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Sup Forums if you were a girl how would you rate my body?

I have tones of money and I'm super kind to everyone I meet but most girls hate everything physical about me.

>Inb4 laugh at me for a tiny little baby dick of being as skinny as a stick bug

Yes I know my dick is small, sex is really hard to have due to its size (17cm by 14cm)

And I know I'm a stick I try to eat as much as I can.

What type of girls should I be going after? 5/10? I have a pretty face but they usually only gets me in the door then I get kicked to the curb when they see my body/dick.

>L'm 22, 6'2, good job and cool interests been shunded by girls and usually let them walk all over me.

Pretty sure it's down to have a below average dick but is my body discussing to? Thanks Sup Forumsoys I'm drunk

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Nice b8 faggot

I also can't get erections due to anxiety of it being far to small so here's my "hard" photo.

Am I to skinny/small?

And am I mesureing my dick right? Because it looks so much smaller then the supposed average.

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I literally just told you I have ED not bait.

Youre going to be fine, just work on your confidnce. Rmember: fake it till you make it.

I know I'm either measuring of very wrong (but I don't know how that's possible)

Or 17cm is much smaller then people say it is and I'm pretty sure I'm right.

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How do you fake not being skinny/having a normal dick? There physical provable things.

Stop replying to this fag. Average is between 5 and 7 inch for anyone wondering
But this joke has got old already

The pictures and this guy

say otherwise, the average CAN'T be that snall

how do you know the average is bigger ?

Because I don't think I have ever seen a 5/6 inch dick posted on this board in 7 years and by the way my own dick looks in every photo I take.

I don't think I measure it wrong either. From the top to the base pointing straight without pushing the ruler in.

If that's the correct way then the average is no where near 17cm and must be bigger (same with the girth I'm 14 at the thinest and see the two pics.)

So, do you seriously think people with small dicks post it on this site ?
I'm gay, i saw a lot of cock and clearly the average is real from my experience. I have the same size as you and it's big btw you have a really nice cock same for body.
Now post your face

>if you were a girl
Bro, I'd totally fuck your foxhole and fill it up with my baby batter. You're a bit too masculine with all these muscles for my tastes but a one night stand would be okay. Cute dick and balls too lad.

This is the only site where I think small dicks would be posted in the first place.
And you only say that to fake the fact your big when if your my size your not.

Fuck man I don't mind gay guys but you all literally would fuck anything that moves.

Gay guys fuck anything and girls HATE cute dicks.

How big is yours just out of curiosity

Not gay. Straight. Cause girls are subhuman retards mate, that's what twinks and traps are for; companionship and looking cute. Women are for breeding purposes.
Fully erect around 17cm. Haven't measured the girth but it's wider than average.

You just saw too much porn and made their size a reference.
I have an idea, just go on a gay dating app, post your pictures and ask for others guys dicks. You will clearly got some and see they are not bigger than you

>fucking trap is not gay

>being this insecure

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Your 17cm? Does your dick look at small as me?

So it's my dick that drives girls away not my body good to know.

Our dicks aren't small, we're above average man. I used to think that my dick is small, but I only get positive reactions about its size so I'm pretty sure it's just insecurity.

So you said you could fuck OP and it's just on the extreme right of your pic there, even more.
Just fuck dudes as much as you want, but stop pretending your are straight.

No, he'd be on 75% scale. I know what you mean. But we all have our kinks and fetishes. If OP has visibly masculine face then I won't even be able to get hard. I can admit that I have homosexual tendencies, but I am still a red blooded, heterosexual male and I would never even consider fucking your average male.

Hpw many women have you fucked?

In the traditional sense? Two.

That's a terriblely small amount to decern that your not small. I have fucked around 18 and the consensus is that I'm smaller then average

Sorry you had to hear it from me.

Which part of "girls are subhuman retards" didn't you get? Do you think I care what a female has to say about me?
Studies show that erect lengths average from 12 to 16 centimeters (4.7 to 6.3 inches). So we are above average. Women are dumb, don't listen to them, pretend that you do. In America alone average length is at 14cm so if you're American and you're getting told that you're small that's even more proof that women are less than reliable.

Yeah but they really arnt, infact they are the only reliable source on dick size as there the only ones who see dicks on the regular.

You sound like a incel.

Yours just lied to you most likely

Very nice m8

Pick one.
Last time I checked incels are unable to have sex.
No, I'm just not delusional.