What's your opinion on the homeless Sup Forums and should we do anything about them?

What's your opinion on the homeless Sup Forums and should we do anything about them?

Attached: 300px-HomelessParis_7032101.jpg (300x225, 28K)

My opinion is that we can't really do much about them.

The cheapest solution seems to be just free housing until they get their lives together, like they do in some European countries, Salt Lake City, etc.

All homeless people should be ground up and used as fertilizer for our produce

Direct result of closing down asylums in the US. That and also mass shootings. Many reasonable people, especially those that regularly deal with the severely mentally ill think shutting down asylums was a really stupid thing to do.

Has anyone here been homeless before?

oh yeah those lovely US asylums lmfao

kill them

Put them in prison

In my opinion it's a tragedy and something should be done to help them

eat the needy

yes, i survived by walking across the country {britbong} to a small town, camping out in the nearby forest and working cash in hand money until i got a real job. the hardest part was not being able to have a social life, it wasn't too bad. avoided the city i grew up in and now live in because of the dangers it presents homeless people and the crime.

truthfully, if they're a citizen of the countries government, they should be given 2 months to either start earning and planning for a home and the able bodied and minded enlisted in the military and the ones unable to, forced into rehab and then have the debt paid off like university payments.
i had only £100, the clothes on my back and the water, canned food and my legal documents in a backpack and i was able to start earning after a week. long-term homelessness is the result of a weak mind and or is a choice.

and if they're not a citizen, send them on the next cargo ship heading to their country, keep them detained with 1 meal a day until they're on the ship.

i forgot to add this part.

I used to be homeless temporarily
it sucked but while I was in that
situation I still worked and had to go
to school. So that being said I kind of
know what they’re going through. No
one helped me when I was homeless
and that allowed to me to get out of it

After getting it off it. Are you pretty well off now?

Do you think some people are stuck in being homeless with no chance? (Assuming they're in a first world country that's not shitistan)

Sometimes I do think about packing up a small bag and hitting the road, being a hobo.

Must be pretty freeing.

My opinion is divided by the three basic types:
1) The vast majority are druggies. Kill 'em. Kill with fire. Kill with prejudice.
2) Bankrupt due to circumstances beyond their control like an accident or medical condition, but they are willing and able to work: help them.
3) Mentally ill: Help establish a state-sponsored support system. They need to be taken care of.

no, you always have a choice. you can either sit on the street hoping that someone will give you money, preform for money or get your hands dirty and do some work.
my first real job while homeless was cleaning. i cleaned more toilets than i can remember. i could have easily said no to it like the majority of people would but i walked into every single toilet head up high and left the same.

chance isn't a thing when you're homeless, it's choice after choice. do you beg for money or do you work for it? do you buy alcohol or do you buy food? do you buy nice food or affordable food?

while homeless i drank from the forests river as well as from my bottles when i filled them up. i made the choice of drinking 2/3 fresh bottle water and 1/3 river to preserve my water, eventually them numbers switched. i mostly ate only canned beans, occasionally id buy fresh fruit. i made the choice of saving money by putting myself through that, it wasn't by chance that i did those things, i sat down and made that choice.

Or.. we grind up the obese people to make fertilizer and force the homeless to be slave labour on said fertilizer land. Their newly emptied fat people houses can be used for the next wave of fixable homeless or unlucky.

Slaughter them


Or that

First determine reason of homelessness and then proceed thru working for homeless people helping homeless people, basically have a national sponsored program that takes all homeless in but put them to work at some capacity from pencil pushers to grout layer some of them probably want to work some probably can’t, and everyone in between can do something that helps even picking up a phone or data entry shit for fed homeless program or make them part of the military group like national guard but less power like deputies of the national guard idk or just kill the backward asshat garbage homeless

I always be afraid to be an homeless and even today I'm scared to become one

that or a round them up and put a bullet in their heads out of mercy

kill the mentally ill as well