Im going insane. I feel it. Every passing day. Wanna know what its from...

Im going insane. I feel it. Every passing day. Wanna know what its from? Being locked in a life i hate because i dont have the money to get out.

Does anyone have any tips on making money? Im working two jobs but its still not enough. I know the grind never stops but im seriously at the end of my rope here. I have big dreams but this robotic society just loves putting hurdles in the way.

Im not begging for money here. I need advice from people who fixed their previously broken life.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This meme is lame now.


Nonononono, no...NO! not another kys meme

ask reddit fag

I figured out what skills are in demand and obtained a career that pays well. Research jobs ur interested in on the dept of labor/bls website and specifically under the category "job outlook" to see the avg pay, growth etc of careers ur interested in.

>sharpie in pooper
>time stamp it

6 responses and this is the only post who actually took it seriously. Thanks for an honest response

i been struggling too but just found out me and my wife can stream on chatu rbate for money. make about 430$ in 4 days (about 12 hrs total stream time)

This is worth holding on to if i can find a woman whos comfortable doing it. Id just keep faces out of it, wear a mask or something

you can just block your region and even your state if youre paranoid.

like 80% of it is just talking to the chat til someone tips if youre doing it right

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>thinking you need money to get out
Good goy


If you work 2 jobs and can't afford to save money to invest, you're an idiot. You're supposed to spend far below your income level. Normal wagecucks increase their spending as they earn more money so, in essence, they're always broke. I live more comfortably than many richer people due to this concept.

Join the Yang Gang

Youre assuming a lot here. Im still able to save money, but profits are slow and im looking to speed up the process. I have $1000 in my account now. Like i said, the grind is irritatingly slow.

I made just over 300 bucks today sitting on my ass outside a walmart holding a blank piece of cardboard. Im up over 2 grand in the last 6 days from showing a blank piece of cardboard to people.
I have around 40k stashed after 3 years of living outside and walking state highways all over the country.
No one here ever habeebs me, its like motherfuckers round here /want/ to sit around broke and depressed.

Ill spell it out for you, if you make 2 grand a month then you adjust your life to where your bills including food gas etc. come to less than a thousand bucks a month. If you would just try smarter instead of harder you could make it. The only thing im assuming is that youre in the USA, and that means there is literally no excuse.

Right. So what does your income vs expenses look like on a month to month basis?

You’re ignoring the fact that some people have a hard time just keeping a roof over their head and food on the table.

Youre pretending you cant change your life while complaining about yourown lack of willpower and critical thinking skills. What do you want me to do? Bawww with you about how being responsible is so hard? Its not.

Sleep outside and eat at a church. Boom, no bills. Do it for a month or two while working, now you have thousands of dollars to fix your shit life with.

Just coom op

Try sleeping outside and eating at a church while holding down a job. I think you will find that it is actually much harder than you’re suggesting.

you claim to hate society yet you live in one

checkmate idiot

No. I’m merely saying that some people are not able to make enough money so that they have this margin to save. Some people are scraping by even when they spend the minimal.

Recycle cans, plastic etc. Then use the cash on scratchers, cigarettes, and booze like a fuckin man.

Fucking kek dude ive been homeless for 8 years and i have more money from doing damn near nothing than youve ever seen in your life. Like i said before, what do you want me to say to you? You make your own bed and posting wack ass joker bullshit while complaining about bills wont get you anywhere. Getting rid of those bills will. Want actual tips for doing shit outside the box, or you wanna just sit there and type out some more ignorant excuses?

Invest in Bitcoin. The price only ever goes up, and eventually it will replace USD as the world's only currency. >Amen, brother.

Next he'll tell us that he's on probation for being black.

I dont make 2 grand a month. I wouldnt have made this thread if i did.

Bragging about being homeless

You're completely right man, this is the other user who said he needs to cut spending in order to save more.

Some people are very stuck in their consumerist mindset. They've been indoctrinated into thinking they need all of the luxuries of the modern world, and then cry about depression and being stuck in a perpetual grind when it requires them to work full time. It seems simple to us, but some people don't get it. They're stuck in their ways and just looking for an outlet to complain.


You forgot the part where he has more money in his bank account than you do, and doesn't wake up everyday to go suck your manager's little dick like you do.

Why would homeless user suck wage user's boss' dick?

Sell coke OP

Go somewhere with a higher minimum wage. You can clear over 2g a month flipping burgers in Washington.
>inb4 everything else is more expensive
Its not.
>but where will i live
Under a bush, in a shelter, at salvation army, literally where the fuck ever because its only going to take a month to get on your feet anyways
>how do i get there
Walk if you have to

You realize there are programs in effect everywhere geared towards helping poor people succeed right? Wrong? Call your local outreach and prove me right. If you cant figure out who to talk to just go to wherever fuckers sign up for foodstamps in your town. They will give you a list of all the programs to help you. Jump through their hoops, get your rent paid for 6 months, get your bills subsidized, eat for free and you now have enough money to change your life.

Dont work with a proxy though. Tried it for a friend who wanted to get into camming. She didn't do it in the end. Cut my own fucking legs off there didn't I? Lesson learned.

For the lulz of course

It slays me because there is so much aid available to people in the states yet pop culture mindset is you cant take it or youre some sort of (insert ignorant insult here)
How scraping by, maybe forever, is better than just accepting you need help to fix your shit is beyond me.

10/10 god forced me into this

Yeah, OP, get a bunch of designer drugs/ingredients off the interwebz, just be sure you actually know how to make them so your not poisoning people the entirety of your POS dealing career. Don't want people going around saying your product is a joke like you and your nigger gf

hope this helps op

Except why would she need you? Shit plan, try again.

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kill yourself pussy

Where do you keep all your money homeless boi?

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Anons boss just has a delicious pecker.

Most of it is buried on land i bought, 2 acres of bullshit scrubby woodland in bumfuck nowhere. Right now i have 2.9k on me, saving up on my way to oregon to buy a gram of crystal lsd.

It's artificially flavored