So I took a shit today and found a bunch of chunks in it. Idk if I got worms or something but I’m freaking out

So I took a shit today and found a bunch of chunks in it. Idk if I got worms or something but I’m freaking out.
Pic related. It’s my poop

Attached: C7BBD3B6-7168-4FA1-AC91-DF192C979088.jpg (4032x3024, 1.68M)

Go see a doctor

Looks like too much of the gay bumsex there fella.

You b/tard that's undigested citrus fruit
What the fuck did you eat in the last 48 hours
List that shit

Been thinking about that. Just won’t be back home for another week. But today I shit 9 times. 6 of which were full sized poops but no floating chunks in it like just now. :(
Anybody else have this happen?

it looks like you hollowed out the inside of a pickle and tossed it in your toilet

You pussy, try shitting solid salad leaves (constant drinking and eatnig salads leads to digestive problems, go figure)
>pic related, the bowl looked like that

Attached: 1200px-Forest-floor076[1].jpg (1200x900, 459K)

I’d be freaking out too man, looks like some kind of parasitic tape worm.
Set fire to asshole.

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man, eat a bettter balanced diet. get some real fiber. if in 3 days it's the same consider being concerned.

i bet you're almost 30. start eating better.

Holy shit. I did just eat an orange earlier. U think that’s it? Thanks Sup Forumsro
Ate some dodgy Chinese food too

>9 times
boy, get off Sup Forums and see a doctor already. no matter where u are

this, likely grapefruit or orange...

If you didn't eat anything of the sort, it might be ass aids and you should an hero

Yes and the 9 shits you took before this got it out.
Eat better
More fiber

Actually I’m 23 and eat balanced meals every meal. Don’t eat fried foods or anything like that and I keep an active life style. Which is why this concerned me so much

Ok good
Don't sweat it
You're just passing it fast then
Might have a stomach bug of some sort
Or the grease from the Chinese food
We got chu b/ro

Not OP, but had to say you’re a nice man. Stay real.

OP are oatmeal and shat out the fibrous indigestible bits

yo man it seems hidatidosis, go check a doctor, i'm a doctor, you are basically shitting worms, probably gonna have your liver full of them.

do you live in a rural place? like have near dogs or sheeps?

go to the doctor

>Eat better
>More fiber
TBH, whole citrus fruit is pretty decent fibre. Hence why it survived the digestion.

MD here.
Without lab tests the only true way to tell is to taste it.
If it tasts bitter then you probably have a parasitic infection.

aww snap. rest in peace OP.

user knows what he is talking about, hopefully you didn't flush it.

you probably just got done having the worst GI issues of your life and your first meal after was a fruit lol

Damn I do live in a rural place actually

LOLLLL almost got me there

Did they blackmailed you to eat shit?

Where did u hide fellow Ray Pist?

See a doctor, Cleetus, before worms finish eating what remains of your liver.

Bro for real. Ur a good dude. OP here

it's true user where do you think the saying "eat shit" came from?
It's an insult saying that you have parasites.

then probably you ate something with fecal hidatidoisis of another animal incidentally and now you have it inside you, go check a doctor, ecography and fecal test

pic related, big hidatidosis in sheep shit

get well bro

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That's Candida parasites. Left untreated it could turn into cancer. Here's a cure for you:

Dissolve as much Himalayan pink salt into a liter of water as you possibly can. And then a little more for good measure. Put it in a 2L bottle.

Next you'll want to blend some kale into a fine slurry. Fill the rest of the bottle with this and let it ferment for about three days. You should be making more while you wait.

Drink the whole bottle, at least one a day. You'll shit your guts out. Don't worry, that's the intended effect. The pain and discomfort are part of the healing process. As you purge the Candida from your system, you'll not only clear out the parasites, but also cure anything else you might have going on.

This shit cures everything, from the common cold, to dysentery, cancer, autism, and the gay. If you've had any organ transplants, get rid of those, because you'll grow new organs. I've seen it regrow missing limbs. Just make sure to drink a bottle of this stuff every day.

It's obviously flesh-eating parasites. You need to immediately use a Sriracha enema to kill them off.

That’s just fiber from something like cabbage, not a big deal at all

DON'T DO THIS. The capsaicin in the sriracha will destroy your gut flora, allowing Candida to take over even after drinking the kale juice. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. The establishment even took my medical license because my protocol works too well and they can't sell expensive drugs to cured patients.

>9 shits in a day
Ah, yes
America: The Diet

Everytime I visit, I say goodbye to solid poo. Your diet, and your food with all the additives and force grown shit is awful. If you cough, you shit yourself. Literally, pissing out of your arse

Awww man... I miss Ray Pist

Your gut flora is out of balance. That’s fiber, but your gut flora isn’t healthy enough to feed on it. You most likely have candida overgrowth, and and the beginning stages of leaky gut syndrome. If your diet doesn’t change you will go on to develop an autoimmune disease like Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis or Multiple Sclerosis. Take care of yourself before you get an incurable disease.

Jilly juice huh?

>That’s fiber, but your gut flora isn’t healthy enough to feed on it.
Your gut doesn't "feed" on fibre, it is supposed to pass through. That's why it's so essential

lmao definitely citrus. First thing i thought too. Nigga had a christmas clementine party.

hahahaha! you're going to die

Prebiotics (high in fiber) help keep your gut healthy by feeding your good gut bacteria what they need to thrive. Gut bacteria love to feast on fiber, especially two kinds: Fructans are high-fiber natural carbs found in onions, garlic, wheat and other plant foods. ... Cellulose is the insoluble fiber your body can't digest. But either way, your microbiome needs lots of fiber to be healthy. If you’re seeing fiber go right through you without healthy looking stools then your microbiome isn’t healthy which can lead to a plethora of systemic health problems.

Its AIDS.. you gonna die sry bro

gut flora feeding on it doesn't negate that YOUR gut doesn't feed on it. Still, that's quibbling so fair enough I'll grant that one from here.
Yes, some fibres (some soluble fibres and fermentable insoluble fibres) are handled by bacteria etc, but a large proportion of even that will remain undigested though mechanically disrupted.
The undigested soluble fibres and the bulk, insoluble fibre is literally what holds your stools together, and necessary for removing older, residual fecal matter from the gut
(I've a gut disorder, fibre management is a major part of my life)

We're mostly on the same page so we can prbly leave the dietary science for another day now tho heh