I'm black and I'm gay, ask me anything

I'm black and I'm gay, ask me anything

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Why do black folks hate gay people so much?

>playing life on dark souls mode
why tho

you ever get called a fatherfucker?

A lot of black people are really religious, but it's not just that. It's almost like being gay doesn't mesh with being black, especially being a black guy. You're supposed to be really masculine so growing up whenever I did something that could be thought of as gay I got scolded, like putting my hands on my hips (that could happen for any race though now that I think about it). It's awkward to explain.
I like the buffs it gives me, like curly hair and dark skin.
Fatherfucker? Never heard of it

When did you come out, and do you think it was harder to come out based on your race??

So, what do you think about latinians?

KEK, curly hair isn't a fucking buff. i'm half black and with enough time i can break a comb or two with this nappy shit

can you show benis

I came out in high school to a few people, but generally I'm still in the closet to most of my friends and family.
They're pretty cool. Some are too quick to assume they have the n word pass though. A lot of the crushes I've had growing up were on latinos.
I don't know what to say, works on my machine.
The only place where I wish my hair was straight are my pubes.

Obviously they can't call you motherfucker

ahhhh i see


Disgusting nigger

just calling out things you see, bud?
this one is false



fun fact: Most homosexuals are black, adn that's excluding the prison population.

Why are you black

Go be a nigger faggot somewhere else - mexico

So basically you can just walk into any job you want even if you are less qualified?

Captain holt?

Sup Forumsro you dont need to try any harder to get aids.

Gross, a mexican. I hate this nigger faggot, but dont talk to a fellow American like that, Paco. Go eat your tacos or whatever it is you spics do.

What's your biggest fear in regards to coming out entirely?

I wanted to be taller and this seemed like the best way.
The entirety of mexico is on Sup Forums? Is that why the age of consent is so low there?
If I start talking with a lisp I just might.
I don't watch cop shows


I'm worried about how long it will take before things returned to normal. Like I know someone who came out to their dad and then they didn't talk for years, and my family isn't all the progressive in that sense.
My mom knows but not many other people.

How many water melons can you steal at once, nigger?

Bro you're gay! That's Gay!

Are you more ashamed of being a nigger or a faggot?

Spics don't like blacks or gays. I'd rather be a mexican than a faggot. God hates fags. Trump 2020. Heil hitler. Go be gay with a nigger or with a white man or an asian boy
Stop recruiting mexicans for your gay shit

Are you black where it counts?

Yeah, his credit score is horrible.

I'm Gay!?
Like 3
If I'm in a place with a lot of white people or any singular race it's awkward being black, if I'm in a place with a more diverse group of people it's more awkward being gay.
Yeah, I have big lips.

I'm sure if your mom already knows he has his suspicions... If he can't handle your being gay, doesn't that say more about him than you??

Lmao bait harder

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>if your mom already knows he has his suspicions
they're divorced so it's not like we're all in the same house
And yeah that's true, but I hate the thought of going through that. It's not like I have a boyfriend to introduce or anything so I'm cool with putting it off.

>latinos can't say nigga
nigger im dominican so im hispanic and black at the same time. i literally have your skin tone. we toss that word around frequently especially in NYC. dont be too quick to assume our genetics/roots

So if your dad is conservative, aka Christian... Isn't him being divorced just as taboo as you being gay??

>hispanic and black at the same time.

Lmao more like your neither at the same time. Disgusting mutt.

Are you a nigger faggot



You know who else assumed your roots? Latinos who aren't half black who go on to say nigga too.
But I'm from nyc, I know what you're talking about.
christians don't care about that stuff, guy. It's just like how they wear two pieces of clothing made of differing fabrics, or whatever the hell the bible says.
Sure, why not

Favorite anime?

post pics of your butthole?

hispanic is an ethnicity.
black is a race.

OP is non-hispanic (ethnicity) and black (race)

but im hispanic (ethnicity) and black (race)
fucking retard lol

You look cute as fuck

Obviously, You're a fucking moronic, piece of shit... So there's that

Black hispanics exist mf
They just look like and become niggers

Can a white dom daddy top you?

Just gonna say you look like lil uzis and Lenny kravitzs’ love child.

Unironically jojo. Soul Eater was cool and had alot of aesthetics I liked, but it kinda had a sucky ending. I mostly read manga though.
That's way too gay for me.
Thanks man

you like lil peep?


das rite nigger

Shut up nigger spic

If he's not too old I'd give him a chance. Some of the porn I watch is like that. Only some.
Nah I mostly listen to metal.
Lol I get it
Mad because wrong

U mad white boi?
You mad nigger pablo is "gon' fuck yo bich"?

I've struggled with ym own sexuality in the past. Was coming to terms with the fact you were gay difficult? Or did you
just always know?

no, not really. Are you projecting?


bro im a huge fan of metal. Favorite bands?

Do you like suicide silence?

I'm a white guy aged 36 would you top me?

you're handsome. socal?

Are you a top or bottom?

