I'm addicted to porn. Have been since I was at least 12, I'm 18 now. I want to quit...

I'm addicted to porn. Have been since I was at least 12, I'm 18 now. I want to quit, but the issue is a DONT want to quit. Sissy porn, hentai, exposure, its ruining my personal life and sexual life but I cant make myself want to quit. What do I do? Any answer is valid, even if its "kys" or "just become a sissy already jfc," I just wanna hear /b's thoughts. Also, general porn thread I guess, if that keeps it interesting

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Make your own porn then make money off it, I guess

I considered that, but I'm not particularly passable. I consider myself decently attractive in the face but I'd rather not get recognized, you feel me?

> I want to quit
> I don’t want to quit
Make up your fucking mind

Can you draw?

Not particularly, but I have editing and 3d modeling experience, I'm shit at people though

Let me rephrase, I know I'm ruining my life but good GOD I get the horny

just find another hobby. Slowly fade away from fapping as you channel your free time into another activity: learning guitar, drawing, playing vidya, Etc.

if you don't trust yourself (which no one is) then join a porn addicted group. It's probably the best thing you could do for yourself right now.

Wear a balaclava.

Chastity cage.
I swear

> help cant stop cooming. Hurrr durrr

>Device has existed for millenia for this sole purpose
Get one

You don’t want to quit because you have a week will. that goes for all types of addictions. If it’s genuinely ruining aspects of your social life and you don’t care that’s your problem. Go blow your chest out in a mirror and look at how much bigger one side of your body is compared to the other

I feel very similarly, and have for a while now. I spend most of my free time with my dick in my hand. I’m gonna be getting a chastity cage soon to try to help. I’m never gonna find a man if I’m always just jerking off, and I don’t have self control, so a cage it is.

how badly is it ruining your life? it's not like it's hard to tone things down while still getting your fill user. either that or get out of the house and meet real people.

This. See:

It's ruining my mental image of myself, and I think my gf can tell that sexually I'm distracted

I've considered a cage, and had one before, but I have a girlfriend I'm active with. That'd be kinda weird.

delete all porns.
dont waste your life with the illusions of a mashine. you are 18 - many time for change

that will free your mind

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Don't listen to these incels and cultists. Just enjoy porn. There's nothing wrong with it. It's healthy to explore your sexuality. You're horny all the time because you're a normal 18 year old. Take out your sexual frustration on your GF, or if she's an uggo just get a new one.

chatolics online


how to stop masturbation

Stop watching porn on your computer. One of the reasons you may be masturbating so much is that you know that you can access porn within seconds if you want to. However, if you don’t have the willpower to stop looking at the porn on your own, then you may have to take other measures to get the job done:

Consider installing porn-blocking software on your computer. Of course you will know the password to bypass the blocking function, but just having it pop up will remind you of your priorities. You can also type a random password in a text file, copy and paste it when you enter your password and verify it, then delete the text file. Then, you will not be able to know the password of your own porn-blocker. This is the best way to keep you strong and spare you the struggle.

If you have the tendency to masturbate looking at porn on the computer, try moving your computer into a room where others can see you.

If you have a physical collection of porn, dispose of it ASAP.

Get Help. Porn addiction apps such as Brainbuddy are designed to rewire your brain so you crave real connection instead of porn.

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you have a gf? then why the fuck waste your time with your hand then?

this will helping too


Cause my gf isn't sissy porn

Why does this help?

Draw your own hentai then.

Does your gf know you're into that?
Maybe talk to her about it and see if you can live out the fantasy together.
Make sure you're both drunk though so if she's weirded out you can play it off as you being drunk.

She doesn't know I'm into it but my asshole of a best friend/roommate told her I had an instagram where I dressed up once while they were both drunk. He was devastated when he realized what he had done and literally broke down in tears while apologizing when he next saw me. She knows I struggle with porn but she doesn't know to what extent

This, it's fine to be 18 dude, although if you have a gf you might as well fuck her and see if she's into what you are

Theres nothing wrong with having to take a break from working so I can go jerk off before I can continue? Or with the fact that I haven't jerked off to my gf in months, and that I have to use sissy porn? It gets worse every day.

More of this hentai please

of course there's nothing wrong with a break from her, but if you can't get hard to her, there might be a problem

That style/artist, or more Persona?

