So, I guess this guy is a cheating, wife beating alcoholic piece of shit and also a tinfoil hat wearing schizo?

So, I guess this guy is a cheating, wife beating alcoholic piece of shit and also a tinfoil hat wearing schizo?

He's totally discredited at this point. The fans are turning on him. Long story short, he's a piece of shit, so everything he's ever said is worthless.

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Other urls found in this thread:

...who ?


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nobody cares about your YouTube stars faggot school starts in 3 weeks.

Tyler from a youtube channel called SecureTeam10. He's been posting UFO footage for years, literally hundreds of videos, but uh I don't know the whole story, apparently he got drunk and crashed his car after beating up his girlfriend. And he's been raving like a lunatic about how the government is following him and messing up his life.

And why should you, or us care user ?

Um, user, Tyler is the subject of this thread.

Why would you comment on a subject you don't care about...? I'm lost.

do you think he really did those things? he said he was setup and people known him to not drink and drive especially for some one who has been in a motorcycle accident. are you buying into the fact that he was not setup and is possibly a pos? he even said his gf wife will make a video saying he never even touched her.

I used to watch his videos but then they got less and less and he'd go away for a month or more at a time then come back but with some dramatic "I'm coming back!" bullshit. I got tired of it and stopped watching him and unsubscribed over a year ago. Fuck Tyler and his bullshit.

I think it's plausible that he was set up.
People in this thread are gonna tear me apart and call me a retard but yes, I think Tyler's side of the story is plausible.
We all know how easy it can be to destroy someone's reputation with a few carefully placed lies. Given the subject materiel of his videos, it would logically seem the US government would have an interest in shutting him up.

i agree.

Wow dickhead, sounds like you're just greedy for content and demand a lot of your little youtube subscriptions. Give them a break. It's not their responsibility to put on a clown suit and keep you entertained.

He posted this shit yesterday:

"I've been set up" ... wtf ever.

Reddit is talking about him.

You're a sheep. Go fuck yourself.

He fucked you and now you're salty?

He means this thread is entirely pointless, numbnuts.

Are you upset?

look how many youtubers you know with 2 mill subs and tries to uncover the "truth". it has been known that once these ufo/conspiracy theorist reach a certain point. some one will eventually start to notice and would want you to be silenced. at first it was just ufo videos then he started doing conspiracy shit and now with a big base and alot of eyes he will probably get Alex jonesd.

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Uh-huh and what does matter? In your opinion

This is not a get thread. Use my comment to roll.

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He got hooked on Oxy etc after his bike crash. He talks shit a lot.

well he did say he is taking anti depressants. that shit can do all sorts of things to you.



>888888888 get

What do mean?? At 2.1 million subs hes making bank on youtube


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How much money do you think is "making bank"?

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He is a dumbass that believed the world governments are hiding the hollow Moon yet at the same time were allowing private companies to mine the Moon which makes no sense when he said it was hollowed in the first place.

It's BS. The guy is stupid or a con man that has stupid followers who pay for his low quality content.

This? You think this is a lot of money? Okay, then.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-12-28 secureteam10's YouTube Stats (Summary Profile) - Social Blade Stats.png (350x126, 5K)

Wow, everyone is really attacking this guy.

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why is trump building a space force?

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He's a scumbag and it's FINALLY coming to light.
So it any wonder??

No idea who this is.
Not interested enough to look up.

Don't know who this child is nor do I care. I infer that you are also a child. What's the purpose of white knighting?

For being a pos that only puts in one video a month of shit that isn't even his ya

gets called out for being a faggot

faggot summer response

Vete a la mierda, imbécil.

No nos interesan tus Youtubers.

sage goes in all fields

I just wanted to post this reply to say I'm not posting a reply.

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What the fuck is your problem?

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