I'm a household name

I'm a household name.
You're a nobody.
I'm set for life.
Your account is empty.
I've met celebrities and leaders.
You're disappointing your family.

Why are you so filled with jealousy?

Attached: greta.jpg (968x681, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I actually have $1500 in my savigs account jackass

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lol! pitiful amount...

At least I don't have fetal alcohol syndrome

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Pathetic OP you gotta jack off to a underage girl

Uh, no, not jealous. Who are you again?

stfu copycat!

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One of you niggers must know whether Greta thunberg rule 34 is fine

It’s fine. Everything is fine.

If so, why is the internet practically devoid of it, all I've ever seen was some fakes, and then nothing since

That little shit has worse mental health then the people that use this site

Asperger's syndrome, OCD and selective mutism makes a pretty fucked up human

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shes 16 you pedo scumbag! even fakes of her are illegal

>I'm a household name.
So is Andrex.

Age of consent is 14 in Sweden. That makes her legal, right?

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I couldnt tell you. Probably censorship.

Bampu desu
Just shoops of her face onto porn actresses
Somebody tell if it's legal, and if so then direct me to the content

Untrue. Fakes are fine. It’s protected like art. Thats why these weirdos can jack to realistic loli

You know you want to kiss her little autist feet until her pussy juice drips in your face. She probably loves to dominate.

Again, what's the legality of Greta thunberg rule 34 ex:loli

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no hart feelings, but this ist something to brag about

And just like that, you prove OPs point. A nobody losing at life, and jealous.

It's like make a wish on steroids for this re re

Banpu desu

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Jealousy!? No, I am filled with pity. Pity that you are used as a mere puppet of the ignorant tenaciously pushing a fake agenda. Pity that they are sacrificing a child, putting her in the front lines of socio-political war to be destroyed in their lust for power. ...and in their bitter search for more control by illicit "science", it is THEY that have stolen your childhood. My dear, ignorant child... jealously? No, I would not even wish your life on my enemies.

No, I´m happy because I don´t give a fuck about climate change.

Merry faggotry
>everything is fucking crosswalks nigger

I would have given my left nut to do what she is doing when I was 16 lmao I’d kill my gf to join their illuminati schemes my man. Stolen her childhood? She’s eating 5 star food, meeting her idols, and probably making fuckin BANK.

Yes because massive amounts of fame at a young age has never hurt a single person ever.

Somebody tell me if Greta thunberg rule 34 is fine

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No. Now GTFO pedo.

Her mom doesnt even love her enough to put the bottle down while she was pregnant.
Money doesn't buy happiness.
Familial relationships are happiness.
Her own mom doesn't even love her.
I'm doing way better than she is.
You keep "meeting celebrities" and chasing 1s and 0s on a screen, I'll enjoy life

It is. Post it

So am I .. for more than one actually, but hey the kids should have some to spend as well
So have I

I'm not

Also fuck that white bitch telling spics and niggers what to do dass Raycisamss
Or telling everyone what to do, posh cunt

She's enjoying the 15 minutes of fame now, minus those attacks for being the literal "poster child" for shit politicians, but soon people will be born with her memes and face in the news and then her handlers will dump her, and she'll only be left with the shit to deal with from it all.

>I'm set for life.
till people learn how CO2 works

She really is fuck ugly. Jesus christ, i feel sorry for the poor sod who marries her.

She only cares that white people are taxed down to the level of the 3rd world. She doesn't care for taxing blacks and browns.

Cause I too long to look like a potato, get fucked by my greenpeace overlords to rep some flimsy idea of global warming and have undeserved fame

Just wait .. her mom will soon remember she wanted to be a porn star once and Gretard will pay the price here as well

Nigga I don't got it, search gives shit in return
one of you niggers got it

I dont think so man. She probably will start a charity or something and still be half way relevant for a long time. She may not be front page news, but i feel like thats fine for her

Swedes don´t marry, they get claimed by some Muhammed, then raped and most probably killed.

she'll probably get B L A C K E D

I honestly don't care, .f the world ends, it ends. It was destined to happen, whether we like it or not.

