Steam gift thread

Steam gift thread
Gift others/get gifted/cry/beg.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't believe you

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Hello, can i ask for two DLCs I'm missing for a game I really enjoy?
Cities Skylines Parklife and Mass Transit are for $3 each on G2A, would absolutely love them, please.
[email protected]

thanks in advance anons

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Hey Sup Forumsros, Happy New Years!
Would really appreciate dlcs for the binding of isaac rebirth, disco elysium or jump king, so if any kind user wishes to make a gift here is my id:

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All I would like is to play Rain World, and it's in the 2nd tier of this bundle for $4.99:

I would play the other games in the bundle too, Siralim 3 and Hero of the Kingdom III look fun so I won't let those go to waste

[email protected]

oy vey, anything much appreciated

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Ok, heres my question
Some time in a thread like these i think some user wanted to give a game, but because he was from México there was some sort of "dificulties"
Im also from México (sorry for broken english) and want to know if it can be fixed, cuz i have some money and i feel generous

*Im not doing atm cuz i am at work, and also on my phone

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Reviola, also known as the biggest Jewish cunt to ever exist - got gifted $130 worth of games by the well known and generous Z-Santa (RE3 remake, code vein DELUXE and Travis Strikes Again), then CONTINUED to beg, got Doom Eternal, The Surge 2, DJMAX RESPECT V - so $270++ worth of games of games in total
(meanwhile, some user got a fucking portal bundle and stopped begging...).
After being exposed, still continues to beg because his greed has no fucking limits, still participates in giveaways, started using a fucking NUMBER so ppl won't recognize his ID ->

Thinks only about his ass, doesn't want other anons to enjoy some gifts too, a pathetic fucking JEW. Also tried to do a FAKE GIVEAWAY to redeem himself, and did not gift SHIT.
Noone has ever seen a more greedy motherfucking jew. RevyRevolver? More like JewyRevolver.


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I just really wanted grim dawn dlcs so I can play with my brother...

A-user, puedes ayudarme acá si deseas con una key RoW ;-;

I'd love disco elysium :3

Also, fuck jeviola

Nigga you're the same as him, you jewed Subnautica Below Zero, RE3 preorder and other shit, stfu.

do you have ss? i can add him to the list

what the fuck is ss

I got a empty plastic bottle and some skittles for Christmas, all i own is a computer and internet. Pls user

You can check on Sup Forums external archive with his core ID

Cual es tu perfil en steam? Saliendo del trabajo te regalo tu key row o lo que sea carnal :v

I rolled quads for subnautica, did not beg for it :) fuck you you salty cunt.

i spent my money on a pocket pussy for xmas and i rlly want halo mcc on pc, plz user.


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[H] Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition

[W] Offers

Note: Got the game cheap on sale

Mándame un mail papu, porfi, gaaa

hoping for DMC5 or item from wishlist
happy holidays

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Yeah nigger, keep lying

begging for Halo Reach please

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Dame información de contacto, si no no se puede papulince

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Bump my request Broke life feels good...

I have soul calibur 6. anyone wanna trade?

Ahí te la dejé pues, y por ahí te paso lo que desees po.
[email protected]
Si no puedes pues igual gracias, user c:

Uuuh, can i have please

>private profiles and inventories
keep begging fuckboi

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Anyone gifted you those yet bro?




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Sadly no hah, haven't lose hope yet tho

he only has two of the games you mentioned though? Code vein and The surge 2

Bump,I’m still hopeful if someone can help me out, I just really want to play Rain World and the other games in this 5 dollar bundle, anyone willing to help?

sure, if you make your profile public

Hey user puedes considerarme?
También soy de México
Pls just a crumb of game.

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I think if the price gap is too different from a region to another you can't gift that person. The only workaround is to buy a GLOBAL key (gotta make sure the key is Global otherwise you can end up buying a region restricted key) from a external website like G2A or Kinguin and send it to the person.

