What's the most you've spent at a strip club, I'll start

what's the most you've spent at a strip club, I'll start
>only $160

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I think like zero dollars. Why am I dating strippers for if I have to pay them too?


maybe $25

streamable.com/8cplu .,

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$1000 in a night

It was like $300 for me and my friend to take two skinny sluts back to the VIP room and feel up and finger them for a solid 2 hours ... But they came back to the hotel afterwards so

did they reek of cocoa butter?

$100 ,I dated one of the dancers for a few months was alot of good sex but got tired of her being shit faced after her shift 3 nights a week so I broke it off. Best part was on my birthday when I picked her up that night she pulled me to one of the back private rooms where her and 4 other dancers took turns blowing and riding me,I never shot a bigger load in my life. I figured $20 each was the least I could do lol

$0, never been!
What kind of a time can I get for $30 + cover charge?

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fuck those whores, i would not give them a god damn nickel

Zero because I like my money and my girlfriend more than I like overpriced shitty drinks in a dark room with a bunch of men and some naked tattoo'd hooters waitresses

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Not my cash but I used to have a job that required being in Vegas for the CES every year. Boss man was recovering alcoholic but let loose once a year. Had some serious stacks. Paid all expenses and took us and clients to strip clubs most evenings.He would give each of us $500 every time we went. Rented a limo one night a took about 10 of us to a high class whore house about an hour drive. Good times.

Same here buddy.

We've already seen her tits and they were incredibly disappointing

Goddammit, do some squats, girl.

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$5 for a beer.

No, just cigarettes. They were both spinners, every 30 minutes we swapped whores bouncers didn't give a shit as long as we kept drinking whiskey. Sucked on titties and fingered them. And one was down for hookups for $100 a night. Not being a gross fat mess helped.

Wouldn't look at those floppy fuck puppers for free.

$15 entry fee. I had work the next day, but my mates wanted me to come in to check it out. It was nice seeing the dancers but the girls ignored me the moment they found out I wasn't spending money lmao

560 cause I'm a baller

I can see naked women in real life any time I want without having to pay for it.

do you have 21 inch blades on the impalar?

Of all the things that never happened, this is one of them.


Never been in a strip club but I'd give Sophie everything

About 350 bucks.

But I spent over 500 for a massage before. Better than a stripper in every way imaginable.