That makes absolutely no fucking sense.... According to the bible, being divorced is worse than being gay... Getting divorced is more like breaking a promise to God, being gay is just a normal run of the mill sin... No different than lying

Ne obliviscaris and System of a Down write a lot of my favorite songs. Forget Not and Radio/Video. I also like Opeth and Protest the Hero though.
I haven't listened to them, any song reccs?
Prolly not. It's a huge age gap.
Top but I'd probably bottom in the future. I dunno.

link is busted. also how you feel about all the new straight boys hitting bars and apps trying to get a dick suck or to suck some dick?

You're projecting by asking me If I am projecting
Automatically assuming I am ptojecting just because I ask you something is a sign that you are projecting

But no, not really either lmao

I'm 21, 6'0 and 220lb, with a skinnyfat build. I'm just now out of the closet. Do other gays like guys like that? Asking because new to whole experience.

No one cares about the disgusting race mixing that made the turd that is you.

Define "too old" please

How do you feel about being black and on Sup Forums? Do you feel "conflicted"? idk how to word the question better.

In that case, youre projecting by telling me that Im projecting by asking you if youre projecting.

Oh my bad. Meant to say that yeah I assumed I was straight for the longest time but at the same time I knew that guys were attractive. I figured that it was a self insert thing though like imagining hot guys being blown by girls. But later down the line I realized that I actually just liked the guy part of it and not the girl part. It wasn't hard for me to accept it though.
Give me a second.
Also, I think it's kinda hot that straight guys are willing to experiment and crap like that. It just sucks when they do it behind their girl's back.
I'd have to see a pic, but assuming you don't wanna do that tall guys are pretty popular straight or gay. But you're 1 inch taller than me, but 40 pounds heavier so I'm not sure how skinnyfat we're talking.
I'm 21, and 36 is like 15 years apart.

unanswered, you only live once, and love me to death would be my top 3. I haven't listened to any of their new music after mitch lucker died.

> Do other gays like guys like that?
It depends on if you are attractive. your age, height, weight, and vague idea of your build describes literally millions of people, all of whom vary from ugly to hot.

Post pictures of yourself if you want to know what people really think.

>race mixing
it's one race, dumbass. hispanic is not a race; it's an ethnicity. black is a race. you're so fucking retarded lol


I'm not bothered by the racism but that's because I don't think it's my job to go into every thread and say "Hey, that's messed up how you're saying that" or etc.
Kinda unrelated hat's something I have to work on, I'm really into the bands I mentioned but I suck at remembering the names of its members. What are your favorite songs from those bands?

I'm older than that, so I hate I miss out. Happy hunting, my dude!

I'm 36 but my hole is very tight.

no, those were my top favorite songs from suicide silence. Top favorite BANDS would be Attila, attack attack, and suicide silence

so to be clear, if you met a dude who was inexperienced but wanted to hook up, would you take issue with him more if he called himself straight (cause hes trying to hook up) or if he called himself bi (but you know its just an experiment)? i just call myself a supa freak and like to have fun sometimes but some people have a stick up their butt about titles for sometimes really legitimate reasons about visibility

WHERE YA AT???!!!!

WHERE YA AT!?!?!?!?!

You can call it whatever you want but at some point your taco eating, burro fucking ancestors fucked/got raped by your bike stealing watermelon eating ancestors and the result is you, a shitskinned, low i.q., disgusting turd of a being.

U got a boyfriend?

i've been trying to get my dick wet for a while, i'm just worried about after finishing, ide have to let the other guy do the same to me. Don't have a problem with fucking a dude, but i'm not too keen on having someone's dick in me. Is it a dick move to refuse?

Would you suck her penis?

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nice pic... whats your fav article of clothing you currently own? and whats a dream piece youd love to own someday

Maybe I'm too sensitve then idk, just irks me a little to see nigger everywhere I guess

What's your favourite board to visit outside of Sup Forums

opinions on mormons?

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Oh I'm dumb, I thought you were the guy asking which bands I liked telling me about his bands. Anyway I'll give them a listen.
I wouldn't care at all what sexually he claimed to be. If he said he was straight but was still trying to suck my dick or something I'd put the dots together in my head that he was trying out new things and wouldn't really question it.
Old people usually miss the point and say stuff like that, my guy. Be more like Nah. I say the wrong things I think.

Oh, cool.
You got a girlfriend vietnam?

Gay men tend to be frustrated with 'straight men' who consistently have sex with other men because they tend to hold themselves in a higher regard based on the title alone. There is a new term that came out awhile ago called 'msm', for straight men who have sex with other men but aren't gay.

On grindr we see guys who live entirely gay lifestyles but call themselves 'str8' and its just meant to say that they are masculine. It's retarded and offensive to queens (which, to be fair, are pretty annoying and should be shamed).

Not op
I want a mormon woman
I want to give her a titty suck and a pussy kiss and touch her fudge hole with my cummy worm

whatever bro. race mixing doesn't come into play until i knock up my white gf and we'd have like 2 or 3 racemixed children lol

>2 or 3 racemixed children
Disgusting. Lowering the i.q. of the general population once again.