She wont start a damn thing.
She might be placed as a figure for a charity like she was placed in her current spot.

Pornographic material of a person under 18 is still illegal, everywhere.


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It's not jealousy, it's disappointment. People would rather listen to the spoiled child of some rich family instead of listening to scientists who actually know what they're talking about.

We live in dark times. Greta reminds me of that more than anything.

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Browned and kiked as well ..

There is a chance, but it's really unlikely that her or her parents will handle post-fame well or be wise enough now with the money she gets to sustain themselves when they're cut-off.

There's the "out of school" protest which is a clear sign of ignorance. If she's not getting an education of any sort then she if fucked going into adulthood.

If the world ends?
Of course the world will end...
Humanity will looooong be extinct by the time the earth is destroyed though.

Okay boomer.

Scientists in the 70s: 20 years left, climate is fucked cause of westerners.
80s: 20 years left, climate is fucked cause of westerners.
90s: 20 years left, climate is fucked cause of westerners
00s: 20 years left.. .
10s: 20 years left.
Every. Single. Climate model ever created has been proven wrong.
Just food for thought

You understand that homeschooling is real, right? You can still get an education on the road

Two more years and mom will make sure Gretard realizes her a-hole can make money as well

Only a zoomer would be so naive.
A little defenseless kid is pushed into the public eye to push an agenda. That little kids parents are blatantly connected to those that are pushing this agenda.
Hmmm I wonder if I can use my detective degree to solve this riddle

Are you forgetting about Global Freezing?
Yes, it was a thing

Her parents brainwashing is what got her into this mess.

So I assume it's legal
Someone got the shitty lewd chinese cartoon drawings of her?

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What agenda? To make the planet healthier? Let’s say global warming is a huge fucking hoax, wouldn’t you like a cleaner planet? Better air quality? Less pollution? Less plastic in our seafood?

No. Scientists of every generation say the climate is fucked in one way or another and it's always westerners fault, something else to be perpetually guilty of.
Every generation thinks it's the one that really matters. They aren't.

i graduated high school
you're a dropout

What meaningful solutions did she give to do this?
What meaningful solutions are humans going to impose on all of humanity in the 11.5 year deadline she gave us?
I'll wait.

No. In the seventies, Exxon Mobile let their scientists conduct a study that found their practices to accelerate global warming. Instead of publishing the results or changing their ways, the scientists were paid to shut up.
There was some concern in the 80s and 90s, but by far not as much as there is now.
I was also not claiming Greta was right or wrong. Just saying that her voice is amplified beyond her credibility.

Pic related, although she isn't the best example.

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First of all the warning sent by scientist that if no changes were made within 12 years or whatever was about the planet getting a bit warmer and no reversing that.
Secondly the world will not end, humanity will perish before life on earth is gone and certainly before it ends.
Now the real problem with climate change is that when shit gets tough elsewhere in the world those people will move into your place. So if you happen to in the group of people wanting for example mexicans to stay out then you're really shooting yourself in the foot by being against climate change or pretending it's not happening.

I have always wondered how she would look naked. Do retards like her have perfect pussy and asshole? Or are they all screwed up? Hmmm

It is reasonable to clean up trash, not dump shit in oceans, etc, but the "climate change" people 99% of the time are talking about changes that destroy economies, ways of life, and do little or nothing for the planet itself. i.e. given more money to the government does nothing to help, that's just their bid for more power/control over people.
There are fucking pantloads of people actually making revolutionary changes, but they don't get any attention, only the ones that can help push government control.

