Help, got a bitch pregnant

Help, got a bitch pregnant
she keeps crying
i tried to get her to figure our when her gestation thing is and she started crying again
i fuked up big time b

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Believe nothing that u hear and half of what you see

become gay

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i believe the snapchat of the instructions and results of her test Sup Forumsro

Go to Dollar Tree and buy 3 tests for $3. Have her take them in front of you. If they come back, make a clinic appointment for a blood test pregnancy test. Get her to put your name down as able to call and verify results.

Was she a virgin? If so marry her.

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thank you that makes alot o sense i wanna see it in person now
kek but nah

Whats the problem? Fuck her like she's a whore, extra rough, tell her she's about to get came in, and cum dump her while grunting like an animal. Paint that cervix real good. Pull it out then squeeze that last drop of cum out and feed it to her telling her she's a good girl. She'll love you forever. Tell her like a man that all the sperm your balls can churn out go in her fertile cunt from now on.

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yea haha

Is she white? Are you white?

she just asked me "what does love mean to you?"
how fucked am i

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get a paternity test when the things born at the very least. Paternity test before child support.

yes im white

Is she white? Post her tits.

>what does love mean to you?
Say something like, "love means commitment, years beyond when the infatuation wears off. I want a strong woman who will be good to me, but who also knows that I am the man in the relationship and realizes I must be the head of the family"

Gotta be 18 to post here bud

be honest w us op:
1) do you want this child?
2) do you think this child is yours?
3) are 100% sure she's pregnant? store bought pregnancy tests are not the same as going to a doctor and getting a blood test.
4) do you care about the woman you got pregnant?

It's a larp. No pics.

1 no
2 i really dont think shes been with anyone else she got the rod so i thought fuck it
3 she has not done a blood test yet, the second line was very vague but u could still definitely see it
4 not at all, she cares about me however

Post pic you larp.

Just bail
Change your name, your number and move. She can't make you daddy if she can't find you

In 6 weeks save up $400 for an abortion or push her down a long flight of stairs. Girls fall in love after sex. Men fall in love before sex and fall out after sex. Get a blow job next time and solve all these problems.

>Black man detected

shoulda stayed a loser bitch virgin like the rest of us

>Murder is a solution
OP isn't a murderer.

Buy a pack of cigs.

>Jerking off is murder

Sperm are not human life. The first day of your life was the first day your 23 pairs of chromosomes were formed to make you uniquely you, this is the day of conception.

Rather a nigger than pay child support

Then it's alright

>triggered the republican

Sperm are living cells all the same. Humans are living cells.

>spoken like a true black man

go to planned parenthood

Yes goy, go to the baby murder factory and sacrifice your own son to moloch.
*Rubs hands*
