Anyone ever use Effexor/Venlafaxine...

Anyone ever use Effexor/Venlafaxine? Hpw did you like it im starting to take it and I have taken it in the past and liked it. anyone else on it?

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Always heightened my anxiety and made the back of my throat feel like it was closing up. Made it hard to sleep.

Does anti depression drugs really work? I'm debating going to a doctor but don't know if it's worth. I occasionally take Etizolam for social anxiety.

I have an inhaler idk if that would help if it happened to me. But I also take lamictal. And a few others lol. Im pretty medicated.

they are mostly hit or miss but once you find something that works its nice. I would shy away from zoloft though.

what's wrong with zoloft?

Eat psilocybin or acid. Don't take effexor

I used to take it two years ago, it was my first anti depressant. I took it for around a month. Usually it works after 2-3 weeks. Can't really say much about it because I had a meltdown and I stopped taking it.It kills your dick, don't take any SNRIs/SSRIs

personally, venlafaxine has made a huge difference for me. i still have off days, but they're few and far between. i strongly recommend at least trying some, and don't give up if the first meds you try don't work out. i've been through three different kinds before i found what works for me. also, keep in mind it takes a couple weeks before you'll see effects

I dont know I just heard a lot of bad stuff about it,

I tripped yesterday on 4gs of PE. But my medication kinda inhibits my ability to trip. But it does reset my mind to a point im not as depressed for at least a few weeks .

Lowers your T score, makes depression worse, causes ED. Just change your diet, get exercise and sets goals. Works wonders. Most of these drugs are worse than meth when it comes to the addiction and side effects.

I dont really care about my dick tbh. I dont get laid and I refuse to put myself out there outside of dating apps,

It helped me not want to die, but it made the panic attacks worse. My dose was 225 or something similar the last time it was increased. My worsening anxiety and reliance on benzos caused me to lose my job and health insurance, so I ended up not being able to get a refill of everything, and ended up quitting cold turkey. DO NOT DO THAT! i still, 3 years later, have the odd withdraw side effect.
personally I wouldn't recommend it, but everybody is different.

Ive been on lexapro zoloft and now this

please don't let the fucking retards on b brainwash you into not taking antidepressants if you think you need them. they make a big difference, and all the side effects are either minor, or they can be dealt with otherwise. it's not worth the depression. help yourself.

I had quit cold turkey on lexapro and went into psychosis which caused me to be diagnosed with bi poloar/depressive shiczoaffect

Effexor either works really well for your anxiety or it fucks you up. I tired it for a week and had awful side effects that took months to go away. My wife takes it and has no issues with it.

Apparently withdrawing off it is a real bitch whether you tolerate it well or not.

Used to be on effexor and quetiapine. Shit made me limp dicked. Stopped taking it and don't feel any different than when I was on it. At least I can get a hardon now that its out of my system

okay i am on quetiapine, effexor, invega, and lamictal. (im not on the name brands but those are easiest to remember,.)

i also was on both lexapro and zoloft before venlafaxine, and while they didn't much for me, venlafaxine has made a really big difference. the biggest side effect for me has been the sex drive decrease, but that's honestly not that bad, imo. it's not that you can't get aroused/stay aroused, it's more like you're less interested in sex in general. for me, that's honestly a bit of a plus. i still masturbate, and i have sex, but i just bottom. my self worth isn't tied much at all to my sexual proclivities, so it hasn't affected me much.

as with any antidepressant, the way they affect individual people is hit and miss. the people who replied with negative side affects are the same ones I had with every other antidepressant except for effexor. depression and anxiety in check now, but I also take ativan

Won't be sold in Germany...anymore..Got it till November... The picture of OP is the minimal you could get.

And how well does your penis function?

keep in mind, everyone, that depression can be chemical based or not. you can also have a combination of both. if antidepressants don't work for you at all, across multiple meds, you probably don't have a chemical problem.

i masturbate every few days. But my interest in woman is lackluster due to being in a 4 year burnt out relationship. Most woman are unattractive to me.

this, I find the decrease sex drive to be beneficial as well. you don't risk pregnancy/STDs and can devote your time to other stuff instead of being constantly horny and anxious/depressed

Don't take SSRI s

100% agree. it's sad seeing people on here forgoing ssris and such so their "dick works"

I've been taking 150 mgs for about four months now and it actually works well for level my mood and actually gives me energy.
It's not really great for anxiety though and unfortunately it's very physically addictive.
If I don't take it I get really weird withdraws that suck and I've gone through some extreme opiate withdraws.

cooming is one of my favorite hobbies

I also wanted something to give me more energy. He originally tried giving me wellbutrin but i didnt do shit.

It worked for me as far as becoming a functional adult goes.
I now have permanent dry mouth and eyes. The dry mouth lead to dental damage. I struggle to get an erection but it does work from time to time. Coming down off of it is not something you can take lightly, you have to step down.
Another user said shrooms and I agree. I can trip once a month for a few hours and I’m good versus the long term damage I have from years on 75 mg Effexor XR.

Missing doses results in an intermittent and unpredictable sensation which I can best describe as a brief electric shock.

For this reason coming off the medication is an interesting experience.

Like all antidepressants what suits other people may not suit you. Talk to your doctor if you have problems. Good luck.

i call em brain zaps

I took effexor for probably 10 years, at I think the max dose, it was 2 x 175 mg capsules I believe. I also took zoloft and I felt too disconnected/elevated, so decided to get off of it. I originally got on because it has less sexual side effects.
It was pretty easy to get down to about half of a capsule or so. After that, I had to taper over a period of years to get off of that stuff. If you miss a dose or two you get the brain zaps and those effectively made me completely debilitated. Also while tapering you get *extremely* irritable, like road-rage kind of stuff. It's awful. I finally came clean to my doctor about what I was doing so he gave me a smaller prescription, and those capsules had smaller "beads" inside them, so I could taper even more gradually. I was on a maintenance dose of 35 beads or so a day because I was scared of how angry I'd get over nothing while tapering off.
I wouldn't recommend for this reason. There are websites devoted to how to do this successfully. Cold turkey will cause unnecessary suffering IMO.

I had a kind of different reaction on Effexor .. I could not pass urine with out having to bare down so hard cum would come out first then urine... was fucking both scary and odd.. dr told me the site effects would go away they did not, so I changed meds... also had a huge issue with not being able to cum on Effexor my ex girlfriend at the time loved it as I could fuck for hours and not cum, but it sucked when you were horny and could not cum :(

Yep that's what they do, I swear I know more than the doctors I've been to. Specially when it comes to my own body. I'm with you on not wanting it to give you energy because when you first start on it you might experience a lot of side effects for two weeks but once you get past that you might be physically dependent on it by then. I was surprised at how fast it became dependent. I fucking despise these kind of drugs like ssri's and snri's they are pretty nasty some times. I tried telling them they don't work well for me, it's not like I'm not open to trying new pharmaceuticals but holy shit, I've tried them all by now and can say I dislike them. Benzos are better and the withdrawls aren't as bad as some of these ssri and snri's.

sooooo buddy just gave me 2x Vyvanse 50mg

should i take both?

what effect would one have?

cheers for the info Sup Forumsros

oh god ya that happened to me, scary shit not knowing where it comes from,, called my dr right away had to go to the er ... thankfully nothing but a 1500 bill came of it... after that I switched to trintellix witch dose not have those side effects.. only dry mouth