Thats what I'm saying. This is advanced horny. Its an addiction, just because its normal to want to doesnt mean it's good to push it

Did you talk about the Instagram with her at all?
What did she say about it?

She asked if it was true and I said yes, she said she didn't know that I could be like that (she thinks I'm very vanilla, and around her, I am). We don't bring it up much, but that was when I told her I have a porn problem

Not OP but I'd rather fall through the seven circles of hell with my dick in my hand that work my way up to Heaven.

Good job I'm right handed, the lord can hold my left while I jack off over his form

I am actually Christian so it matters to me. OP here, btw

jfc dude just find out if she's into it
Also just stop watching porn, baby steps.
I'm assuming you watch it every day/multiple times a day. So try starting with just every other day, then slowly work your way up from there.
Learn to jerk off using your imagination on the days you aren't watching porn.
Stay off Sup Forums too honestly, too many porn threads will lead to temptation.

Larping ass faggot
>browses Sup Forums
>porn is ruining my vibrant social life where I partake in frequent and raunchy sexual acts

Your religion is holding you back on enjoying life. Fuck man you can't be scared to life your life worth fear of how you behaved because of a god damn fairy tale.
If you want to jerk off then do so, if you want to live your life then do it, don't let a fucking magic man in the sky or his ridicules teaching stop you from doing that. I'm happy and have a girlfriend I've been with for 8 years.

More of the style

Took someone long enough to say it, jfc

Here's the link:
multporn dot net/hentai_manga/p5_harem_futaba_edition

Seek help. I ruined my life by indulging in some of the same fantasies as yourself.


SSRIs will destroy your libido and probably ability to coom

I have no intention of taking anti-depressants, but thank you for the suggestion

if you've told her then what has she said about it? reinforce this by saying you're serious and think it can affect the health of your relationship and hope she'll support you.

you think so? i swear it only enhanced mine...

I don't want to reshape a relationship I care about around habits I know are self destructive

but at this point it's already kind of being reshapen is it it not? at least try to take the bull by the horns instead of letting it slowly destroy you.

if you aren't strong enough to break the habit by yourself then who is the first person you're going to turn to for help? accepting you're not strong enough for something alone and turning to help is stronger than letting it fuck up your whole life.

although honestly i feel you're being melodramatic and realistically it's not ultimately harming much. get a grip.

At 24 I’d say I was around the stage you are now at 18
6 years later I’m 30 and like trap/sissy porn even more than I did
I had tried nofap & quitting
I’ve tried just managing it and accepting
Believe me it’s not gone away, the sissy/trap stuff just develops more and more
I honestly think you need to consider options to accept and be happy with yourself and that’s it
There are many more men/boys these days that just simply are and look feminine
You don’t have to be on hormones to be satisfied with this
You can just be one of the new generation carving out totally new gender roles and status as a femboy
I think trying to force yourself into the small box of Christian male is not what you want to do

Is there anything you think I could try?

I was fapping daily from about 12-17 I’m 18 now and it’s mostly faded into the every other day type of deal. But I know what you’re going through. In my prime I would do it atleast twice a day (my record is 3 weak i know) and then around the time I was 16 I had my first sexual relationship. After we broke up it kind of faded and just felt dirty, I still do it now but after the one time sexual relationship that I haven’t been in since it’s honestly just faded.

Wish I could say I relate. I told an ex once that I was into this stuff, but only to say I was ashamed of it, nothing came out of it. Cant decide if I wanted anything to happen or not

Dont feel guilty about it cooming feels good. Embrace your addiction

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ive found jesus and hes helped me turn my life around but i have an ungodly fucking porn addiction, i cant stop jerking off to loli shit, furry shit, and anime titties in general. i dont know what the fuck to fucking do. thank the lord that i never turned out to be a homo, i can only imagine how bad off id be if i was in OPs position.

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It ain't great

If this shit is real I feel bad for you.
You let yourself get a bit brainwashed.
Try to stay on a "straight" path and one day you'll get over your "addiction".

So basically, find someone to fuck, and you won't watch porn in such amazing amounts

have you had sex?
get laid with an ugly girl, any girl really and you will lose alot o the interest in porn