Is the witcher worth watching or no? I've heard a lot of bad things about it

Is the witcher worth watching or no? I've heard a lot of bad things about it

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yes watch it

Honestly wasnt as bad as I was told

Sure, if you like fried chicken and basketball

its not bad, i think cavill does a good job and carries the show well.
If u read the books, expect a nigger vilgefortz and a nigger fringilla...

It's boring as fuck and this is coming from someone whose played all 3 games/not read the novels. I tried the first episode but Jesus. I have a question for you though OP. Have you played any of the games? Good luck knowing what the species and lands/factions are. Its one huge gripe I noticed and may take away from the whole immersion of it. But all in all it's really boring imo. Stopped after the first episode.

i don't like niggers or elves

>watches 1 episode
>reviews show
you must work for RT

Who the fuck said it was bad? Everyone loves it. It's great.

And nigger Triss.

Lmao youre still lurking around hating on the show. What a pathetic beta cuck soy boy kissless virgin

Haha I said NIGGER! isn't that funny! It sucks that I had to see a person who wasn't white on TV :(

I'm not hating on the show at all. I love the Witcher. Season 2 is gonna be great. They're adding fried chicken and Michael Jordan.

yea it's pretty good. I've played all the games and some of the first book, so I'm fairly familiar with it but it's a good adaptation.

true, it's boring. as boring as the books sometimes. but i like it because i love the games.

Because blacks dont fit the role of a white person, retard. Imagine if they got a black guy to act as Thomas Jefferson or something.

I know right? I can't wait for season 2. They're going to have the national fried chicken league.

your point? poster just said it's boring and couldn't stand it. i like the show but can see why they said that.
>hurr durr fugg ur opinion

Nobody cares that there are black people in it. What pissed everybody off is how they replaced all the sexy white women with ugly niggers.

Need casting does has its fair share of problems, but the show was perfectly adequate. It's not great, but it's not bad. I would suggest to watch it, but don't expect much.

Do you like the Witcher games/books? If so, don't watch this crap. If you don't like them, don't watch it either. The show is horrible and just some agenda pushing bullshit

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Easy with the soy user

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That's fair. I think it'd be really cool if they done an interactive Netflix special.

It's good crack, give it a whirl and be sure to toss a huge coin over Yeneffers titties.

i enjoy it

If you think that matter you full of soy.

Watch the first episode should be enough to see if u like it

It's a good adaptation story wise (books not game). Most characters are good, Triss is a weird cast choice though. Doesn't matter too much since she only plays part in the game and not as much in the books.

Sorry, do facts make you angry?

>Ooga booga we wuz medieval polish folklores n sheeeeiiit

It's a great show. I'm pretty sure the only ones who dont like it are elitist gamers and super fat fucks who are scared of the buff witcher man.

There are tits and hot bitches. Great fan service. The only thing I didnt like is they didn't show enough of the witcher fighting all out.

The only bad reviews are from critics who skipped episodes and don't understand wtf is happening.

We will let time decide if it's good or not. Season 2 comes out in 2021.

Played all the games, haven't read the books. Show felt a bit boring at times. Like there'd be times I'd look at the time and wonder how long was left of it.
Unlike others, I don't give a shit about the casting of niggers and other minorities. I just think the show is boring and didn't make me want to watch more.

So if it doesn't matter, why bother changing their races? Funny how you retards keep saying it doesn't matter. Obviously it does since you keep replacing red heads with ugly nogs.

Its really good. A few characters have their ethnicities changed, and extreme critics, the kind that shit on anything, say its bad, but it is actually pretty good. Just watch the first ep. If you like it, you will like it. If not, then don't bother.

Stopped after seeing nothing because it did not live up to your masturbation fantasy.Oh lawd.

That isnt in season 1, and it porbably isnt going to be in season 2.

There's obvious shoehorn placements, but Calvin plays a good Witcher. Main story is okay so far, some of Geralt's filler episodes are cool. Especially the dragon one. You get to really see his neutrality when it comes to Human-Monster relations.

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U tell da man dem dey drik da soy

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The dog is laughing.

What do you mean..?


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When will it be enough? They already started shooting each other left and right and calling each other "nigga" now they're encroaching on vidya... when will the black cultural appropriation stop?

True immersion means you have encyclopedic knowledge of everything in a particular setting? Wtf? And none of what you complained about was hard to know or understand from how the show explains it all. Not all shows need to be bogged down with spood feeding.

What is this. The 1800s? She isnt black.

Stone age sub humans don't belong in white people's history or fantasy beyond shackled beasts used for free labour or as sport for our dogs to kill.

