Life sucks

life sucks
how can i feel happy for a sec
or cope

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Drinking and music. Basically what I'm doing rn.

So, why are you sad? What is it in life you're upset over?

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The idea of being alive blows anyway. I’m ready for death.

music is key

OP, what genre of music do you like? I'll throw you some recommended songs to listen to rn

The smiths. The cure. Depech mode. Radiohead

I listen to metal, 90's rock, a little punk, a variety of electronic music, a little classic country, gothic rock/metal, and classic rock.

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Drinking or fucking. I prefer to do both but I always feel the same after. While I'm doing it, life's not so bad.

I don't think most doomers are fucking.

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Kys faggot


I get fleeting moments of happiness when I distract myself for awhile. Sometimes the weight is still too heavy, so it helps to have something like alcohol to help you forget

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>life sucks
>how can i feel happy for a sec
>or cope

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Knowing the context of soyboys, that pic makes no sense.

Stoppp pooioooooosssssssssstrtttttr5555ijnbbbggggggggggg this

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fuck bitches get money


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Do heroin pussy

>Knowing the context of soyboys, that pic makes no sense.

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Even soys are superior to you. You're just a retard.

Stop overstimulating yourself
>Time spent on computer
>Time spent on video games

Find Your Own Meaning to life, or not. Realize what's important, take risks, but not unless they're worth it. Realize you will fail, fail anyway, get back up and keep trying. Accept your death and embrace life for what it is.

cut your arm

Nice aesthetic pussy. Another night alone listening to The Smiths and sobbing into the pillow because my sick music taste don't bring in the bitches