Dubs decides when I flush my toilet. Been going on 2 days now

Dubs decides when I flush my toilet. Been going on 2 days now.

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Roll. When you transfer me $10,000 USD

1 month from now


Next decade


Wait a year and take pictures daily. Continue to piss and shit in it.


Roll. You disgust me OP.

2 years from now on this exact day. Take pics for proof

On march 1st 2020

Next july

Eat it


And don't forget to thank me later


Eat ass

Depends if you are male or female. If female, never flush and never use a toilet again. Piss and shit on the floor, seats, stairs, elevators, etc. But never again in a toilet. You may shit in a urinal once a week though.

If male, flush it immediately.

July 4th to be exact

Grab a cup and manually empty the water in your bathtub. Use no gloves.

OP Here. You have my word. I will post weekly sometimes monthly updates for you Sup Forumsros

Naaaah this isnt going to be cool. Im going back to pol, you dirty Sup Forumsastards

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