The Earth is flat. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't

The Earth is flat. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.

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If the earth was flat, wouldnt the oceans move in a whirlpool motion?

They do, they're called whirlpools faggot

>not researching hollow earth
>not having grand adventures into the underworld

OP is a faggot. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.

Has anyone seen Earth except NASA? Protip: No one has

>>Protip: you can't change my delusional mind.

Fixed it for you OP.

Uh, the russian, the chinese, the indians, the japanese, the list goes on and on.

So they say.

Ask yourself: is there a political value in lying about your military power?

Power is knowledge, asshole.

- Foucault

Then everything you know is a lie. No such thing as oxygen. The history of the world is all made up. There is no universe.

The earth is a cube made mostly of ham. Prove me wrong

Okay OP, let's assume you're right. Explain to me how satellites work

I can't
Climate models are run on a flat Earth. Do you think NASA would lie?

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They don't. Just a government lie.

LOL yeah

It’s only flat in the valley. Dumbass, there I did it.



What a fucking idiot

>Ask yourself: is there a political value in lying about your military power?

Military power, certainly. But assuming the Earth is in fact, flat, there's no tactical or strategic advantage to propagating the lie that the Earth is round.

Moreover, the Earth being a sphere isn't a new discovery, the Greeks knew it was round, so did the Romans and the Egyptians. To believe the Earth is flat is to believe every single society this side of Christ, and a few civilisations beforehand, were either wrong, or were lying to people for seemingly no reason.

Does your caretaker wipe your ass or are you able to do that yourself

Long distance sniper's have to account for the rotation of the earth when they take their shot so bullet hit its target by the time it gets there

So much this

Its obviously a square you retard



>The Earth doesn't exist, prove me wrong.
>protip: you can't.

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Prove they do work.

You think the government's TRUE? faggot have seen the outside world?

Prove me wrong

>My penis is flat
>prove me wrong

Attached: mom i keep posting it 05.jpg (500x500, 50K)

One of the best documented methods for determining the Earth's roundness was first performed (to our knowledge) by the ancient Greeks. This was achieved by comparing the shadows of sticks in different locations. When the sun was directly overhead in one place, the stick there cast no shadow. At the same time in a city around 500 miles north, the stick there did cast a shadow.

If the Earth were flat then both sticks should show the same shadow (or lack of) because they would be positioned at the same angle towards the sun. The ancient Greeks found the shadows were different because the Earth was curved and so the sticks were at different angles. They then used the difference in these angles to calculate the circumference of the Earth. They managed to get it to within 10% of the true value – not bad for around 250 B.C.

So now you're saying AGW is bullshit? What a faggot.


are you sure?

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Oh, governments are certainly capable of lying to their citizens to keep the 1% in power, but there's no reason to accept that every single government for the last couple dozen or so centuries has been able to keep the flatness of the Earth a secret for so long.

Plus there are roads and bridges that literally account for the curvature of the Earth due to their size.

posting wrong map.

Attached: flat earth antarctica centered.jpg (1200x1200, 122K)

yes I'm sure you're a sperg who has dick pics saved on your computer

Attached: mom i keep posting it 06.jpg (500x500, 50K)

Bring those goalposts back here right this minute!

The only problem with this infallible science is that flat earthers are too stupid to make the simple logic and geometric example work in their heads.

But look at the staggering often hostile opposition I get when I try to tell the truth. That's how brainwashed some of you are.

and sure about that?

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Posting another wrong map.

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This is a meme right? Still? Were all joking right no one actually believes the world is flat. Why would anyone tell you the world is flat, what advantage does that give anyone. You dont buy anything based on the world being flat or round.

Op if the earth is flat please explain why the night sky is different in the Southern Hemisphere from the northern hemisphere. On the flat earth model this would be impossible.

Attached: RESEARCH FLAT EARTH HORIZON.jpg (1600x1524, 406K)

The East is spheroid. Prove me wrong.

Protip : you can’t

>been able to keep the flatness of the Earth a secret
Especially when we have so many private pilots, model rocketeers, weather ballonfags, etc. You could disprove it with like 20 bukcs.

That's most likely because you're suggesting the Earth is flat, when the roundness of the Earth (and other planets in general) is amongst the most corroborated facts in all of science.

