Is there anything more low-test and soi than this?

Is there anything more low-test and soi than this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

yeah, fascists

So, still Antifa then? Thanks for validating my point. I agree.

Idiot, Antifa are actually the fascists... they're just to stupid to know it.

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Do you not understand what the word fascist means? Violence doesn’t = fascism. Literally a two second google search would be enough to show you how stupid of a thing what you said is.

Any form of Authoritarianism or forcible suppression of opposition (Antifa trying to eliminate people; particularly white people they disagree with and calling them Nazis) is 'Fascism'.

Hai guis look how I can make up definitions for words cause I have a 5th grade education

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A scared cowardliness ape will attack out of fear.

Plus it's called pack mentality

Don't get mad because your actions and your attempt to guilt-trip people by pulling the fake race and Nazi card, and aren't willing to listen to any opposing views otherwise you're a "Nazi" reflects the actual definition of a Fascist'.

Literally not what fascism is. Fascism requires a structured authoritarian actor that antifa’s decentralized system lacks.

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So you think if nazism was decentralized it wouldn’t be fascism anymore?

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Violence is the ultimate form of power that we have. Antifa basically are trying to use that kind of power which shouldn't be used in our democratic society's in an attempt to make political change. That is authoritarian.

Except it doesn’t. Jesus H. Christ—can’t any of you all do the minimum here and Google a fucking word.

No matter how hard you incel larp, Antifa will still remain an ideology, not an organisation with a hierarchy and rules and leaders like the proudqueens or analwaffen.

Antifa is not responsible for the actions of individual members, or people claiming affiliation or shared ideals.

Antifa has been around for over 100 years now, and will always be there to kick the shit out of you for being a fascist cunt. There are far more of us than there will ever be of you, scary living in the dark right? Stay mad.

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"Antifa is the real fascists"

So then you're saying that you're anti-fascist, correct????

NAZI'S were socialists.
Here is the historic definition for NAZI
A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party."

"My wife's boyfriend will find my witty response funny!"

Hey guis I think putting words in quotes makes me look intelligent even though my iq is so low I can’t tell how retarded I am

You can self prescribe any term for your self it is your actions who actually determine who you.. just like how most liberals of today do not match the definition and that's because they label them selves liberal when they're really little socialist retards

Yeah, remember when Antifa politely disagreed with someone instead of just calling them a Nazi or a racist because they disagreed? Hmm...

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Yes and Federal Express must be a part of the federal government because you know that's how words work.

So you're anti-fascist then?

>Conflating capacity for rote violence with bravery
This fucking third grader...

Except you getting your holocaust denial cringelord channel banned from youtube is not censorship #snowflake.

Youtube is a privately owned site, owned by Brin and Page, and others. They think you are a bit of a cunt and don't want to host your bullshit in their backyard.

Memba fuck your feelings? Turns out it wasn't just for the left. No one cares that you FEEL you should be able to spread your vile filth on other people's sites.

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Oh is this an anti-violence stance on Sup Forums all of a sudden?

Didn't know y'all became pacifists all of a sudden.

I really can't think of anything other than actual women in general, or perhaps some low tier species of animal such as a rabbit or something.

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That video is not real. That's a Jew larping as a nazi.

How the fuck are Antifa facist?

Fuck off you alt right cunt

Fucking Kek

So you're against the fascists then?

They certainly were, if by socialism you mean invading all your neighbours and stealing all their shit to redistribute the wealth for yourself and your pals.

Is the Gulag Archipelago worth the read?
I assume you've read the author's best-known work since you're quoting him.
And if you haven't then you should, of course, fucking kill yourself.


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god gave men and women test and est

john moses browning made them equal

come at me OP


Every seating chart of the Reichstag, before the Nazis took complete control, will show the Communists and Social Democrats sitting on the left with the nazis and nationalists sitting on the right.

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Cool alt-story bro.

That video is confirmed by media and police reports and multiple witnesses.

I'm against all authoritarianism. It isn't something that belongs to either the right or left. That's why a political compass has four quadrants - The X axis representing right and left, and the Y axis representing authoritarianism versus libertarianism

Yes, pretty much the opposite side of Antifa. Far more faggots there.

There is most definitely a structured leadership and hierarchy that makes up the antifacist movements. I personally went along with a few people I know to antifacist gigs and protests as in infiltrator (it was too easy) and discovered that arrangements are supported financially by business and landowners with enough spare cash to influence people on a sheer power trip basis. Interesting to know was it that these well off folk where often the kind that travel to overseas tax havens and have local elected officials in their pockets. They exploited the need for funding by political wannabes by supporting policies and business that the politician favoured. They garnered support for theirs and their own activities by enabling the common folk to address their anguish at whatever issue took priority in the local area. Often antifacist folk in my corner of the world are concerned by privatised rural planning and generation, environmental affairs and social support for their lower class selves.


No it fucking isn't you liar. It's a fat Jew pretending that he's a Nazi and fyi I've beaten up 6 niggers in Buffalo New York and there are tons of videos of white guys beating up blacks online.

What's the evidence that it's real?

Yes, but these platforms are gaining the benefits of being both a publisher and a platform.
If they want, like YouTube does, to shift copyright disputes onto the publisher then they should operate like a public platform and not remove content based on politics. If they want to do that they should be a publisher where they are responsible purely for the content on their site.