Wym? Everything it's public
Also, excuse me for such low game time, I'm away from my pc, holiday vacation with family.

user, you already got shit ton games from Sup Forums when sale started.

Merry Christmas g, let me know if you got it :)

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uh, weird. i can't see how many games you have

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really hoping for factorio

these fucking 3rd worlders I swear, shitting up every steam thread with their panhandling and jewry

wishing a nice online shooter
happy holidays anons

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Begging for any key.
[email protected]

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It worked perfectly! Thank you very much user, now I have enough for the last DLC I'm missing (the newest one, campus)
I really apreciate this a lot, hope you had a good xmas user. :)
Thanks again!

That's really weird, as I said everything is set on public.


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All good man! Have fun and enjoy the rest of your holidays

Vale, hoy en la noche me pongo de acuerdo contigo user
Directo a tu perfil? Claro que yes paisano
Fuck off man, itt you can beg

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Miss me, hobos?

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Vale user te agredeceria muchísimooo si me contactas. c:


no fck off


>i do it because i can
how can a lifeform be even lower than the jews? beggars from 2011-2014 had the decency to stop after getting a game or only asking for $5-10 selections. And I bet they were white, unlike you shitskins

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Thank you! I reallg hpe you have a good new year, loads of hugs user :)

Still here Sup Forumsro? Still feeling generous after

Had a really shitty christmas, had to put my dog down on the 13th. Moved away from family, and friends. id really like code vein. If anyone is feeling generous id be really grateful. My late christmas brothers.

I am user, I would seriously be grateful for that bundle!

Así es, muchas gracias user, no todos los días te encuentras paisas por estos lados

Would love to play the talos principle.
Seems like an awesome game & my holidays are boring >.

Thanks a lot.
Christmas was shit

Sent, doods!

Are you feelan generous enough to handle me a Code Vein key please? Haha
[email protected]
If not, just taking as a joke:P

Sent, dood!


Let me know if you got it! :)

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Sure, why not.

can somebody get stardew valley for me? it's on sale for 7 bucks, i wanted it for like two years and still haven't got it so it'd be epic if somebody sent it to me, thanks
my steam profile
my temp mail [email protected]
happy holidays everyone

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Sure, why not.

>tfw want to gift
>tfw all money drained from yesterday

Waiting for those sweet footbux.

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I'd recommend you to not use temporary mail anons, other people can easily snitch them.

Got it, all 3 screenshots including the Rain World key, thank you so much friend! I hope you have an awesome New Years

Just want some hack and slash game. DMC 5, Code Vein, God Eater. Broke and bored of playing only Battlefront 2 my entire Christmas break.

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Death Stranding would be sick, if it's too much Halo MCC or whatever would help to make next year better please, thanks.

fren can i get a gift card too?
I really want 100% orange juice
[email protected]

I doubt i'll have any luck, but a steam key for RDR2 would be pretty sick. email is [email protected]

not on yopmail, it's just email alias not the actual email

Good shit! You too man, off to the pub now anons,
Did the other guy send that? If not I've noted down your email and will probably send you it after a couple of drinks :)

Tengo que regresar al trabajo, hay se cuidan hermanos

Yeah sure bro

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Some good games on that bundle!

I would really appreciate Metal Gear Solid V, I would like to get the definite edition but since Steam keys are a lot cheaper for the basic edition so I would appreciate the basic one as well.

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Sorry, forgot to inclue my email
[email protected]

Don't, it sucks.

Haha, nope, nothing yet, here
Aw man, I'm not really expecting anything but a key for that would be cool asf lol


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I have heard the opposite from online friends so I wanted to give it a shot.

Christmas sucked someone ran a red light and totaled my car.. Anything would be appreciated from my wishlist anons.

Can i have one? It's totally fine if youve given everything away! I need some g2a money for bundles to give to anons. I dont have any money to give to begfriends ATM...

Even if its just a single crumb, i need presents for user..
[email protected]
Thank mew!

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can someone please get me okami it's $8 on indiegala

[email protected]

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Bumping again, someone out there?

any game works really