Hey /b

Hey /b,
Im bored, tell me some stuff to do, I’m open for anything fun or weird!

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what shape are the ice cubes in your freezer

Go to bed and never post again

Don’t have any, sorry

Don’t you wanna have some fun?

put sharpie in pooper... dah

is it night there? go outside naked and take a pic by the road

No it’s not sorry haha

Im bored too op. You got any spray paint?

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cut off pinky toe

Very sadistic if you

shoe on head

> ill act like I didnt see that.

You got anything flammable? OP, the devil needs fire, lets give him fire.

Leave my shoes alone lol

Post pic of face with timestamp

I have a candle

Thats a start, do you have fuel? Im talking an accelerant.

OP, tonight we get put on another watch list. You got any tannerite

Never haha

I have regrets

Damn OP, we gotta get you more spicy for the ladies. If the "one" asks you to start a race war or bbq some pickles your fucked.

Dude, you need to bust that bubble.

You know, I do too. Dude needs a razor, but outside of that I believe in him.

OP, get you some explosives. Cause local blackouts. Get put on the news.

Either way, have a good night man. Im out, im fucking hammered.

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just behave u guys or i kill dogg

Attached: doggo stabbed.webm (720x720, 849K)

Sharpie in the pooper.

10th page. niggers

Add me and send me free stuff please?
Would maybe like FTL and Delver

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put fingers in butt and sniff

Shit in the ahower

>10th page. niggers

>Kill yourself faggot
You want me to die so bad, try it yourself or are you too much of a pussy?

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