You make a compelling argument

and furthermore, nazism/fascism is of course right. The central hallmark of socialist countries is of course state control of industry (seizing the means of production yada yada) economy of Germany under nazi leadership was staunchly opposed to communists and privatized many state owned industries.

I do not agree with you

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soi? you mean like...

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Literally the dumbest argument ever. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is neither a democracy or a republic—the only true part of that statement is that it is the Congo. So, try again, because self identification is not a great argument.

Wicked people often win without scruples in their way

You need to be at least 14 to post on this site son.

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Police confirmed that a man went around wearing a swastika armband and challenging people to fistfights. What evidence do you have that this is a Jewish false flag, as you claimed?

You alt-sharts just weren't made for the real world were you?

Will you die of stravation when your 700lb mother/feeder dies? Or is there some kind of group home they can send you to?

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Go the fuck away to pol faggot.

There's a new FAQ at the top of the page, try it out and then come back to this page.

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It has nothing to do with politics. Politics is related to social and geopolitical issues, and differences in which candidates and parties to support.

Spreading misinformation and lies, whether blatantly or through ignorance, is not the sort of bullshit other people need to tolerate.

Just like no one should have to put up with your shitty unvaccinated kids keeping diseases from being extinct because of your feelings.

Go build your own school for your own kids, go build your own platform for your shitty views.

You know what freedom of speech is? It's being able to go stand on a soapbox in a public park and share your shit without being shot. Go do that.

Hoax story
Post your 4 inch Asian penis Tenda

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If your using violence to stop those wicked people, I'd rather have those wicked people win.

They need to defeat those wicked people using the democratic system that's in place, not by fighting in the streets

That's cute almost double hitler. Only I fuck my wife. She does understand that I might fuck other women though, as long as she doesn't have to know about it. She's ginger too, you jelly?

And people reported Jussie Smollet's story as fact too.

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i love race mixing
this is good
please continue

OP's dick.

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Fuck off. You are faggot, you are racist, you are sexist, you are homophobic. Get the fuck out, fucker. Stop acting like a cunty. You wanna play this game? Play better.

The one that rigs the primary elections?

you are sexy
if you two did it again please review it..cheers..more to

>you are a faggot
>you are homophobic

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If they can pass a law that abortions cause cancer, or that a buttstock is a gun, or that pot is more addictive than crack, or a tattoo is rape or that that porn is more dangerous than cigarettes they can easily pass a law saying fetuses are babies
Laws help the rich profit from the poor. They have nothing to do with reality or truth or guilt or innocence.

There are so many laws that the average American now accidentally commits 3 felonies per day young thug.
America has become a nation of criminals
And we already know thug lives don't matter...

>You should just politely disagree with my anti semitism/holocaust denial/hitler worship/homophobia/zenophobia/misogyny/foreign collusion etc...

The left are mean! My fee fees! wahh!

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I feel bad for you, trying so hard to make sense of a world full of confusion. You can do it, little chipmunk

>body shaming
>Antifatard conducting in actions they claim to be against.
That's pretty sweet. Antifa hypocritically showing where their true colors lie.

Says the faggot chink micropenos

>I should just be allowed to bully, abuse, and torment anyone who doesn't think like me
How very Fascist of you. :)

>implying I give a shit.
go cover your car in some fuckin bumper stickers.

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Will do, hypocrite. :)

Lol that weak ass punch didn't even do shit.

So fragile. Who paid you to shill here? Why are you so afraid of Fascism?
If Fascists are weak and low T, then you should just leave them to die, right?

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If people want to discuss conspiracy theories on facebook then why wouldn't they. Are you really wanting these few CEO's at Google, Twitter and Facebook tell you what can are can't be discussed?

You can't factually check what people are saying online, just like you can't on the street. It shouldn't be up to those publishers to tell you what is a fact or not.
People should be free enough to be stupid with their own lives, people not giving their kids vaccinations is not something that Zuckerberg should have to be held accountable for because it should be an open platform.

This idea of opening your own school or media platform is the road to radicalisation. People with extreme opinions on Twitter are likely to be exposed to other opinions but not if they have their own forum that is disconnected from everything else

Make sure you put them everywhere on the rear of your car, and don't forget the one about socialists running out of other people's money. Just project your thoughts onto your F-150.

...little paws protecting his ears from the media’s lies, he tilts his striped head back to shout at the sky in defiance. “Faggot chink micropenos” he chitters, confident in his victory

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Because again, Facebook is someone's personal property that they are sharing with (you) In that particular case the zuck and his shareholders.

I guess you should be able to tell him what he has to do with his own personal property? What are you? Some kind of filthy commie?

Go start your own altard sharing platform, that's how capitalism works when you don't like something. Go hang out with Big Gav at his far right subscription only digital clubhouse.

There you go again with your feelings. Just because you FEEL that measles and the black plague should be fostered and not eradicated, doesn't mean the rest of us need to deal with your stupid shit.

Fuck off and die of smallpox. Oh that's right, you can't because we eradicated it with vaccines.

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Every nigger I have fought in a street fight I have destroyed. Why is it that you have a problem with white people being proud of our race but you don't mind niggers and everyone else being proud of theirs?

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I'm not in the US, but if there's corruption in the party then use your energy to move votes to a better alternative or party reform. Violence and Revolution won't achieve that.

triggered soyboi detected

Donald Trump is a Jew lover you retard and yes World War 2 was retarded and the "Nazis" were the good guys. Do you understand that Donald Trump literally loves Jews you retard?

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