over urges, and there is no current logical or intellectual path to support this claim user

I know that you want to believe certain things, but you should take a moment to reflect on how you arrived at that belief to begin with

Skin colour doesn’t but being a nigger definitely dictates whether or not you’re going to rape someone because you think it’ll cure your own aids or kill someone because OOGA BOOGA

What the actual fuck? How is this thread still in existence? MODS!

You are so stupid that's hurts.
Imagine a situation in real life outside of pc.
There are 2 people, one is white and other is nigger. Say "I fucked your mother" to both of them. White man will just say something like "huh whatever" and that's all, the black on the other hand will beat your ass or even kill you, because he's an uncontrollable animal. Same to muslim pigs, those shitskins will kill you over the word in a second, especially if you say something about their imaginary pedo allah or their "bible" equivalent. Niggers and muslims are just an ultimate low IQ animals.

This. White people get AIDS and understand they can’t just rape it away. The monkey fucking negroid species introduced it to us and we are cursed to die with it. We don’t believe in voodoo Lion King magic to allow us to pass AIDS off to the next person like the movie “The Ring”.

To say we’re all created equally is retarded. Only someone as dumb as a nigger would insinuate that everyone is as dumb as niggers lol

This, but honestly this guy was even kind of polite about it. He’s spot on, regardless.

Proud of what? Genocide? War? Racism?

You are the devil.

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t. conservacuck

alright, well I tried to have a conversation but I can see that you only have one thing on your mind

good luck with your anger user, I suffered from my anger for a long time, too. I just want you to understand that you can become free from this anger. It doesn't have to control you

That's really weird, because when I ran your example in my head, both people didn't care that I said "I fucked your mother"

or.. did they both get upset and beat me?

hmm, I don't remember. There's so many variations in the human species it's really impossible, without a major leap in logic, for me to claim that "X people do Y all the time"

I have met enough folk irl to where I understand that vast differences exist, and that blanket statements weaken only myself and my own intellect

I prefer to think about things from many different angles so that I can create a more accurate point of view. Perspective is a very powerful thing. I am sorry that my stupidity is affecting you so negatively

All in all, i am against dividing and being conquered, which has already happened but people cannot look past their rage to see that we are losing.

Really excited for that 700$ million increase to police militarization that just passed a few days ago :)

But, yeah, let's keep fighting each other.. i guess..

You mad.

Not funny

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La creatura...


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They are stronger but the trade off is that they are less coordinated. Like apes.

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saved. JIDF is terrifying. I wish people realized the true force of propoganda in our societies.

I'm not even anti Jewish, I don't give a fuck about the petty squabbles of man. it's nothing new, nothing refreshing. We've been killing and hurting each other for thousands of years

I just want people to realize how pointless all the anger is, and that there are forces designed to anger us, like JIDF, Dem/Rep system, SJWs, etc etc

all these "groups" serve the same purpose - malice

when will Humanity grow up

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This is the face of someone who makes cuck threads on Sup Forums several times a day

based preach

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>because when I ran your example in my head,

Because you don't have the fucking balls to try it irl. You just don't have any real experience with black people. Your opinions are born of ignorance.

Stereotypes can not describe every single person, nor do they try. They are, however, statistically significant probabilities. When you claim that you have disproved a probability by providing an exception all you prove is your own stupidity. That is not how any of this works.

And it would be absolutely fine if you lived your life by your assumptions and I by mine and we each would suffer the consequences of our own decisions. The problem is you fucking retards don't allow non retards to utilize our best judgement. You are forcing all of us to suffer the consequences of your stupidity. That is just not right.

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Remaining in office after "impeachment" is. And winning the 2020 election after is god tier.

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>hurr there is no such thing as a racism against whites hurr
Fuck you, nigger.

I can't force you to do anything user, I'm sitting on my phone in bed in some stupid house my parents rented in Florida

I have no power over you

I worked in community development for a while doing placemaking for the arts in multiple cities, I promise that I have interacted with many many different people of many cultures and backgrounds. I sometimes do relief work and have always taken a heavy interest in cultures and anthropology

I can't prove my life experience to you, so you'll have to take my word for it, or otherwise

My goal is to reduce hatred in the world, but I am very alone in this goal, it seems ^^

I doesn't require "balls" to tell a stranger "I fucked your mother". I would never do something like that because it serves no purpose other than to provoke and upset

My life is worth a lot more than being a conduit for upsetting others

That niggers are too dumb to create an army and wage a war does not mean they wouldn't if they could. Being too stupid to be dangerous is not a virtue. They do their best to genocide each other in places like the congo, and Rawanda, and others in places like Haiti where their success also ensures their own demise.

White people are the only ones with the kindness to donate their own money to save the savages from themselves. Even rich niggers don't send money back to Africa.

White people are the only ones who show any kindness to others. It is our greatest weakness. We open our doors only to be taken advantage of. We send aid, only to hear demands for more. We protect the savages from each other only to be cursed by both.

Everything good in this world was built by white people.

Your feet

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Yeah, but the alternative is worse. It is all relative.

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You're right, all of those are fucking rad, thanks user, you stinky ass nigger.

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White Nationalism and Fascism will last just as long and accomplish exactly as much as every fascist movement has in the past.

Maybe more dead. Maybe less. And then people who want stability will clean the mess up and sweep away the stupid useless cruelty and things will get back to normal. The End.

holy fuck lol


kill yourself samefag

No, everyone including fascists hates blacks because they're on average more retarded than Whites and Asians hence larger likeliness of no outright abolishing communism.

>communists don't hate niggers


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True, true. Maybe needs a little more soy and a flabby belly, but true

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>My goal is to reduce hatred in the world

That is what everyone tells themselves when they are self righteous. But lying is not a solution to hatred. When black people end up in poverty as a result of their own actions and you lie to them and convince them that their poverty is the result of white people's racism, that breed hatred. When you stand with the left to constantly attack whites you breed hatred. When you deny IQ differences which explain attainment differences, and replace it with accusations of racism by whites and claim that the effects of IQ are orchestrated by whites that breeds hatred.

You can't fight hatred with lies.