Drawthread... Lewd edition

Drawthread... Lewd edition...

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (861x727, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone taking requests?

Draw Sonia with her head lopped off, terrorist beheading style.

Bonus points if lewd.

Attached: sonia_ref.png (701x720, 229K)

Fuck off

Attached: no_u_for_knowyourmeme.jpg (640x454, 31K)

Requesting this Image Draw in the Drawing style (Art) of The Mighty B!

Girl -> sta.sh/0v1r1p0u158

sweater (jersey) of the girl -> picclickimg.com/d/l400/pict/283442306078_/BNWT-New-Vintage-1999-CCM-Nashville-Predators-Jersey.jpg


Playstation 1 Box -> i.pinimg.com/originals/05/46/68/0546680b798df643e4c242f8a807c0fb.jpg




Attached: Adds.jpg (480x449, 148K)

Requesting a comic of this dormouse girl, entirely nude and hypnotized, coerced into getting fucked and eaten alive by a giant snake.
>She's riding the snake's dick cowgirl style, the snake cumming inside her
>The snake is coils up around her legs; its mouth open ready to swallow her head first
>Her head is inside the snake's mouth as the snake continues to swallow her
>The majority of her body is now inside the snake, only her feet are sticking out of his mouth
>The snake now has a bulging belly from where he swallowed her
>Same as last pic, except it's an x-ray view that shows her inside the stomach
>A 2-day later pic showing the snake with a slightly less bulging belly
>A week later pic showing the snake back to normal, no bulging belly, and with her remains shit out

Snake vore references: imgbox.com/g/OWIeC0Xfko

Attached: dormouse00.jpg (850x1410, 252K)

Attached: dormouse02.jpg (1200x1650, 465K)

Attached: dormouse13.png (2175x1500, 801K)

Requesting these 3 girls from Fairly Odd Parents totally naked and introducing cookie crumbs into their pussies.

Attached: 1566388252795.jpg (1595x599, 286K)

Is anyone actually taking requests or are we just sitting in another autistic cesspool of the same 7 requests being lobbed at no one in particular so that these fat, greasy neckbeard fucks can tug on their little. piggly wiggly dicks?

Requesting Hyp impregnating big titty Reimu

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-uQz42B2O0aghRWo.jpg (2869x1080, 617K)

Looks like it...

guro is not allowed in drawthreads.

You have three options, either to stay delusional for the rest of your relatively short life (like so many 30 something manchildren), commit suicide or embrace the absurdity.
You can put effort into being able to draw, maybe you can even succeed, but your success won't last. You can't brainwash yourself into being someone else, that someone else won't be you true self.
(You are an adult moth mentally and physically, it's already too late for that anyway.)

Try to look at your own existence and the whole world from the different angle.
You can notice how most human beings subconciously and vigorously reject those ideas, even here argumentum ad populum is the world's favorite fallacy after all

Stop being a fucking faggot.

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Attached: Arise.png (720x540, 348K)

you act like these threads are the end all be all of everything. its a hobby and you are acting like this is some sort of all-encompassing predetermining thing that not only dictates what people's lives mean or what their self-worth is attached to it. this a thread on an imageboard that goes away after 300 posts. so fucking relax you drama queen.

Drawfags! Where the hell are you people?

You are looking way too far into this. you are trying to find meaning in people drawing things on the internet because they are bored.

the fuck do you people want?
I mean. that would happen even if drawfags were here.

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TFW she gets PolyStation from misguided parents


Requesting sexy defense form deoxys

We want snake vore of this girl as the prey

Attached: 1569087806777.jpg (758x802, 67K)

Can I make a request? I'm NOT one of the repeat barrage requesters.

Good that you have risen. Requesting a robot to do my bidding.


well at least the Polystation has good games.



Yeah... Speak for yourself...

Holy shit it worked.

that to...I mean, these requests are purely porn, and I don't just mean that they are just naked people doing weird shit.
think about it. 99% of these requests are just so dull in their lewdness, no passion, just overly specific or vague porn with no thought.

what about "misty pinning down ash saying "you have been a cock tease for 5 fucking years, were are doing this NOW!" ya know? something with context and maybe some humor. sure we could add our own spin on them but it sucks out all the fun when people don't try to ask for things that sound more fun.
you can certainly try.
you know, that DOES sound fun.

Attached: Untitled-2.png (800x800, 113K)

Anybody willing to draw rape?

As resistant as you may be to simple lewd, pornographic stuff... How would you feel about doing your version of this chick fucking some guy in the back of a shitty tour van on top of, like, guitars and amps and shit?

