Wait, so why does everyone hate the newest Star Wars film? I liked it. What do people not like about it?

Wait, so why does everyone hate the newest Star Wars film? I liked it. What do people not like about it?

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If you don't know then congratulations, you're the normie retard it was made for.

It was fine if you wanted just another dumb action movie, but the plot is rushed and it also has the baggage of the previous movie which it is obviously trying to ret-con. And then there are all of the lore reasons to hate it...

>Rey get's it all the movie.

Rey has no flaws, she is one of the most powerful characters ever put on film and this movie did nothing to correct that, in fact they doubled down on it. Luke had an arm chopped off, got his ass handed to him by Vader. Anakin had an arm chopped off, and was burned alive

>>Mary Sue

Fuckin' Ewoks.

Yeah, but they didn't grow up on a rough desert plant like she did... Oh wait...

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Except for the fact that she needed all the Jedi's powers to win at the end?

There wasn't anything wrong except for the fact that Ben died and redditors and tumblerinas cant schlick over him now. It was actually a pretty decent love story.

My only gripe is the Knights of Ren shouldn't have gotten rekt so bad.

I had the same gripes. I feel like a lot of the criticisms are from edgelords who were not going to be satisfied with anything, anyway.

People forget that these movies have to be for kids too. It’s 40 year old neck beards who want now want mass murder scenes like an HBO series that are disappointed.

Its not going to win an Oscar but it was a good Star Wars movie.

It was obviously made for morons, but hey, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


No nude scenes

Just saw it
It was pretty good, tbh. I can see certain flaws in it, and lore wise, yeah it could be an issue.
‘The Force’ was way overused - it became magic and used to explain or get out of any difficulty, including death. And why did no one think to armour plate the weak spot on the Star Destroyers which meant that the whole thing could be destroyed with a single blast?
But overall 8/10

Yeah gotta agree here, the demographic has moved from neckbeards to normies and kids. Neckbeards don't make money like they used too and Disney knows it.

Not a heap wrong with the movie.

If you like Star Wars then its a good movie.
If you hate Star Wars then its a bad movie.

Way too many cliches

c3p0 can't tell people what the dagger says
>naw, he can at the cost of his memory

c3p0 having a chance to be heroic by sacrificing his memory for his friends
>immediately gets memory back, didn't matter at all

Oh no... chewie dies?
>just kidding, he was on a different ship

Leia distracts kylo for some really specific reason
>nope, and she dies too because why the fuck not

Rey kills kylo from the distraction?
>naw, she just heals him right after stabbing him, jk no homo

"No ships will come to help"
>a shit ton of ships come to help
>double fuck off, Palpatine can shoot fucking lightning at all the ships, rendering them all useless for no fucking reason, because why the fuck not

All the ships have death star beams to fuck up planets and this is very important to the story
>doesn't fucking help nor matter

Kylo was killed by Palpatine?
>naw, he's fine...

Oh shit Rey was killed by Palpatine?
>jk Kylo heals her

So, Rey and Kylo both survived?
>na healing Rey killed kylo for no god damn reason, and he did it for no good god damn reason

Palpatines plan was to get Kylo to bring Rey to him?
>naw it was to get Rey to kill him for reasons...
>double nope, it was to get Kylo and Rey in the same room to suck them both off

Finn has something to say to Rey
>jk go fuck yourself

Rey says she's a skywalker
>she isn't

MacGuffin to find the bad guy?
>naw, get on my level, it takes a MacGuffin to find the MacGuffin to find the bad guy

The whole thing stinks of lazy and poor writing.

Bcz i'm not gonna let disney rape my asshole a third time

it would've been better if JJ could've done all 3 films cause he really had to pick up the shit that rian johnson made

"Im the spy."
Hux dies 2 minutes later

How the fuck did Ben get to Exogol on a TIE Fighter with no hyperdrive or coordinates?

>she needed all the Jedi's powers to win at the end?

The fact that she gets all the jedis powers because despite being a monotone boring flat as fuck character shes so perfect she CAN wield all of them

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Because it's safe, by the numbers actioner. Lore is been taken to a retarded directions, three plot twists happen every 30 second making none of them breath. And in a panicky move the film goes out of it's way to retcon previous film, because since this the last film Abrams was all balls and thought "eh, fuck it". As troubled and narratively weak as the Last Jedi was, at least it tried to save us from the obnoxius fan theories. Well here's Abrams to the rescue, Rey is super special and fans are validated. As a reward the film most likely gets added into the ring theory and based on Lando's dick established in Solo, a theory is made how Lando was a secret jedi master all along.

