Just saw The Rise of Skywalker. Opinion?

Just saw The Rise of Skywalker. Opinion?

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and what is your opinion?

Heard it was more dogshit than the last 2 dogshit movies, so wont be seeing this dogshit

Mostly trash. Better than the other 2 though.

i felt like rey’s acting ruined it. and ofc they disney’d it by making the plot unbelievably predictable. felt like i was watching a fucking marvel movie

Not a fan. TLJ derailed the series and they cobbled together this pice of junk.

Someone needs to explain how this is a part of a Skywalker saga yet it's the only trilogy with no Skywalker as primary protagonist.

Also is there any power this bitch doesn't have? Seriously they just keep giving her more and more as the plot gets more wild and they need to get her out of trouble. But God forbid she get help from anyone. Nope that wouldn't fit the feminist agenda. So fuck it let's invent something else no Jedi has ever done like teleport shit. Or fight via force Skype. Or fucking resurrectionists.

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Can't you create your own you weak willed limp wristed faggot?

One of the best movies i saw this year.

Our cinema just got the new DolbyAtmos system and the lightning effects in RoS were incredible.

Story was good, finished almost everything in the trilogie.


The fights between Rey and Kylo were so good. They really showed that they are equal and should be together.
The ending fights were amazing too.

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My opinion: it was better than expected. the sfx they used to get carrie fisher in the film were pretty damn good.

I cheered, I shouted, I fist-pumped the air. I cried, I stood and cheered.

Yeah that was better than I expected but still a bit messy.

honestly, I think a lot of the criticism is a bit harsh when it comes to this movie. My biggest criticism is that it clearly doesn't follow the previous movies in the slightest. also, they dumbed it down way too much for kids with all those small cute aliens. Also a lot of the dialogue was painfully shit. "I don't want you to win, I just need Kylo Ren to lose" was honestly the worst line in the film. Also I am mad that neither anakin nor Luke had an appearance.

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Luke made an appearance as a ghost essentially.

this is another thing. Rey was ridiculously overpowered. we have NEVER seen any other force user use force heal and yet she somehow learned it from Leia supposedly (seeing as Luke taught her nothing). she took zero damage during the film too and didn't really have any personal struggles to overcome. Sure she was worried about letting everyone down but *yawn*. Honestly, it would have been a far more satisfying ending if Rey had died and Kylo ren had survivied completing his character arc from evil back to good. Otherwise his entire arc and inner struggle was essentially pointless.

sorry, I meant Anakin and Obi Wan.

Obi Wan’s probably not relevant anymore.

Inner struggle of a non Skywalker too. Bloodlines and liniage has always been a big part of star wars and now it's just tossed out...

Also not a fan of the fact that the palpatine bloodline has now fully defeated and replaced the Skywalker bloodline...

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I have told people that the reason I am mad at the new SW saga is that when the original first came out it changed cinema and movies wanted to be like Star Wars.

Force Awakens was just a rehash of A New Hope

The Last Jedi was essentially a Star Trek movie or chase show

Rise of Skywalker also a piece of steaming shit was basically an avengers movie.

I liked them bringing back Wedge even for a second, but there is literally nothing that makes any kind of sense in the new trilogy with respect to the old.

i don't have one because i don't give a shit.

well Anakin definitely is.

yeh It would have made more sense if she had said her name was Rey Palpatine, that way the name's legacy of evil is over come and its now going to be associated with the forces of good. Also, you're right, the Skywalker family has noww just died out...

Disney really just didn't know how to continue the main saga. Force Awakens was decent and Rogue one was brilliant. But everything else they've produced was honestly horrific. I didn't think RoS was as bad as TLJ though.

He’s long gone now.

Why the hell is the emperor in this movie? Seriously it makes no sense. He spend the first 3 movies making his empire. The next 3 defending it. And then what? Fakes his own death for 30 years so he can do it all again? Why?

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The last Jedi is by far the worse of any of the 9 movies

Rogue One was a fantastic movie, I think that was in production before the mouse fully had its hooks in the franchise.

Visually stunning but the as usual script and directing seemed very rushed. Its a shame Disney has all the resources in the world and somehow mismanaged zeroing in a potential epic trilogy to finish it off. I still enjoyed it despite the pitfalls. I just enjoy the Star Wars universe too much.

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It had several neat scenes. None of which made any sense. Rey's force mediation showing her to be the best jedi evar, who immediately gets owned by a training droid. The sexual tension between finn/poe is undeniable, there are at least 2 scenes where there's an opportunity for a meaningful affectionate make out scene for them, but disney doesn't pull the trigger, can't risk losing those homophobic christian merchandising dollars, better shovel in a celebratory lesbian kiss scene at the end, between characters who are never even introduced. Also have to make sure to prove finn/poe are 2 straight bros by forcing 2 brand new love interests into the story for them, of course finn's is black because can't have no race mixing, despite finn trying to get that sweet white jedi pussy the whole film. Just garbage all around. At least they had rey murder chewie.

>they had rey murder chewie.
didnt watch it and probably never will but why did she kill bigfoot? just curious.

Go watch it
3po had memory erased

hm. no. ill just search through the spoilers then.

Hahaha spoiler alert he comes right back in the next because deus ex machina, they thought she blew up the ship he was on BUUUUT they had an exact copy second ship that magically no one noticed so it doesn't matter. THIS IS THE ACTUAL DIALOGUE FROM THE MOVIE.

I liked it as a standalone movie, quite fun, but as a part of a huge universe it makes no damn sense.

Stupid but fun I'd say.

see its never enough to just have fag characters, faggots always want more. It isnt enough to simply have representation. If you want them to do stuff go to pornhub.

this makes no sense at all...