Robert Pattinson is going to be dropped as Batman at the beginning of Jan (pending further screen tests)

Robert Pattinson is going to be dropped as Batman at the beginning of Jan (pending further screen tests)

He was given role based entirely on a recommendation by Christopher Nolan during the shooting of Tenet. Obviously Nolan is still very much a big player at Warner and consults (Nolan gave the green light to Zack Snyder because he loved his Dawn of the Dead remake)

Anyway, Nolan ended up hacking out shit loads of Robert Pattinson from his movie, Tenet, because his acting wasn’t working. As a result there have been major reshoots. As a result Warner Bros have gotten cold feet. At the beginning of December they fronted a load of cash to film as batch of screen tests with Pattinson. The last one shoots Jan 2nd. So far, they are unhappy and it’s looking very likely he will he dropped. Infact, he’s going to be dropped. It’s like 99% sure. Pretty sure he knows it too. Reeves will more than likely revert to his first / second choice.

I work for a production company involved In the Tenet reshoots and have a very close associate works at the Warner PR company.

I’m coked up and feel like dropping some gossip. No way this information can be traced back to me so who gives a shit.

Points to anyone who can guess who the replacement will be.

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Seth Rogan

No, lol.

But nice dubs

Pierce Brosnan

Top 3 guesses are......

3. A Hemsworth. Probably the other one.

2. Jake Gyhellenhall, Gillenahaal, Gillenhall....the guy from Spider-Man.

1. Bruce Wayne.

Jake G passed when Reeves approached him a loooooong time ago. Doesn’t do comic book shit.

He took up Marvels offer because Disney offered to front him a fuck load of cash to develop 2 of his own movies.

How many fucking batman and marvel and star wars movies do we need

Cocklord McFagface


Very close

Enough to saturate the market and tank the market value for super hero movies for decades to come. Why innovate when you can dig your fucking grave and lie down and die in it?

He will do what he’s fucking told or he’ll get what his slut sister got.

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A jar of my very own patented New Jersey ham canister clams?

If he’s very very lucky.

1. Ryan Gosling
2. Some asshole from GoT
3. Matt Damon

Idris Elba

A Chinese???



She doesn’t have the build nor the time since she started fucking your father behind your mums back. It’s really not his fault tho, your mums vagina is dryer than an arabs back pocket. Circle of life bro.



2009 called, it says you’re a cunt.