How you holding up user?

How you holding up user?

gonna try to respond to everyone unless you don’t want me to

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Drank almost a whole bottle of whisky last night because I got laid off from work unexpectedly. Tried to drive to mcdonalds drunk but my cousin stopped me, thank god.

I guess things could be worse.

what kinda work do you do?

Beers on my tab for everyone, lifes going alright

Paranoid im going to get fired from work for no reason, despite being one of the best performers and decently liked. I hate myself

Actually, for the past few days I've almost forgotten my depression. Though that's probably just because I've been either drunk and/or stoned constantly.

I'm sure reality will kick in after New years' when I have to sober up. Until then, imma enjoy getting fucked up. Cheers!

glad to hear that user

if your managers/coworkers don’t appreciate you even tho you’re one of the best employees, you’re probably better off somewhere else anyway. Not like you expected being there the rest of your life

I've gone skiing to the alps with my mom and a bunch of pretty cool people. My girlfriend didn't come. I feel fucking horrible. Every other person my age from our group of friends has their SO with them. I want to hit everyone over the head with a fucking ice pick.
Why am i such a miserable piece of shit Sup Forums?

Also, I need a top up on my Woodford Reserve. Make it a quadrouple please barman. One ice cube. Thanks.

Doing well, realised I need to stop sharing pics of my gf (no face or anything) as that's plain dirt and creepy. Spent today watching films and hanging out, realised how cute and innocent she is. This place messes with you.

Immediate fam Is going a bit nuts since we had a to bury one of us on this date.
Also it's my fucking birthday.
I'm broke and wasted on someone else's dollar.

Things could always be worse.

Other than a few health problems that I should probably have looked at, I'm generally not doing too bad. It's been worse.

Also I feel bad because this is my one of two remaining weeks of winter break from uni, which i fucking hate and would honestly rather kill myself than go back there. And I'm wasting this week by being a piece of shit in the alps away from all of my close friends.
life is shit, because I make it shit
I don't deserve to live Sup Forums

not op here.
Yeah stop posting her. not cool.
I used to do that with my ex and she was OK with it as a kink, we'll just call her Ruth.
I don't think it was the posting that did it but she broke up with me and now I'm Ruthless.

Lost over $70k playing poker this year. Broke. GF left me. Moved in with parents. Money is my biggest problem

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Cheer up everyone and have a beer. Don't sit around thinking about what sucks, you did that last year, heres to 2020

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ive had depression myself but i got out of that hole by meditating. try it sometime user. I’m glad everything’s good rn though

did she decide not to come or did you just not tell her about it?

ive been on Sup Forums for years and never done that. mostly because i’m protective and don’t want anyone even looking at her. but you should stop user. would you want your daughter’s bf doing that? This place sure is sick though

happy birthday user and i’m sorry for your loss. Think about it like this though user, once you hit rock bottom the only place to go from there is up.

same. glad to hear everything is relatively good though

I need 5 grand to get back into poker. Please help if possible. btc is best. I have no other options at this point. Anything would help.....

I work at a restaurant in a foreign country and I get 6€ per hour, minimum wage is 9,19€. But I cant do anything about it because I dont have papers..

Sad, alone. Best friend dropped me like a hot potato the beginning of the year, spiraled back into depression for the 3rd time and never recovered. I've beaten depression twice, its hard work, really hard, and I dont have any support, Iunno if I'm willing to go through getting over it again, things go wrong all the time, might as well just die.

Gf pic guy here, I will never post again

I need a new poker bankroll

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Where you from? It gets better mate.

Iunno man, shit just seems to go all wrong for me. My buds move on and find purpose in life, new friends etc.
All I get is a backstabber, I lose any passion for life I had, and admittedly score some bitcoin money but it doednt do anything for being depressed. I'm south american btw.

jesus user that’s a heavy loss. i’ll be honest i don’t even know what to say i’m sorry. Try getting some help for the addiction. I would help but i don’t have money like that and i don’t wanna fuel your addiction

if this is the same anime from ^ i suggest just getting a regular job. Maybe at a refinery or something. Making $20 an hr with basically no experience and you’ll be too busy to gamble

do they have the equivalent of a green card over there? thought about marrying a legal person? applied for citizenship?

once you hit rock bottom you can only go up. try meditating. believe me, it helps. It helped me quit my weed addiction and beat my depression

good stuff user. proud of ya

meant to say user not anime

pretty poor.
wife has been cheating on me, attempts to fix issues failed, because she continued to cheat on me. i think the only reason she wants to keep me around is because while we would both survive financially independently, it would be a struggle for us both.
all i feel right now is anger towards her, but i'm scared to leave.
i'm pissed because we had planned for me to quit my job and go to school, but now i have to keep my shitty job. my job doesn't leave me with any free time to find anything else, or go to school even part time.

