Wanted to know what Sup Forums thinks of my cat. He wont let me move so I got bored

Wanted to know what Sup Forums thinks of my cat. He wont let me move so I got bored.

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he looks alright

I'll let him know you said so

how did he take it?

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He enjoyed the compliment, he thrives off of attention and tuna treats.


That's a nice kot to start my Caturday

9/10 would pet

gladly accepts the pets, happy Caturday

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give him a kiss and tell him I think he's wonderful ;;

his nose has been kissed and his ego has been emboldened

Purr purr purr

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im drawing a picture of him right now, he deserves it. how old is he and what is his name?

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His name is Lancelot and he'll be three in march. Also it's so sweet that you're drawing a picture of him :)))


LANCELOT. what a handsome man! is he a hoppy-hoppy cat, where he hops up to rub against your hand?

Looks like a good pal.

ayy lmeow

He's a grouch tbh he likes his alone time in the window until he decides he wants cuddles or chin scratches.
He is a good roommate

he sounds like our older cat. our youngest loves everyone and everything, but the older one hates everyone except my husband lol. cat tax, this is the younger one. his name is Little Man

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Little man is absolutely adorable! Send him my love!

Kinda small.

i will! he's sleeping on my husband's chair right now. here's a picture of Lancelot for you!

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That’s a really solid kitty, 9/10 would pet

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Great picture! We both love it! Thank you!!

He looks pretty based, I like his moustache


discord gg/UFypykP


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He's being cuddly and biting his nails like a heathen

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an absolute unit

HE'S NOT A HEATHEN, he's being clean! im glad you liked the draw! sorry it wasnt better quality, i havent drawn in a few days and i need to warm up

A true master piece and he bites them too deep sometimes and bleeds so i try to discourage it just so he doesn't get an infection in his nailbed or something.

Chonky boy

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you could try getting those little caps for his claws, but he might just chew them off. you might also try just putting a dab of a non-toxic bitterant on his claws so it discourages him from chewing them! goob, our older cat, has OCD, so he has a lot of ritualistic behaviors we have to deal with,

That's a good idea, thanks!