How do you cope with the loneliness?

How do you cope with the loneliness?

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I enjoy loneliness. Interaction with other people tires and annoys me.

i don't even need to. just get to that point first where you're not worried about it anymore, that's step one.

You cut steel with that edge?

Over time, one learns to tolerate it. Alcohol helps.

>being an introvert is edgy
Sure, buddy.

Don't sweat it. As you get older you'll find that you aren't constantly surrounded by peers or friend like in high school college or beyond. It helps develop your singularity. Build what you stand for, set your morals. Just don't spend too much time by yourself or you'll start to forget how to interact with people and that will make it difficult to maintain relationships

Make a positive relationship with your self and others will want to be a part of it. Usually ...unless you are toxic or don't shower etc...

Not very well I'll fuckin tell ya that


When you are younger its harder to deal with. Promise gets a lot better. I would encourage things like:
>studying topics
>go to school for a skilled job not a bs lin arts degree
>a job
>get outside

let yourself feel, fam. try to keep a few good friends around. fight your hermitly habits. go to the bar or a tabletop game meet or a cars and coffee or something else based on your interests. getting comfortable with the loneliness is the worst thing you can do. at the very least you have us, user

I'm older, successful professional career, hobbies, studying something interesting. Incredibly lonely and but happy about it. But good on you though for making it work

I'm lonely to, op and I just want to die but will sleep on it.

>How do you cope with the loneliness?
By embracing it.

Seriously. I love feeling alone.

I was raised differently than most, so I honestly just dont get lonely. I'd make a decent hermit. Any of you who are able to suffer from deep lonliness, how did you grow up?

Get crossfaded and jerk off to pics of ex GFs. It's not healthy at all, but it is what I do.

That’s not loneliness- that’s solitude. There’s a big difference.

Then I simply don't feel loneliness.

Ten years ago, I couldn't. It was summer and I was in the roof of an apartment in the capital city when I realized how lonely I was. At that time I was courting a nice chick, a cellist, and I sent her a little poem by MSM, and she didn't answer.

In December of that year I lost my virginity yo the first girl I ever asked to be my gf. Ten years ago, and she's still with me.

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Yeah, and no women deserve you. What a wanker.

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If you resent the loneliness, then obviously you go out and meet people. You won't like them all, and you won't be buddies with them all, some of them you'll even find really annoying. Keep in touch with the nice ones, lose the morons that's it.
All in all life is what you make of it; if you don't want to be lonely then don't be.

That being said, if you simply maintain minimum social interaction in your life by, say, having a job, youmight find that it's enough for you and see being alone as privacy rather than loneliness.

Either way, it's a choice and a course of action YOU have to take.