Black people not amused by white people

Black people not amused by white people

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white people do do some pretty weird shit

Attached: ZimbabweFarmersLeaveHouse.jpg (1200x835, 585K)


The look on that guy's face (on floor on left) as White Shopper steps over the Black Lives Matter crowd during a protest.

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Attached: Happy MLK day.jpg (1047x1031, 605K)

Attached: when you just wanted a nice brunch with your wife after working all week.jpg (719x825, 74K)

Fucking outrageous

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Dat dem wite pipo be devil and black pipo kangz n sheeeeiiit

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White people bad

blacks aren't humans

Attached: white privilege.webm (600x600, 1.1M)

Meessa lookie, Hurricane Mathew way bombad!

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Attached: picklitter.webm (300x532, 1.95M)

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If Sup Forumsfags were black

I love this photo.

I have so much more respect for American blacks than American whites


mall of america. blm bullshit


Attached: nigF9CBDCD.jpg (1024x769, 364K)

This is accurate

>stealing the tire