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what if i pray for jesus to get aids

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where do we begin...

Unironic believer here, ama

how gay and retarded are you from 9.9 - 10?

God is self-evident.

As is your faggotry

thats not a number dummy

You have to be 18 to post on this board guys.

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boomer detected

So we have to leave once we turn 19?

I thought this place seemed immature

no, i still want to fuck animals in the ass

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Yea right

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>Bow down to a middle-eastern of Hebrew and Aramaic dialect.
I think I'll pass, Rabbi.


Why haven't Abrahamists (Jews, Christfags, and Mudslimes) repented or apologized for all the cultural genocide and wars they've caused and instigated throughout?

I'm right with God

How come Jesus is made out to be the ultimate bro, he was the kindest, most charismatic guy around, helped everybody with his super powers, and sacrificed himself for the sake of humanity, basically he's like a real life Steven Universe, but then the rest of Christianity is so dogmatic?

I don't think Jesus wants you to "repent." Jesus wants you to be a good, honest person.

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>oH nO My SinS, i repent
Only if god exists

then why you are in Sup Forums?

bow down disco, I'm gonna take your heart away

to distract myself because I think too much and I use Sup Forums as a release for my anger, I can say anything to anyone. fuck you


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Damnit God, I said "I'm sorry," OK? I mean, how many times do I have to say? Jesus, get off my back.