Are you guys ready for India to become a superpower in five days

Are you guys ready for India to become a superpower in five days

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No way is india gonna become a superpower. Dumbass streetshitting kikes

What's a really good curry I can order tomorrow for dinner?

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Butter chicken

1) You are the cheapest hardest to deal with assholes in business. All the memes about Jews clenching money don't have shit on a indian gas station owner when it's time to pay for fixing his ancient ice machine.
2) Your BO smells like curry and you dont use deodorant and wash enough
3) Your breath smells like curry goat asshole. Chewing cloves and parsley or whatever BS isn't a substitute for toothpaste and a brush.
4) When you have more money than average you turn into elitist monsters.
5) When said elitist monster takes his entire Patel or Sandeep clan on vacation they all litter.
6) You are like Mexicans but instead of leaf blowers and lawn mowers you write substandard code, simultaneously making wages drop and driving other programmers nuts
7) Windows virus infection scams
8) Your credit card company calling scams
9) Vehicle Warranty scams
10) Your country insists on making an ersatz version of every product for domestic consumption and then complain about it
11) There are about 600 million to many of you and you won't stop fucking
12) You treat women like meat in the 21st century and harass women who don't want the attention
13) You are horrible to your own people. Your rich are content living in high rises with private security while surrounded by slums where 9 year olds sell you tea and repackaged bits of soap for a living instead of attending school.
14) You then bitch about the low class of the 9 year olds family. Caste system is alive and well.
15) Have some delicious food but insist still eat with bare hands.
16) Other food is so over seasoned you cant tell which year chicken was slaughtered in
17) Militant vegetarians in India are LITERALLY militant and may hurt you for eating cow.
18) And then the same people drink cow piss sold like soda.
19) Your cheese sucks and is one dimensional
20) Objectively the worst Asians besides Bangladeshis. You make the phillipinos look stellar.

How is the rioting going?

What's their super power, gang raping and street shitting?

Also if they are your roommates, they are messy and they rarely live alone.

Also hey was geht ab du Ersatz?

Fuck u americans calling us street shitter while u fat fucks eat mcdonalds everyday and die of obesity. India will be superpower by 2020. Our last space mission failed so what the fuck are u gonna do mother bitch we can recover because we are super power now

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Truth hurts. Cheap fuckers.

Nice bait faggot

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Angry inbred Pakistani

Nope, American who travels and runs into pajeets overseas behaving badly and also has the problem of repairing equipment at gas stations and DQs that are indian run.

Horrible people. I understand why the pakis want to nuke you all, probably screwed them out of payment.

Shit it down

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I'd probably vote yes to see an all-out nuclear war break out between the pakis and this shithole.
We _might_ suffer some drawbacks on the global scale but the enormous benefit of getting rid of 2 billion shitskins just might outweigh them after all...

You are not white Qureshi Muhammad

I'm sorry white people criticizing others on moral grounds?

You gotta be kidding

Your whining has gotten past the point of parody. Just fucking shut up already with your whining or see what else the white people can do.

slow the fuck down super power. You are gonna shit yourself now.

At least when i drink and decide to walk instead of taking a cab i dont fear getting my ass gangbang robbed in the middle of night in any of the "white" countries.

But you probably stone down anyone who sniffed some alcohol in their life.

How can you be a superpower when you cut off internet access?

Honestly I had 3 Pakistani roommates and 2 of them were very messy too. Also they didn't cool their food and didn't even care when bugs shitted worms in their food and they were crawling up the wall. Pakistanis are literally just Muslim Indians.

Ok brock Turner

Lmao. Y'all the ones who walked in moralising about caste system and inequality.

Also faggot you live in your mom's basement you can't do shit. Every see Tyrone slam your girlfriend. Fucking pathetic