i worry that without that job i wouldn't make enough doing anything else to support myself, or it would be a struggle.
my job would leave me very little free time to find a new GF, and i don't like being alone.
i think i want to quit my job and start doing OTR trucking, live nomadically and save money on rent. i imagine i could save a good amount of money driving a truck, with very little expenses, but again i fear i would be very much alone.

i think i would be insane to give her another chance, but to kick this can down the road a little would help.
give me time to really think, prepare, heal a little and then go.

no amount of convenience is worth being cucked, user. ditch the bitch

anxiety is a bitch.
talk to your boss, ask for a 5 minute performance review, ask him what you can improve. don't be afraid to ask them how you can be better.

sober gain
anxious and depressed
going to AA
spent the holidays with AA people

sad but better than being drunk

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Just waiting out death by old age cause I'm too afraid I'd fuck up suicide and Hawking myself. 38 now so I'm like halfway there

I wanna try a Moscow Turtle. You know how to make 'em?

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Tell us more user. I've had a very love/hate relationship with alcohol over the years. I've always daydreamed of giving it up, but never takn the leap. I think I should though. I'm a binge drinker.

not to be excessively negative but yeah just hold on and try to stay comfy, it's right around the corner at 38 especially if you smoke, drive fast ,etc

dont do it intentionally or you will in fact prob hawking yourself

it's raining outside now, i'm comfy

Okay, I keep get recurring feelings of emptiness, and I feel annoyed after every social interaction. Especially hanging out with friends, it's been going on for over a year and I don't know why.

based, ty

I would like to tell the person I like that I like them, but I don't see myself doing that in the near future.

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long story short is i fell in love with alcohol during college. im sure you know how good it feels, i don't need to describe it.

graduated college well, moved to tokyo, came back and went to grad school.

depression worsened, had no coping skills, got prescribed xanax which obviously i just washed down with booze

stopped wanting to live due to bad career prospects, girl problems, being drunk all the time. wound up in detox.

since then (2014) i've been trying to get sober and am very proud to say i have spent about 90% of the last 5 years sober.

you will be happier than you've ever been in your life if you quit, but you need to quit correctly. you need support, sober friends. not saying AA (although it works for me) but a sober life. not your old life just without alcohol

Thank you.

Yes, I plan to move house as soon as some other shit in my life is sorted and I can afford to. At that point I will be far enough away from all of my friends and bad habits.

At that point I am going to give up alcohol, weed and vidya and make my (currently very sporadic) yoga and meditation my priorities and daily activities.

you're making a good choice to better your life, man. im proud of you.

just remember, you're not quitting drinking or weed forever. just for today. just for today. take it easy, be GENTLE with yourself, and you can watch those "just todays" string together

Shoo! You useless pest, pretending to be two different people! Shoo!

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why tho? you're just torturing yourself. Express your feelings. You will get the person you want,or you will be able to move on to someone who shares a mutual feelings.

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No smoking and I drive pretty reasonably but been obese my whole life and drink pretty heavily so fingers crossed

better to be alone then in bad company. leaver her user. at the very least, fuck some different girls

you’re making progress and that’s all that matters. You might feel bad at the moment but later down the road you’ll thank yourself for not wasting your life away on alcohol

i want to die also. but not in a depressed way.Im just disappointed with how lost society is and right now i just want to live in the country somewhere by myself alone from everyone. I’m not counting down the days til i die but i’m definitely not scared. I also believe in the spiritual world and i believe there’s something better after this

no sorry user. is milk okay?

do what said

A couple of hours ago I saw my ex-gf. I think she saw me, too, and avoided me. That’s not a problem. What pisses me off is that I moved countries for this person. But it’s fine and I’m finally making new friends. Looking forward to NYE because I will go with one of the new friends to Berlin to a 24-hour rave. How are you, OP?

>once you hit rock bottom the only place to go from there is up.

Yeah that's partially true. I was clean for 8 months and kind of just gave up.
I need to get my shit together and try to work on a product idea I have.
Thanks bartender.

hope you have fun user. That sucks though i don’t think i could trust anyone that much to make that kind of sacrifice. good to know you’re meeting new people. Me personally im good. Not sad but not particularly happy either. I’ve stopped talking to everyone except my dad. Idk what’s happening to me but i just want to live somewhere in nature with a lot of animals. kind of tired of the city life and all the hoes, wannabe gangstas, people living fake lives on social media, etc. Thank you for asking

yeah a on it’s kind of a “mind over matter” kind of thing. when i first quit smoking weed it was all i ever thought about. but now i feel i could live the rest of my life without it. Best of luck

I just cracked open a brew. Cheers!