We sure would but this shows how hollow the movement is.
Yes, America is a legitimate target but they just wrote off 2/3 of worlds 3 worst polluters.
Also, when it comes to plastic in our oceans the worst regions are clearly Asia/India and Africa.
By ignoring this and rather speak about patriarchy and racial equity they push people away

Huh. I guess I remember it differently then. Oh well, good thing there isnt a damn thing anyone can or will do about the issue so it's a non issue really.
Scientists can waste their time and breath, planted child actors can waste their time and breath, and the rest of us can carry on living

It’s less about what SHE is proposing, its opening the conversation so the experts can discuss funding and solutions with politicians and leaders. She is not the one whos going to clean the world, she is the voice.

1966: Oil Gone in 10 Years
1967: Famine by 1975
1968: Overpopulation Spread Worldwide
1969: Everyone Disappears in Cloud of Blue Steam 1989
1970: World Use Up All Natural Resources
1970: Citizens Require Gas Masks by 1985
1970: Nitrogen Makes All Land Unusable
1970: Decaying Pollution Kill All Fish
1970s: Killer Bees
1970: Ice Age by 2000
1970: American Water Rationing by 1974, Food Rationing by 1980
1971: Ice Age by 2020 or 2030
1972: Ice Age by 2070
!972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
1974: Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
1974: Another Ice Age
1974: Ozone Depletion Peril to Life
1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines Imminent
1977: DOE: Oil Peaks in 90s
1978: No End to 30 Year Cooling Trend
1980: Acid Rain Kills Life in Lakes
1980: Peak Oil in 2000
1988: Regional Droughts in 1990s
1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
1988: Maldive Islands Underwater by 2018
1989: Rising Sea Levels Obliteration Nations by 2000
1989: NYC West Side Highway Underwater by 2019
1996: Peak Oil in 2020
2000: Children Won't Know what Snow is
2002: Famine 10 Year if We Don't Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
2002: Peak Oil 2010
2004: Britain is Siberia by 2024
2005: Manhattan Underwater by 2015
2006: Super Hurricanes!
2008: Arctic Ice Free 2018
2008: Al Gore: Ice Free Arctic 2013
2009: Prince Charles: 96 Months to Save World
2009: UK PM: 50 Days to Save Planet from Catastrophe
2009: Al Gore: 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic now 2014
2013: Artice Ice-Free now 2015
2014: 500 Days Before Climate Crisis

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Yes! Suzuki is the original

Scientists are always right...

Great, that makes it hotter.


There are no viable solutions.
The "funding" your talking about is just another mechanism to bleed western populations dry.

Tank you, user! At least someone put it all together in a single post!
Merry Christmas!

Checking those trips
Also aye, most of these are horseshit

Yes, but is she?

>I'm a household name.
>You're a nobody.
Sometimes that's not a bad thing
>I'm set for life.
Not if the glaciers melt first
>Your account is empty.
Money isn't real silly
>I've met celebrities and leaders.
How does it feel to be a marketing cuck?
>You're disappointing your family.
They disappointed me first. Jokes on you

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Her pussy must horrible.

Just like Greta is now. She has already been added to the list.

Prolly not

If it exists there's porn of it, so I guess go for it.

>who could have guessed,Rollo in the bank!
so said the guy by himself. At that moment he seemed to be standing in a very small planet,like the Little Prince one

My personal problem with this is that many scientists are farming grant money for bullshit research this way. You know where that money comes from, right?

She's an autistic mongoloid, not a downy. Learn to mental illness.

Aye, problem is that there's scarce a trace of pron so if someone has some please be a kind user and post

I knew that was David's daughter.

As a former research physicist, I can tell you that I never saw what you're talking about.
I worked on projects for NASA, state agencies, and the private sector. I never saw anyone "farming" grants.
All currency in the US comes from one private bank... so yeah.

Stop Larping you NASA-shill
SpaceX is where it's at!

Space x didnt exist then bud.

Ain't mongoloid and Downy same shit?

Attached: rkecar02qw541.jpg (707x707, 50K)

True. I wanted to post a gif of temperatures and ice coverage over the last 30 years, but it's too large. That's the difference to back then.

Thanks for putting these together though.

I'll send a Christmas card to your shitty NASA space station