Ships and Aeroplanes only go where we want them to go because the curvature of the Earth is accounted for.

Moreover, let's assume you're correct, and the Earth is actually flat. I wouldn't care because it doesn't matter. I'd be confused as to why this was kept from us for so long, and what could possibly be worth such significant resources and time to keep the secret, but it's not like m daily life would be affected at all.

>I am a sperg

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That's just a phenomenon of a curved lens.

I worked with a guy who said the earth was flat. A couple month's ago. He wouldn't listen to my simple examples. They just stop listening (flatearthers)

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I didn't realize it was a real thing outside of Sup Forums, like fingerboxes.

You think employees aren't told to keep they're mouth shut? You think the world doesn't lie?

The top one would explain night better. I also get called a faggot when I try to explain that too.

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Good question. OP?

>when I try to explain that
Most people can just explain, no trying involved.

How did 911 remain a secret? You get caught talking about it and you end up dead or missing.

Are you serious?

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where's all the text?

>(((official data)))

Lenses are flat, globelenstard.

Yea man its real. Never met one you younger then 35-40 though. He was a contractor. Poor white moron

Because of handwavium and isaidsoism.

>The Earth is flat. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.
this is the essence of troll.

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>Why would anyone tell you the world is flat, what advantage does that give anyone. You dont buy anything based on the world being flat or round.

NASA’s daily budget is just shy of 60 million dollars. You’re right, you don’t buy anything because of the shape of the earth, your money is just stolen from you.

>You think the world doesn't lie?

>It's a conspiracy that the whole world is in on.

there is no gravity, the earth sucks

>picture proving satellites around sphere
>picture showing sphere with a camera
You have some kind of flatearth point here?

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The alleged flatness of the Earth isn't a state secret. It's not like Area 51 or Trident. It'd be possible to keep the flatness of the Earth a secret if only a single country knew about it, but not when it's a lie that's been repeatedly held for literal centuries.

There's quite honestly no reason for any rational person to believe the Earth is flat. It would be very, very easy to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Earth is flat if it were flat, but flat-earthers have yet to produce a single piece of evidence.

Every time someone like Mark Sarjent runs an experiment, they just end up proving that the Earth curves and is most likely a sphere.

Go to Australia and find
Polaris in the sky. If the earth was flat, this would be no trouble at all.

Wtf. If the earth was flat we'd still have NASA. Does having a flat earth somehow negate space?

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The earth is obviously a cube.

Another government lie?

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The live feed also doesn't show all the airplanes, buses, ships, cars, houses, elephants, whales, cities, football stadiums and other items that are all over the surface of the planet and are bigger than satellites.

Maybe we're thinking about the scale wrong, I dunno.

Your existence doesn’t matter. Prove me wrong


yeeees you got it finally

Yo Mamma so fat .. She flatten the Earf!

earth is globe, checkmate

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In the flat earth model the earth is an enclosed system covered by a dome.

>There's quite honestly no reason for any rational person to believe the Earth is flat.

There is a good reason to pretend to, though.

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This is the dumbest shit i’ve Ever heard.

Like what do you mean “rises to eye level”? Like you can see it with your eye? That’s just in view.

Why is that evidence of a flat earth? Like this is always just like it’s a mic drop and it’s just fucking nonsense

Oh god, not only is he a flat earther, he's a Libertarian.

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No, time is a cube.

Attached: rip_timecube.jpg (1920x1080, 354K)

Oh fuck off

Kill yourself dumb redneck.

The stars are just twinkling bags of Jew gold.

Inone of the many,many flat Earth modeal, it is. In the others, it is not.

Flatfreidns have to come up with a model they can all sign off on -- as long as you have to continue shifting models to deal with different ways your model does not work, it's hard to take you seriously.

Your father succed my dong yesterday night. Prove me uncorrectly.
Pic related: he

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Look at the picture, bro.



What reason? What reason we have to tell the truth? What reason do we have to expose Globetards for the faggots they are?

OP here. The way some of you are mocking me in this thread? It's one of the reasons I'm thinking about becoming a serial killer.

water forms a sphere in 0 gravity, and the water, powder and magma the earth is made of should obviously do the same. this shit's all explained, even if some of it's over your head. "every thing is because god made it so, and god is god" just isn't a satisfying explanation to critical thinkers.