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>only 5 posts
>already cracked me up
thanks, Sup Forums

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But... AH. It's MY sister, Grellum

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and yet again I cheer for the Joker. Go figure

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Never saw a child cause so many conservative tears.
You'd think she was important or a billionaire or something.

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Important to a billionaire piggy. Shes a valuable propaganda tool

To who? She's not leading anyone to do anything.
She made a child's speech and you're shitting everywhere and screaming.


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man they made her look liek a downy lmao.

>living inside our heads
>rent free

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can i ask a 100% serious question.... does this kid have down syndrome?

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So I understand why millionaires and billionaires don't like her. She is challenging the system that makes them money. Why do common people hate her?

Because she is the pawn of millionaires and billionaires. Both sides of the argument are being manipulated by greedy dishonest scum. One wants to get away with wrecking the planet that other wants to use that destruction as a tool to implement communism.


I just like the anti-Greta memes tbh. They're funny

Fucking priceless.

cringe. time to go back to bed little man.

Because a 16 year old girl telling people to recycle their shit is literally communism. It sure is a slippery slope.

How much did ((they)) pay you for this?

Underrated post


Because The Man told them to.

Agreed billionnaires behind her
She's their propaganda toool

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Tribute thread??

shes a vegan, lack of good nutrition has stunted her growth, physically and mentally

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Obvious shop, look at edge of the paper

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She literally has autism.
Google it if you're doubtful.

whoa, we have a data forensic specialist here

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imagine being so oblivious to the idea of a meme

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Oh look, a Gretafag.


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I'd laugh my ass off if she gets assassinated.

because you spend all your time looking at threads that are created with the intention of making you think she's ugly and unlikeable so you don't have to face the fact that you are also ugly and unlikeable

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They're just racist and homophobic and crazy people.

Voting for a Gretafag is only fair! Voting for a Gretafag is fun! Voting for a Gretafag is fair! Voting for a Gretafag is okay. Voting for a Gretafag is not okay

You're probably a climate denying retard, but this is still so fucking funny.

I bet deep down youre attracted to her. You probably fantasize about fucking her pussy.

how could this be ugly, she packs a fat ass dude

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Male Privilege

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She looks good only from behind.

non sequitur
nice trips

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I'd fuck that ass

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Wtf, no tits but an oversized ass at 16
I feel sorry for this potato already


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we have no way of knowing that it is true or not true.

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Nah, not my type dude, also I'm not a pedo.

- Same hair
- Same skin tone
- Same room possibly
- Same hair colour

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- said no honest hetero male ever

Yep, this one is real

>grabs your balls and squeezes HARD


Except this one has tits.

Goid way to stop her talking or you could ask her an unscripted question

Dont be rude to her. I love her

She is amazing :)

Didn't like how they did the joker.


You mean like Soros


Unfunny troll or complete fucking retard.
Complete fucking retard it is...

Imagine being triggered by a 16 year old girl.

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Lol. Then why are people following. What will they do when they findout she isn't leading them somewhere.

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Gollum doesn't deserve this.

What gas illgan been up to havent heard much about her for ages.

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might as well just wear a hat that says "I am an edgelord faggot"

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you actually do not understand what that word means

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Probably one if those fact cheekers. Telling me my jokes and nemes didnt happen.