Attached: 58698702_195002064816609_6147033455339909713_n.jpg (362x416, 45K)

Uh how about something cute? Requesting this girl having her hands turned into batwings and growing bat ears

Attached: Uh huh.png (1080x1080, 503K)

I have a little request. So, a legionnaire from Fallout NV with a flamethrower, like the M2 flamethrower used on gooks. And he's burning a pride parade screaming "Degenerates like you belong on a cross!" With some fags and furfags crucified in the background.
Whoever takes this request thanks in advance, take your time. I'd like it to be pretty and coloured if you're willing to put in the extra effort.

Attached: caesar.jpg (1200x1600, 427K)


I'm not great at object work but ill give it a go!
at least it has a setting and some sort of details.
eh fuck it, why not.
post more refs and ill see what I can do
I gotta be in a particular mood. so I'm out.

Ave, true to Caesar.


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>post more refs and ill see what I can do

Attached: LegionCenturionArmor.png (530x790, 265K)

Attached: 1683735-vulpes_inculta.jpg (912x960, 91K)

Attached: images.jpg (241x209, 8K)

flamethrower obviously important, would be cool if it were red with that golden bull insignia

Attached: M2_flamethrower.jpg (1024x705, 149K)

imma do this one first because I think ill get it done faster.
I mean like the flame thrower.

Attached: legion.jpg (1500x900, 55K)

whoop never mind

Attached: 60Q5pO2fSDyydouh90zpanq2keNiCZPgTAqtbQ2-lr8.jpg (546x700, 80K)


Not sure.

Bumping for great justice.

Attached: Untitled-2.png (800x726, 160K)

Pic related?

Attached: Scribbie'sGutsuDecafWedgie.jpg (695x697, 527K)


Requesting her getting impregnated by some bottom of the barrel, lowlife scum of a man. Basically, any man that would be degrading/humiliating to fuck, maybe in an alleyway.

Attached: 1543100787037.png (1000x1115, 772K)

I can hear your subtle stroking a slightly laboured breathing.

Thank you, Bane!

Detective boi on smoke break please?

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You should consider seeking a tattoo apprenticeship... It sucks to start with but if you're good, you can make 6 figures pretty easily.


am here to learn how to draw porn

i'm gonna lurk

maybe requests b/c whynot

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Any interest in this...?

/r/ naked buff girl with a large battleaxe

I mean, there's been some extreme horniness between debil and bb but no one's drwan a lewd of them yet. I think that owuld be more interesting than X anime girl getting fucked by Y in Z position.

>user rolls for a Will save

>debil and bb
id lewd it.

Attached: Untitled-2.png (1144x800, 217K)

i think i'll pass. lemme start with stupid and simple shit for a while.


Attached: Untitled-45.png (1000x1000, 45K)


lots of curves.

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>id lewd it.
please do

gotta have the okay from em.

Is up your alley?

oh wait... you mind if I don't make it a pride parade?

Thanks dude. You rock.

I'm not good at style recreation

I'd like you to draw me a bloke who's for reasons unknown, melting.
He doesn't seem to mind too much though. As he's still going about his daily life.

I'm already in tech.
and being a tattoo artist sounds like WAY too dramatic on a maybe on something that I don't have much interest in.

A few people have said that before so I prepared this, if you want to get direct permission though that's understandable and acceptalbe

Attached: mspaint-7.jpg (1198x408, 116K)

It's just to piss off my left-wing friend, if you won't do it I will, just make some people and flags and crap and I'll add in the rainbows and gay stuff if you're that uncomfortable.
Don't forget crucified furfags btw.

oh... well okay. post refs?

>this level of thirst

Attached: 20191223_003633.jpg (900x1070, 167K)

also prepared
they're cute together, what can i say?

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>tfw those are my trips
Does this mean I'm cool if I'm linked in a screencap?

If you are still doing requests, I would like to ask for Connor (left) eating out the pussy of Dr. Hilda who is on her desk. She is into it, grabbing Connor's hair to shove his face further into her pussy while he uses his tongue.

Attached: connor and dr hilda.jpg (1024x764, 69K)

motherfucker had paperwork and recipes ready to go.

I think your digits now speak for themselves, checked.
you fucking know it, like 4 people said they would do it but they needed all this stuff so I had to get ready

had to switch browsers - captchas on opera were pissing the bed

like as advice orrr
i appreciate the advice regardless
and cute

simple stuff for now, maybe down the road if thread doesn't 404

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Can I
Request Ben Shapiro's sister?

Attached: aKd8aCv.png (512x596, 204K)


you have lost me sir.


how would you feel about just standing and pulling her tits out?

if you want some pointers on drawing then sure i can put together a ted talk.
well I guess ill get on it.

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The Crystal healing..... its making my fingers groww

Attached: crystal desies.png (425x688, 59K)

Odd. You don't LOOK any different....

Attached: ppm3769oi0r11.jpg (720x809, 49K)

man drawthreads are much different than i remember
granted i only participated for a month like... foooour years ago? something like that

... maybe. maaaaybe in a while.

ok, so maybe not pulling out, but hope this is fine

i will love you

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I like!