Why do Asian radys have massive gapers?

Why do Asian radys have massive gapers?

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Old asian ladies are the sexist type of person.
Especially if they're chubby, or have pussy hair.

imagine being so pathetic you're attracted to the ugliest form of woman due to there being no fear of rejection


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Imagine having a different definition of 'ugly' than you.

Because they've squeezed out a few rice goblins in their day. Old Asian Lady pussy still feels good tho. Source: I tried it.

>rice goblins

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But what if their gapers are massive and they‘ve had no kids?

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I'd still lick and worship.


From all the huge white cock.

Obese negress?

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Cheers bud

Looks like a tight fit for me. I'd smash.

Skinny women with bald pussy.

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okay so if this life of ours is a "test" being taken by God and ain't engaging with us during this test (until we die) so we can cheat as we want. So if we somehow cheat and noclip ourselves out of the space time continuum itself then we can easily go to a reality where there is no physics no time no past no present no future nothing just me in an endless void of nothingness so in that circumstance I can do whatever I want this making me "God" myself. Only way to get back in time would need me doing a very small and hot explosion with dense superforce (which I can easily do since I'm "God" now) which would eventually be the "Big Bang" itself and the universe created me so that I could create the universe so that the universe could create me and so on and this would keep going infinitely which explains the Temporal Casualty Loop better.

Attached: Had to Do it to em' Doge.jpg (1026x1026, 219K)

what the actual fuck did I just read

I am going to assume you don't have sex much or at all. That's not very loose.
Also pictures are misleading as are videos. Look at the size of her fingers in relation to the opening. This would be a nice fit for most men with an average sized penis. Keep in mind she is asian and she is going to be smaller than what you are used to (hands, genitals, etc) unless you are also asian.

Lastly, women begin to lose their elasticity as they get above a certain age. Especially when they become less active in certain physical activities. This is true for both genders, the elderly eventually become frail and infirm. This woman on the other hand is not quite there yet. Would smash,would enjoy.

Got kik pops?