Dad thinks I dont know the combination to his safe but I do. 69 tells me what I do with his rifle

Dad thinks I dont know the combination to his safe but I do. 69 tells me what I do with his rifle.

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Kill Muslims and homeless people

kys on his bed and livestream it.

it's locked

shoot up a mall

shove the barrel up your ass and wait for him to come home.

Into pooper

Barrel in the butt and fire it

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Shoot your dad



Come on




mass shooting at local mall

this. do this. also livestream so we can see your dads reaction.

Kys. Maybe your dad learns from it.


Put it back and quit being a degenerate zoomer

Reroll. Let give user a good time.

shoot up a mall

Shoot the tires of your dad's car

Kill someone, choose the target


>moe stock
>carbine 16” barrel
>moe + 1913 + afg
>trigger lock
The whole this is garbage. Melt it down. And kys.

Nigga you don't even have the charger or the key of that lock.

the fact that there's a lock on it additionally to storing it in a safe is a sign that his dad is well aware about what a failure his son is

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Stop being a faggot and check em

shoot the kitchen up

>that means kill yourself.

Saw it.


Shoot your walls, but OP won't deliver anyway

Guess who found the fucking keys?

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kill yourself with it live on twitch and call it playing fortnite

Well that was a waste of 69

do a barrel roll

so uh... now what?

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I dont even need a timestamp you faggot nigger, shove it up your ass and wait for your dad to come home so he can see what a huge faggot you are.

Well, you still not having the charger anyways. Or do you?

Put it back

shoot ur baalls

Do a 360 no scope

Shove barrel up ass. Post with timestamp.


im not a yankie or a gun expert... and i know tou dont plug guns in the wall... so what do you mean by charger?


kill your fucking bullies. make them pay for making your life miserable

Take it to a police station and ask if they're feeling lucky.

shoot in a park


I’m guessing he’s talking about the magazine.

no, that means get a life and stop whoring attention from strangers who literally don't give a shit about you and never will. get your life together buddy

Appoint to your balls and take a photo

Shove it up your ass

Wrap the barrel in a rag, stick it under something heavy, and lift hard. Then put it back just as you found it.

Nothing if you don't have the key for that trigger lock.

Sit down in the living room, holding the rifle and wait for him to return. Then tell him you're a sissy faggot and want to kill yourself.

Kill your dad

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post stream link and kill self

Put it back and apologize to your Father you ungrateful little shit


Find the key, dumbass

shoot your neighbor

shoot self

Put it away

shoot a melon


Shoot a container full of explosives in a parking garage

reroll, u dont have to kill him just shoot him

put it up your but

so close, reroll

destroy all enemy insurgents




kill yourself on a stream

Appoint your dick with the gun loaded

boring but winnar

Cum on it and put it back




kill yourself of stream

>69 tells me what I do with his rifle

Put it back with a sticky note about how proud you that your dad is such a responsible gun owner.

Go point it at some cops

roll with the gun?

Roll? That makes no sense. Looking for the next 69.

Does that thing make Mashed Potatoes? I'm really kindof hungry for Mashed Potatoes.

op quit being a newfag.

Go walk in to Walmart with it

Ruin the kitchen

You literal retard. He was rolling for the post he replied to. And he got 69 so you have to do the post he replied to. Fuckwit.

cum inside

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and let it dry

Found the charger, fuck the gun and shoot your cock

Load it, stick it up your ass and pull the trigger.

Negative. "Roll" is the 69 post. That makes no god damn sense. Looking for the next 69.