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I quite enjoyed it.
Some of the CGI was a bit tacky, but I've spent a lot of time thinking about it and nitpicking at the details which means I enjoyed it enough to become invested.
If I dislike a show, I forget about it quickly and stop watching it.
Cavill nails it, and the swordplay is really great. The violence is also pleasant

Yes, it is fantasy. Therefore they can add fried chicken, computers and Tom Brady and no one can complain

wasnt nearly as bad as reviews led me to believe.

if you played the games or read the books, you'll be able to tell what scenes happened "before" or "currently". and everyone keeps says 'oh its so disjointed and hard to follow' because theyre watching expecting it to be an exact chain of events like game of thrones, but its not... each episode is more like the short stories in the book, each their own but also connected. people need to stop watching it like its GoT2.0 or something.

yes some of the effects are a little reminiscent of hercules/xena but man whatever.

That isnt even a rumor, let alone confirmes. Michael Jordan isnt even a good actor and probably hasn't changed in that aspect in his life.

Your soy levels are though the roof keep drinking boi.

Don't try to argue with him, he probably hasn't got the attention span to read half your post.

That would of been such a huge waste. Anyways, this is based on the books, not the games.

When the real perpetrators of this forced diversity bullshit are kicked out. The ugly monkey people are just doing a job, they don't know they're are the pawn of the Jew.

Remove the Jew and you remove the coloured horde it brought with it.

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She is a half poo in the loo technically.

In all honesty, its literally hard to cast a red head.
There are no many genuine red heads, and dye jobs all look terrrrible.
So most are like fuck it. Red head is diversity, lets get in some other type of diverse bitches.
if you care this much, wait why am i still typing

Your aids levels are through your mud hut roof

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You seriously can't grasp the difference can you? lol


They should all go back to Wakonda

You've been posting this several times a day. Quit being a lonely faggot and either watch the series or go outside

I like it a lot. Was getting over pneumonia earlier in the week, and it might have been the cough syrup, but I binged it and found it entertaining enough. Not a masterpiece but good enough.

You like swords, magic, blah blah blah? You're not a Witcher elitist? You'll probably like it.

There's too many fucking racist still, it's unbelievable that people are still behaving this way. WE'RE ALL LIVING ON THE SAME FUCKING ROCK, LEARN TO GET ALONG YOU FUCKS.

Racism is normal and natural.

It's because red heads are rediculed by whites. They are an easy target and stage 1 of operation ethnic displacement.

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Oy vey diversity is our strength fellow whites!!

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so true. I didn't really realize how much shit red heads get until i started dating one. I mean she is crazy but they definitely are the target of a lot of attention, either fetishized or demonized.

oh yeah, forgot the SJW shit is pretty annoying. i dont care if blacks are in the story but at least make it make sense and not be so obviously jammed down throats. its getting really old

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>everyone keeps says 'oh its so disjointed and hard to follow'
The reviewers said that too. After they skipped from episode to episode
Their one fucking job is to watch media unfold and they don't even know how to fucking do it. Memento didn't do well because apparently reviewers need babied

He's not gonna be acting in it. Michael Jordan is going to play basketball against Tom Brady. And it's fantasy so they can do that.

They are also the rarest complection on the planet. Whitesare a minority. Gingers are the rarest hair colour on earth and paired with green eyes they make up the most unique and colourful specimens alive and in history.

If we don't stop openly mocking our own for being so unique do you think the faggot Jews will think twice about replacing them with poo?

Memento is my favorite fucking movie. fuckin hell

Yeah. Redheads are the real minorities.
>not sure how an entire continent of blacks and Asians exist but they're somehow minorities

niggers, so progressive

Gingers don't have souls, even niggers have souls even if they are black with bike-stealing sin.

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Thee are more asians by far than any other race on earth.

I never actually met a bad ginger

It's like game of thrones with more competent writing. If you're into the games or the books you should like it. My only gripe thus far (I'm on ep 7) is the Geralt and Yen thing feels awfully ham handed and triss isn't hot which is a downer for waifu hunters

niggers are not human, they are animals

Don't spew Jewish poison you fool, the elohim mated with humanity and created red heads. Red heads and whites are the closest to god's as we are cross species with them. That's why the Hebes hate us so.

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It's only good for passing time, cool world, good acting from superman.
The other lead Yennefer is an absolutel despicable character, which made the series hard to watch.
The story jumping in time I had no trouble with, but it feels like we're missing some scenes or something cause characters change their mind or do shit for no apparent reason. I would give it 7/10, but very cringy watch for my part.

Let's replace black people heroes by red head

Its not terrible. Worth watching.

Its good, could've been great but it needed to set the stage so they couldn't push it. Season 2 should be great.

You just said the same thing twice

Anything with Fassbender is good.

I'm sure, they don't have the capacity for good or evil, they are soulless just like a rock, you don't get bad rocks they just are.
All dogs go to heaven so animals must have souls, even niggers.

Its pretty good! the bad things you're hearing are from people crying about black people being casted in a few roles

I hope the next time they do a Martin Luther king film the actor is white.

Calls black on black crime and use of the word nigga cultural appropriation

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>In all honesty, its literally hard to cast a red head.
No it's not retard. Even if that were true it's not an excuse to replace them with niggers.

haha wtf