> space horses galloping across a Star Destroyers hull....

just bank the fucking thing.
it's a spaceship, right? surely just banking the thing so that they all fall the fuck off isn't beyond a spaceship, right?

> LOL everyone in the Empire is a fucking retard and cannot think of this... at all.
Rebels win.

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Dothrakis in space

I hate Jar Jar Binks

I need to lick her asshole clean

>It was actually a pretty decent love story
When exactly did she fall in love with him? The first time they met, he paralyzed and tortured her. The next time she saw him, he murdered her father figure right in front of her. After that, he tried to kill her and her only friend. And then inexplicably halfway through TLJ she suddenly has the hots for him. This is some Tumblr-tier Twilight fanfiction and you know it.

Get in line.

It had hinted romance since the force awakens.

Daisy Ridley never got nude. Such a bummer especially in 3D. I was hoping for at least a little nipslip from Rey

My take is, I don't think they thought the story through enough and this last movie, like all trilogy ending movies, had to provide answers and live up to all of the hype that the two previous movies build up, and just couldn't because the story just isn't great.
Having said that, I think these trilogy had a lot of good things and they were really fun.

Ps. U have to keep in mind that the target audience for this movies was never the intellectual questioning adult, so the movies were never great plot wise because they always tried to make it reachable for little kids, ever since the original trilogy

I just gave three examples from that movie of why she should have every reason to hate him. Again, tell me, when did the romance begin? Because it sure as fuck wasn't in that movie, it was just a Twilight fan theory that the perfect amazing flawless female MC should redeem the manipulative bad boy with her magic vagina.

You must be fun at parties

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Im glad I’m not the only person that thought the love story was fucking stupid

That romance was completely ridiculous, should have ended with a hug at best, they tried to make the movie unexpected in the most lazy way possible

I'm not even going to watch it, everything I've seen past the original trilogy has just been a cash grab and a slap in the face. It's all terrible writing that contradicts existing canon, I hate what they've done to it.

I disagree. I think JJ knew (and really had no choice, given he was forced to follow Rian) that the soccer mom normies wanted to see the perfect angel and the school shooter end up together. I don't know a single person who called that romance unexpected. Fucking stupid, yes, but predictable from a mile away. You're right that it was the laziest thing he could have done though.


whats the next trilogy about? I hope Rey starts a new Jedi training school. maybe the villain could be Darth Maul's great grandson through Anakin's mother. god that would be so cool. soooooo cool

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It’s not floating on water you mufftard nor is it flying quickly through the air. Get some fucking physics.

> there is a cut together montage of the new films
> this lasts 15seconds
> suddenly, Luke Skywalker wakes up in bed next to Mara Jade
> he is sweating and visibly distressed
> Mara wakes up and sees that Luke is in a bad way
> "What's wrong?" she asks
> Luke looks over at her, pauses, then says, "I just had the most horrible dream"
> Mara comforts Luke, they lie back down and the picture fades to black
> Opening crawl starts: Grand Admiral Thrawn returns!

Star Wars is good again.

I meant that JJ made that kiss happen in the quest for trying to make something unexpected but completely failed, I agree that it was predictable

tbh I was surprised that they returned to it. I was hoping that they would have ditched it after Rey tried to usr it in TLJ only for it not to work and Kylo calling her a fucking idiot for believing it would

> spaceships can't turn, bank and roll without having to have forward motion as space is a fucking vacuum

do some physics research mufftard

not even a single appearance the entire film. worse tease than the Joker from Suicide Squad to be tbh

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I was kinda thinking of checking it out, but pretty leery after last few.......but seeing that....space horses?.....fucking space horses.....naw...i can't suspend that level of disbelief.


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My thoughts exactly. My advice would be for dumbass companies to quite taking invest capital from investment banks that want to push all this woke garbage. Nobody likes it especially the hardcore fans.

>it's already made a hefty profit
tbh, that's all that disney really cares about.
it gives zero shits about how good the story is.
it knows people will still pay just to find out how shitty it could be.

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It's almost like men can take a tragedy and women need to feel powerful more than ever because of how hopelessly stupid and powerless they get when they angry.
Watch "change my mind" on YouTube: triggered screaming everywhere, not noticing they are hurting their cause by being an unaware liability.

Engineers maintaining craft structure daily
Avoiding freshly pooped manure on high traffic walkways
Sounds legit to me