Post your age and the number of girls you've fucked

Post your age and the number of girls you've fucked

>17 sucked
>10 fucked

Penis pics optional

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>21 sukk
>17 fukk

Nigga, suckin dicks is gay yo

22 years old
10 girls fucked
>my dick

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How long is it?

>2 succ
>2 fucc
pic related: my lonely cock

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>23 girls fucked
>Of those 23 I used a condom zero times
>Of those I've painted the cervix of 19 (pulled out the rest)
>6 children by 4 of the women
>5 inches on a good day

7 inches. Why?


1 for 14 years


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3 fucked
2 suked

>had sex with 45 people
>37 women, 32 of whom were prostitutes
>8 trannies, all prostitutes
>had 2 real girlfriends

Just curious. It looked pretty sizable in the pic but it was hard to tell

33, 16 girls fucked.

sounds really pathetic i can't image paying for sex but sometimes i feel like i should get paid.

>0 fucked
>0 sucked

I'm not good with women, and am generally shy. It's pay for sex or spend most of my life celibate - I'd sooner pay.

20 fucked
15 sucked, maybe 16, can't remember if she did or not

> 2 Sucked
> 2 fucked

38 years young
0 sucked
0 fucked


If i want a quick fuck i just fuck fat and ugly girls. I don't get why so many people have issues with banging ugly girls. I also assume the prostitutes you fuck aren't very good looking either.

0 sucked
0 fucked
Only had 1 gf and I moved away from her and lost contact
Forever alone


Around 20 girls now, the fact I'm 6ft 2 and regularly work out helps despite my crippling autism.

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Yeah it’s not bad. But what’s even better is the girth. 5.5 inches.

Why not get a whore? You're going to die a virgin otherwise.

> 26
> No idea how much suck, but all sucks I fucked too
> 7 or 8 ... I counted 7 but I think I missed someone

11 succ
9 fucc

I only fuck call girls, actually. At least 8/10s. I have enough money, I'm just shy and can't handle rejection.

I'm 27
Fucked 20, hoping to make this 22 soon. A goal in my life is to fuck 100 different women. Lost my virginity at 21

Where do you find these women

What's your problem? Are you too ugly or too shy? Just don't target good looking girls. Target the ugly which give you signals. Also don't overthink.

>about 120 fucked
>(includes about 15 hookers)

lol you have money to buy expensive ass prostitute but can't figure out just about any women would be with you for your money.

I think you have some serious issues ... Why making it a competition? Just have sex when you meet the right girl at right time



I legitimately have no idea how many people I've had sex with, I stopped counting at 100--and that was ten years ago.

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Online, mainly adultwork. I have a lot of disposable income, so paying £150 an hour once every month or two to bang a girl who I'd never be able to have a chance with otherwise us fine. I've also been with a couple of legit pornstars which was fun.

Somewhere around 60 fukd

children by 4 of the women

The last time I asked a girl out, I was 11 years old. I can't do it. I have major confidence issues, social anxiety, and rejection phobia. I'm good at my job and get paid well, so I have money for beautiful women (who won't reject me). I'm not bad looking, but the women I've slept with for free was more luck than anything.



what are the girls like? are they chill about it? does it feel wrong for them?

Underage B&

My current gf gave me a permanent fungal infection or something. But my GP says it's all fine

23 fucked

How's the AIDS treating you?

>4 fuck
>4 suck

They're mostly slutty girls who realised they could get paid for sleeping around; otherwise university students, women starting a business, et cetera.

Most seem OK with it. I'm not bad looking or fat, I lift weights a couple of times a week, 30 isn't too old - my main issue is shyness, not being physically disgusting.

I don't know if it feels wrong for them, you'd have to ask a prostitute. It's normal to me now, I'd guess it's normal to them.


Same one for almost 20 years.......

I lost count probably around 90.
I am only 5'7" and not rich lol.

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22, 0.

But at least my dick is twice that size.

What does that matter if you dont get to use it on someone?

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it's a crime in florida

It doesn't, just makes me feel better about myself.